We have to suppose that the Wilshire 5000 – pretty much the total US Stock market – is striving to reach the lofty 24th Fibonacci sequence number of 46,368. Today’s close was about 800 points from that mark, a mere 1.75%.
The counts are adjusted to reach that goal of 43,368 and to better make sense of how an extended fifth wave works. Extended fifths only occur at the end of long trends and represent overreach and will lead to exhaustion. It is like running a 10K race and you find out near the end it has been extended to a 20K race. You have done 20K races before so you make good progress just fine. Yet you had expended energy early thinking it was only going to be a 10K race whereas you normally would have reserved for a 20K race. So you eventually make it near the 20K mark, but you are completely spent and exhausted and you collapse at the end and go into convulsions and have a heart attack and are rushed off to the hospital. And as you are recovering they recommend you get a covaid jab and so you do and then you die. Ok I ad-libbed that last part in, but yeah, I can totally see that happening. That’s how I think of an extended fifth.
On the hourly chart below, we can see where we have marked Blue 1 of (5) didn’t quite make a new high in October of 2020. Had it done so, it would have made a very nice spot to count the top of wave Intermediate (5). However, when the market traces (5) waves, and it is not yet “finished”, that final proposed (5) is no longer the peak but reverts to subwave 1 of (5) which is how we have it currently labeled.
And thus the market traces out Minor blue 2 of (5), 3 of (5), 4 of (5) and now 5 of (5). But again on the last subwave 5 of (5) we have a spot on the chart that would make perfect sense to mark the top of 5 of (5). Yet since this is an extended fifth, most often the fifth subwave of the extended fifth also extends. And hence instead of 5 of (5), we now mark it [i] of 5 of (5) and the market is obliged to finish out the remaining wave structure.
So that’s how I came up with the current count which is a small tweak from yesterday’s charts and will more or less align the final subwaves with the target of 46,368 which seems so inviting at this stage. Note that in theory wave [v] of 5 of (5) could also extend in same manner as described above but it is not required.

What I like about the weekly is that you can see the subwaves which lends count credibility and has the correct “look”.

Again like yesterday’s update, the rest of the charts will suppose there is a bump or 2 left to play out for each to finish it’s own wave counts.

I’m on sermon 15 of 22 covering Chapter 15 of the Book of Revelation. You can find all 22 on you tube.
This is his accompanying chart to go along with the sermons. There are a few methods in which one can calculate that the setting up of Christ’s 1000 year Kingdom may well take place in the Fall of 2028. The first is C.J. Lovik’s brilliant unlocking of Daniel’s 70th week which has mystified theologians for hundreds of years. Yet God said it would be a mystery until the end of times and now it appear to be unlocked.
The second method that yields 2028 as the Return of Christ to set up his Kingdom is based on God’s 7000 year timeline for man. Jesus was likely crucified in A.D. 28 and not 30 or 33 A.D. as most “experts” think. Again, C.J. Lovik’s key to unlocking the 70th week of Daniel was first based on unlocking the true day of crucifixion of Christ. Part 1 here and 2 here. In God’s 7000 year timeline, Jesus died at the end of the 4th day (thus 4000 years) to match the 4th day of Creation in which there was light. He will return at the end of 6 days (6000) years, which would be 2000 years after His death in A.D. 28 so of course 28 + 2000 = 2028. And naturally the 7th day (1000 years) is the day of rest (1000 years) and will be Christ’s Kingdom on earth.
The third method that yields 2028 of the Return of Christ to rule for 1000 years is revealed in the Fig Tree prophecy which simply states that within a generation of Israel’s rebirth as a nation – May 14th 1948 – Christ will return and establish his Kingdom. 80 years is considered “long” life in a generation in Psalm 90 “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.” Therefore, 1948 + 80 = 2028.
So the timeline chart included here supposes that the Antichrist’s covenant (done in secret) with many for one week may be starting very soon indeed. Which makes me wonder, are we charting to the top of the stock market to coincide with the start of event’s that will take us into Daniel’s 70th week? It sure feels that way. In other words, a social mood peak that rolls over into a Grand Supercycle 7 year literal Hell on Earth? I have always predicted the coming bear market to be quite a harsh affair, but this was beyond my expectations of even only 6 months ago.
So yes, I have been horrified what has been happening in the world as you may know from my blogging over the past 18 months. The Coviads jab is not the Mark of the Beast, but it is training billions to take it without thought when it does come. So yes, I am preparing for the end times, because after all, why not? Why wouldn’t we? I certainly don’t want to die the second death. Praise the Lord!