Elliott Wave Update ~ 29 Aug 2022

Everything that is done by those in global power positions is meant to achieve one thing: wreck the old system and create hell on earth for the populations of the world. But nobody wants to be “blamed” for it because after all, no one in power wants to be hanging from a lamppost or hunted by a mob of enraged citizens.

But do not get involved with that! Be a Christian, preach the gospel to others, live your life, and be right with God. That’s all he wants us to do. And be ready and sober. The Antichrist comes before Jesus, so we need to keep an eye on who that could be. My vote has been the Jew, Zelenskyy. And indeed, he is still hanging in there, slowly gaining power. Launching an offensive on Kherson today.

Like I said, who is to say that Putin isn’t “in” on it with his marching orders by Satan to wreck his country to prepare it for the New World Order? Again, he doesn’t want to be blamed though. Who is to say XI is not in on it also preparing for a surprise attack on Taiwan?

What will wreck the world the fastest at this stage? The old order will be torn down with mass warfare, famine and pestilence in order for the masses to beg the elite to solve things for them. This is how it has worked for eons. And they have a plan ready and waiting the bible prophesizes it: A one-world government power (run by the Antichrist possessed by Satan), a one world religion (of Satan), a one world currency (mark of the beast) and elimination of bible-believing followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only ones who have any real power or wisdom in this world.

The Central Bankers are all in on the global conspiracy to wreck the world. They really have no choice anyway because it is a Ponzi scheme of historic proportions, and the payments are coming due. Powell has no interest in rescuing the economy or the middle class or anybody except the elite. He also doesn’t want to get blamed though. But his marching orders are likely in place, and he has no choice but to fulfill them along with every other Central banker in the world: Take down the global financial system. Wreck it for good to allow another system to spring up in its place.

And it is really not hard to do. All they need to do is stop printing money. Or print too much money (which they have already done). Either way it pops. A win-win scenario and they won’t be blamed too much.

Revelation chapter 6 is likely unfolding, and we are soon to see the Second Horse of the Apocalypse: Global War. This is what makes September such an interesting month.

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

Listen, I’m a Christian who takes great comfort that Jesus is going to eventually come and straighten all this mess out. All the wicked reprobates will be punished, and the Lake of Fire awaits them. I highly recommend that all readers to this blog, get saved to Jesus because happy days are over. Social mood theory has been warning for some 22 years that mood is rolling over at very high-level wave degrees of which Grand Supercycle sized of over 240 years.

The social mood correction will be synergistic in the fact that we will eventually achieve alignment in negative mood at very high wave degrees in multiple fashion. The mood is stacked.

If Satan has indeed been kicked out of Heavan on 21 Oct 2021 and confirmed a covenant with the world’s elite wicked at the house of Rothschild, he no doubt ordered the takedown of the global financial system in a controlled fashion at first, but disorderly will come. The Wilshire 5000 subsequently topped the first week of November 2021. Coincidence?

We are coming up on a major predicted event to happen on or about the second week of September 2022: global war breaks out. Or something to that effect.

THE COUNTS: A bit of bearish price action late in the day. Looking for overlap of prices with the peak price of wave “A” of (2) to help confirm wave 3 down.