Elliott Wave Update ~ 21 March 2023

The Elliott Wave psychology of panic. It occurred in late 2008. It occurred harshly in 2020. In both instances the wave structure was “setup” for both such occurrences. We are not yet quite there for the ultimate panic to come: the collapse of the global financial system.

The next panic will be the final panic of the global financial system as we know it. That is why it is taking its time. It will only happen when the global populace is ready for it. Are they trying to force it early by the forced bank collapses and such? Perhaps. And although major systemic bank folding’s (CS) should indicate a stock market collapse, social mood is aloof and not yet ready to concede the world to misery and hunger. So the market just does not care right now.

But it will eventually.

The gash has been torn into the hull of the titanic many months ago with the raising of interest rates which have yet to retreat. The devil wants a total collapse of the global financial system, the globalists in charge (led by the wicked Jews) are not allowed to “help” the market any longer. It is time for them to collapse the system. If only social mood would cooperate in their eyes. It will eventually when it is ready.

Thus, we may still be in Intermediate wave (2). A higher (2) high top come and then collapse. The alt is that either today’s high or another smaller tick high will indicate wave [ii] of 1 of (3) down which is the bearish count. We have an indecisive wave structure so we are playing it day to day.

However, bank collapses and global credit killing interest rate rises are a mortal wound to the global financial Ponzi. So don’t get your hopes up for any kind of sustained rally in my opinion other than a new Intermediate (2) high if that.

Tomorrow should be delightful either way I really don’t care and my popcorn is tasty!