Having watched C.J. Lovik’s profound unlocking of the mystery of the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy in the Bible’s Book of Daniel, I am convinced his revelation is true and was ordained by God. His conclusion is entirely based on scripture. We can only know the year and season of the end of the 70th week, not the day or hour. At the end of the 70th week, Jesus will set up his Kingdom on the Earth and reign for 1000 years. He was able to unlock this mystery by first unlocking the mystery of the exact day that Jesus was crucified, and it is very convincing also. Watch Part 1 his video of The Day Jesus Died here and Part 2 here. His Fig Tree Prophecy video is here. His Berisheet Prophecy is here. This also is an amazing video.
C.J. Lovik is also one who believes Jesus’ collecting of the church – i.e. “The Rapture” – will take place prior to the 7 year tribulation. He explains his reasoning in Part 1 here, and Part 2 here. This was glad news for me, I don’t want to go through the Tribulation period. There are however, 2 camps on when the Rapture event will take place. Someone was again kind enough to email me a 22 hour video series (Pastor Steven Anderson) on the The Book of Revelation and I watched the first hour here. He pretty much says that “pre-tribulation Rapture” is false doctrine (I think this series is from 2013), that there is nothing in the Bible that points to a “pre-Tribulation” Rapture, only the Rapture prior to the last 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation when Jesus collects his believers and then the wrath of God is poured out of the Earth on the non-believers and wicked people.
To me, the Rapture where Jesus rescues those prior to the unleashing of the final wraths of God will indeed happen as Steven Anderson will surely explain once I watch his videos. Yet it also seems to me a “private” Rapture, pre-Tribulation, one in which C.J. Lovik brilliantly explains, makes sense too. In other words, it is my belief the believers are taken into heaven, and not witnessed by non-believers, to be with Jesus prior to the Tribulation period and then the Tribulation’s first 3 1/2 years will obviously produce more believers (converts) which will then be rescued before the final terrible Wrath of God destroys the rest of the wicked. This final Rapture will be witnessed by all including non-believers (I think – I’ll have to learn more). I will watch the 22 hours worth and learn more about the End of Days as it is most important that we gain wisdom at this hour. In the end, I can see both events happening. Either way we must be ready.
Again, there are enough waves in place to consider the count complete.

The next best squiggle count.

The problem with the primary count is that is is “constrained”. In other words, since proposed wave (3) is not the longest wave, wave (5) is constrained in price as it cannot be longer than (3) by rule since wave (1) is already longer. And that is ok, but there are other nitpicking things such as within wave (1) itself, wave 3 and 4 is a bit contrived. And in wave (5), subwaves 1 and 4 technically overlap in price.

And the extended wave 5 of (5) count which is also acceptable and is probably the true count.

The extended wave (5) count may be very well correct. It is not constrained by any EW rules and it is the best fit throughout the structure and there are no rules violations. This is the count which would linger most of the rest of the dogs days of July and August which would seem incredible since we are overdue for a crash. Yet, extended wave fives will finish when they will as explained last night.
Again this would be a classic wave 5 of (5) where not only is wave (5) extended, but wave 5 within (5) is extended.

The count “looks” better in log scale since it spans a very lengthy price envelope. Of course a hyper-extension such as this calls for a hyper-crash, very swift and exacting.
The entire wave (5) is built on more and more lies. Wave (5) started with the massive election fraud lie, continued with the Covid “vaccine” lie, and continues with many lies such as the Critical Race Theory lies. The lies will never end because Satan, the King of Lies, delights in his corruption of billions of souls. A “veil” is slowing covering people’s eyes one by one and they are no longer capable of seeing the truth.
I know two people who confessed they are very hardened non-believers in God (and Jesus) and they both stated that they used to go to church! Their hearts are so hardened, that they will surely be tested greatly in the coming Tribulation period. In fact, they both were so adamant in telling me that God is false, it could only be taken as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which Jesus said was unforgivable. I can only pray for them.
And then most other people think that they are “good” and that nothing bad will happen (because after all that is what most of our modern churches mostly suggest). They do not repent as a result, because they do not think they do anything wrong. That was me before late. But the more I read the Bible, the more I realize that God is to be feared. Yes, He is the embodiment of Love, but he will exact judgement on all the millions of unrepentant wicked who have plundered and murdered and lied and committed all kinds of foul deeds.

The computer algorithms just keep juicing the delta/gamma leverage.