Now we know the real reason. Yes, Tucker has been outspoken on a lot of things, but the Jewish Antichrist will, in due time, rule the entire planet in a one world government and dissension will be squashed at all costs. That means this blog also. Eventually (God willing if it happens in our lifetime and I am still alive) I will be persecuted for being saved to Jesus Christ by the Jews and Freemasons. This is what the bible teaches. Worship the great image and take the mark of the beast or be put to death.
It is not only saved Christians who will go through much tribulation but the entire planet. If you are unsaved, you will face a real choice. CHOOSE ETERNAL LIFE!
On top of that he spoke out against Big Pharma which is of course run by Jews. As is the global banking system. Jews and Freemasons.
The sad thing is, there is no evidence that Tucker is actually saved to Jesus Christ. But there is also no solid evidence that he is a reprobate either. Just one of billions of unsaved people on this planet that will all face a choice of believing the Word of God – Jesus Christ – or not.
If Intermediate wave (2) is still in progress, then the early February 2023 peak must, by rule, be eclipsed higher in price even if only by a little.
If (2) is over, the market is about to crash hard for we have run out of room in both price and time if (2) has peaked. I have no dog in this fight. I watch every day with popcorn watching how they push us further into the 2 global war options I have been harping about for over a year. China or Russia or both.
Global war will be the wake-up call for sure. When that actual spark occurs is something I have pondered for well over a year. I have 2 dates in mind: 20 July 2023 or as late as 24 Feb 2024. This does not mean the market will “hold up” until these dates. I am still rather very bearish overall and the gash in the Titanic is taking on a lot of water.
2 key dates for possible global war: 20 July 2023 or 15 February 2024. If global war does not occur by 1 March 2024, then I am very likely wrong about Armageddon in 2028. The 2 events that will likely kick off global war we are looking for:
NATO goes “war hot” with Russia. NATO jets bombing Russian positions.
China surprise attacks Taiwan. Babylon USA shooting down Chinese jets.
I think both are likely prior to 1 March 2024. Sure seems like that is what the globalist Satanists want doesn’t it?
War Pigs.
Total VIX breakdown. Calm has returned. A lower VIX than even the peak all time high! The break of the long term green trendline is total capitulation. People are slaves to the “market”.
The 2 “counts” for the unveiling of seals 2 and 3. The number of days for the second seal to occur is based on the largest possible numbers contained within prophetic supernumber 2520 other than 1260 of course.
I had posted the NYSE chart a few weeks ago showing a very significant positive breadth thrust event. This is the reason the count is still Intermediate wave (2) in progress. The past many sessions, although prices dropped a bit, did not negate this positive event.
Based on the positive breadth thrust event still being intact and valid, yesterday’s low could be Minute [ii] of wave C of (2) and not wave [iv]. If this is the case, expect “upside surprise”. If wave C of (2) = wave A of (2), expect the August 2022 highs to be eclipsed. It’ll be the most hated rally ever in the history of the stock market. Why? Because the underlying Ponzi has popped, and the market “shouldn’t” be rallying based on what man thinks should happen. But the market is emotional, not logical. The world is still ignorant and blissful. Only global war will snap them out of it. The second horse of the Apocalypse. But it is not yet here. Until then, party like its 1999.
It would be perfect if wave C = A. This implies that the August 2022 high will be eclipsed, even if only just a bit.
The Minute [iv] count is now on the backburner because the pullback was deep and looks more like a wave [ii] instead. We shall see. Again, I base all this on the very positive breadth thrust event that was not nullified by a negative event. Thus, the positive event still holds sway over the market.
A bit of a bearish selling day. However, the overall count(s) are not broken. If wave C of (2) is still intact, it will recover. If Intermediate (2) has topped, then expect sooner or later real selling will be upon us again.
The market is still hanging in there despite the rotten economic foundation and interest rates absolutely wreaking havoc behind the scenes. Consumers are spent. Corporations are under pressure to cut costs because they are all bloated with debt.
If one looks at the cont8inuous credit expansion since Nixon killed the last vestiges of the gold standard in the early 1970’s it has virtually never dipped, only expanded. The only threat of a dip was the great recession of 2008-2009. It is threatening to dip again. Except this time the system is much more bloated than even 15 years ago.
Prices are still a concerted effort away from taking out the February peak and at the same time a long way from the March low. The swift 2-month downdraft from August to October has created a huge trading range that has lasted for over 6 months. This was to be expected I suppose.
The counts are muddled. But overall, the Titanic Ponzi is taking on water. The government itself has admitted it is running a Ponzi as they tell us unless they are allowed to continue to borrow and expand the debt, the whole thing will default. It is probably the only thing they are honest about. Except it’s a threat when you think about it. Bring it on I just don’t really care anyway. The sooner the better.
A variation on the above assumes that Minute [iii] of C had peaked and we are in [iv] of C. Remember, for this count to be correct, prices need only peak above the early February 2023 high, not necessarily the August 2022 high although that would be acceptable. The count would be A-B-C of (2) in either case.
The two main variations of the unsealing of the 2nd Seal of the Apocalypse – global war – is based on either 840 days or 630 days from the start of the beginning of sorrows on 28 Oct 2021. Both these numbers are captured under the prophetic supernumber of 2520.
2520 / 3 = 840 2520 / 4 = 630. These are the largest numbers possible for the second seal thereby giving the first seal (wreck the global order) time to unfold. Everything is supposed to happen within 3 1/2 years and when you think about it, it is a very swift time. But this is what teh bible teaches after all.
The swift global Covid tyrannies in early 2020 and then the global kill shot tyranny in 2021 were swift campaigns that steamrolled all the nations of the earth. These were test runs. And yet they are examples given unto us to take heed by.
So, we have a key date coming up in a couple of months – 20 July 2023 for Global War to kick off. If not, we have up until 15 February 2024 per the second chart. If no global war before 15 Feb 2024, I would begin to think I have the year of Armageddon wrong. But until then, all we can do is watch diligently.
The media and war machine seems to be prepping both Chinese populations and the American populations for inevitable war. This is of the Jews of course. Blinken, Mayorkias, Garland, Nuland, and Bourla (Pfizer) and Walensky of the CDC. These are just the tips of the iceberg. The globalist Davos elites Bohemian Grove members are all in on it. And think not that Putin and Xi are not in on it. They are globalists also. And Putin is a crypto Jew. Just as the Uniparty seeks to place misery on the American people, don’t assume all nations are not doing the same for the sake of Satan. They probably are.
A very bearish development happened today. The VIX collapsed to its lowest level since the Wilshire November 2021 peak. So, despite the Jewish-controlled media screaming “sentiment is still too bearish” – and that may be true in a sense – the results of actual market betting are showing something different. Capitulation of the bears.
A low VIX means “expected” calm. That prices will no longer move out of a comfortable range from day to day. It is a lack of fear. This does not mean the market will drop tomorrow. It only means that excess bearishness and fear is truly subsiding which is what we need for a wave (2) peak to end on optimism, or “good news”. There is no good news underneath. The global credit bubble has been finally popped, the market has yet to realize.
The market only needs to go above the February 2023 high. It can go above the August 2022 high, but we would still label it Intermediate (2) in either case.
Therefore, the primary count is intermediate (2) is not yet finished and prices will rise above the previous Feb 2023 high but not necessarily above the august 2022 high but in either case the count stays the same. The most bearish count is that the earlier 2023 high is actually (2) and this is just a subwave 2 of a lower degree.
And now we have a potential squiggle count shown on the next 2 charts:
The primary squiggle count:
Here is the reality and these numbers are from Oct 2022. The % of total public debt vs. GDP is the key chart and it is not updated so it has expanded even more.
It has been shown that when a household experiences debt above 100% of the annual income, the household inevitably goes bankrupt. And the implosion can happen rapidly especially in a rising interest rate environment which these charts lack 6 months of data.
If the economy for instance was to experience another massive loss of GDP income, say due to war in Tawain or NATO fighting Russia directly, there is no room for rescue any longer.
But that’s what they wanted anyway. Satan, via his children of the devil, the globalist Jews and their Freemason lackeys, have been planning this since the House of Rothschild was established in the 1700’s. Predatory lending practices, creating a global credit bubble while hording all the gold and issuing worthless paper debt among the masses. And here we are on the verge of WWIII. The perfect setup for the total global collapse of the old system so that they can unveil the New World Order and usher in the Jewish Messiah – the Antichrist.
Thats what the bible teaches what will happen and it is happening.
And it is no wonder that some 50% of global trade flows through the Strait of Taiwan and all key semiconductor factories are located in Taiwan and most goods of the world were offshored to China. If I was Satan, I couldn’t have planned it better. Spark a war over Taiwan and watch the global supply chain collapse. And the over bloated on debt mega corporations of the world will all go bankrupt rather quickly.
Which is consistent with the theme of a wave (2) which, despite all the newfound bullishness and “all is clear” attitude has yet to really make its mark. I adjusted the squiggle count to assume that the middle third of wave C of (2) may have already occurred. And this is bad for bulls if this is the case.
The bible teaches patience. The end of the world as we know it – WWIII, global war, comes in a moment in time as all wars do when nations declare war on each other either by deed or word.
This is the real problem. The genie cannot be put back in the bottle. The Titanic has already been slashed with an iceberg. Tis the same with runaway world global Ponzi debt. US Annualized Debt Costs Exceed $800 Billion | ZeroHedge
I adjusted the angle of attack for wave C of (2). There are many options which is what the market always does best. Keep the most on their toes. Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if the bottom falls out at any time. Again, as explained in last night’s post, the second horse of the Apocalypse – global war breaks out – would be the nail in the coffin of the global financial system. It simply has not yet happened, but all the simple biblical evidence is that we are approaching that day.
And then the “contrarian bull-always crowd” will find out what it means to be in a bear market. Beyond a bear market. Collapse of the global financial system which will lead to collapse of the global economy and bring the global supply chain to a halt which will bring about untold economic misery in a very short amount of time. This is all being planned for a moment in time. We’ll know the day when it happens.
The VIX is collapsing. Fear has subsided as we would expect in a wave (2) rally. As prices squeeze the shorts, we’ll hear all kinds of excuses why “everything is good again”. When underneath it all, it is certainly not.
From a biblical standpoint we await the release of the 2nd Horse of the Apocalypse, the Antichrist. I have proposed that Jewish Zelenskyy fits the description of the Antichrist. At some point, power is given unto him (by Satan and his children of the devil in this world) to take peace from the earth. Would anyone disagree he is not trying his hardest to do just that?
Revelation chapter 6:
3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.
4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
In light of the above passages, the Antichrist will eventually do something that will cause the (relative) peace on the earth to be shattered. If we view this in light of Zelenskyy potentially being the Antichrist, it might be some specific action he does that causes global war to break out once and for all. We’ll know if and after it happens.
The very day that peace on earth is shattered (likely to be a moment in time – perhaps even only in 1 day) we might surmise the second horse has come. Things will rapidly happen from that point onward which will be out of control for the world and lead to (planned) global financial system collapse. The Jews and their Freemason offshoot globalist elites ruling this world are under the power of Satan and will not stop until the Jews take over the world and bring in their version of the Messiah – The Antichrist.
And the bible clearly teaches the Antichrist will rule for 42 months over the one world government (New World Order), institute a one world electronic chip-type currency planted in the hand or forehead (mark of the beast) and institute a one world religion (ultimately worshipping the Antichrist and Satan himself). The bible clearly teaches that he WILL overcome the (flesh) saints (actual believers saved to Jesus). Dispensationalism and the “pre-trib” rapture are a long running lie which was planted by – you guessed it – Jewish money corrupting the churches in the 1800’s and the bible colleges of the 1900’s. Scofield’s reference bible is wicked as hell.
The “Noahide” laws are already on the books in the United States first signed with one of the chief architects of the New World Order, Papa Bush. This is where once the Antichrist declares himself to be God – the abominations of desolations – Christians will be legally hunted and killed. This law is triggered when the entire wicked government and politicians are convinced that Antichrist must be worshipped, they will invoke the Noahide law and deploy the wicked Freemason power circles located in every small town in America to unleash the guillotines and put Christians to death.
This is what will happen. We can only guess the timing. God himself will cast a great delusion over the children of the devil and many unsaved so that they will believe the lie:
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
So, although it seems unbelievable of what I type in this post, it will be GOD HIMSELF who seals the fate of many. If all politicians of the world and all the top freemasons of the world are already children of the devil, their fate will be sealed, they will worship the beast, and since they are in total power, they will enforce the Noahide laws.
The Noahide laws basically come down to this: those who do not worship the Jews version of their “one true god” (ultimately who is Satan) will be put to death by guillotine. Those who are not actually saved – which is more than half of Christianity, will apostatize (since they never really believed on Jesus alone) and try and save their flesh and many will take the mark and worship the beast. Anyone who takes the mark are damned.
Actual saved Christians will go into hiding and not openly profess Christ in an attempt to also save their flesh. Most churches will be empty. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for an actual saved person to take the mark because the bible clearly teaches in order to take the mark they must worship (which means from their heart) the beast. If they try, they WILL be found out and killed anyway because that is the entire point of the mark of the beast anyway – to find and kill Christians. If actual saved Christians deny Jesus (many will), they will be ashamed (they are still saved!) and when they meet Jesus and he will also be ashamed of them. They definitely lose rewards in heaven. But they are still saved.
Only the bold will be protected. Those who profess Jesus and show no fear.
Where does the First Resurrection/Rapture come into play? The 1335-day marker of Daniel’s 70th 2520-day week. Sometime in the third week of June 2025 according to my timing. Jesus comes back in all power and glory known as “THE DAY OF THE LORD”, the Sun and Moon will be darkened, and the stars will not give their light and he’ll appear like lightning from the east coming in the clouds. And for the elect’s sake, rescues all saved Christians left on earth. I estimate maybe 70 million will be put to death in about 75 days. That is probably 5 -7% of all saved Christians on earth assuming there are 1.4 billion actual saved Christians believing on Jesus by faith alone. Maybe 1 in 20. Some areas of the world will be worse.
And in view of my potential timeline of Daniel’s 70th week chart, the second seal, the second horse – resulting in total global war – may not happen until 15 February 2024. We still have leeway as the armies of the Antichrist, being assembled by Satan’s doing behind the scenes, and power and plans are being formulated to be unleashed at one moment in time.
We will know when this moment is. If NATO declares war on Russia, it will have been triggered. If China declares war on Taiwan, it will have been triggered. Most likely both will happen but either one will probably trigger global war, WW III. Everything happens in “threes” in the bible.
But let me stress that global war is a confirmation we are at the end of days. If no global war, then likely I am wrong about the timing of Daniel’s 70th week prophecy. Regardless of if the “year” is off, the timeline is still how things will likely play out. If it is not 2028 Armageddon, it could be 2030. Again, we will suspect when and if global war breaks out, the key marker of the end times.