A reminder of what really controls the world. The Bank of International Settlements. BIS. Note who the member central banks are. Russia and China are included.
These are all Satan’s minions doing his bidding and the Jews have preeminence over it all because they want to rule the world and usher in their Messiah – the Antichrist – and get revenge on Christianity and eliminate it. Russia and China will be sabotaged from within just as the West has been sabotaging itself for the sake of the New World Order led by Babylon USA. This is what the Ukraine “meat grinder” is all about. Meant to suck in all the nations of the world into global war. Destruction of the old order to bring in the new. It is all of Satan.
Still waiting for an escalation of the global war the Satanists so very much desire. Again, I’m not dogmatic. If the Ukraine war is solved (loses), or if even Zelenskyy is killed (and stays dead – LOL), then he is not the Antichrist but only a “shadow” of the one to come. And that would mean my timing is simply wrong.
It just seems to me though everything is aligning for one horrific event that will tip the scales to total global war which will quickly lead to total global financial collapse and total supply system breakdown. Perhaps a nuke goes off somewhere. Satan will not stop, and he has commanded his minions to do his bidding. If we have entered the “beginning of sorrows” then there is not much time left.
I am still looking at July 20-21 as being perhaps a key date that ramps up the coming global conflict. Otherwise, we have until February 15, 2024. If no global war by then, then I am wrong.
The exponential-type purple arc is an escalating tribulation and uncovering of the 7 seals of Revelation. It’s the best I could do with Stockcharts. The purpose is to show that I believe the unveiling of the seals is not a linear progression as many imagine. I rather think there is a long buildup process to global war (which we are in now) and then the trigger will be a moment in time. An example of a moment in time is for instance if China surprise invades Taiwan. Or if NATO declares de facto war on Russia.
That is the percentage of people that the bible suggests are actually saved to Jesus Christ and avoid the damnation of eternal hell. How does one derive this number? 2 out of 12 spies sent by Moses to the promised land were allowed to enter 38 years later. Numbers chapter 14 explains that only Joshua and Caleb out of the 12 spies were allowed to enter the promised land because of their faith.
The bible throughout teaches that not many are actually saved. Jesus himself confirms this with his message when asked directly by the Apostles if few be saved. His is answer is yes, few be saved.
Luke 13:
23 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them,
24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
25 When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
26 Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.
27 But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
A parallel passage in Mathew 7:
13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
“and few there be that find it.“
These are the words of Jesus Christ himself. Most people, even most of “Christianity” believe they must do something of themselves to get into heaven. That is a lie. The way is narrow because it only takes simple faith of a child to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. We even have a simple example in the book of Acts 16:30:
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
The way is narrow yet simple. One must hear the word of God. This means King James bible verses (for us English speakers). Hearing the bible preached from one saved person to another unsaved person is what gets us saved and that can be done even through the internet because God’s word is so powerful.
We are saved by faith to faith. One saved person speaking the word of God – the gospel – to an unsaved person. They hear the word and are moved to an innate measure of faith which has been given by God to every person. That is what the bible teaches.
We must put ALL of our trust on Jesus alone. Nothing else. Not anything we have done or will do will ever be accepted other than our simple faith on Jesus alone.
What is the gospel? Simply that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, died for our sins on the cross, and was bodily resurrected the 3rd day and is now seated on the right hand of the Father in heaven. That whosoever believes (faith, trust) on him will have eternal life.
From a former Rabbi. I have watched it; this certainly seems genuine. In other words, it’s not a “Messianic” Jew, it’s a former Jewish Rabbi that converted to Christianity and forsook completely rabbinic Judaism and is warning of what they have always planned for the rest of the world. Well worth the 90 minutes of viewing.
3 counts on 1 chart. In the long run they all point to Intermediate (2). If it is finished, (2) has already peaked and has yet to confirm and the past few months has been handing off from strong hands to weak.
If not, we may be forming a long running contracting triangle and the final thrust will indicate exhaustion. Same results just a different price point for (2).
Or the 3rd option is we continue to hold up and rally just until the point of true global war phase I breaks out in or around 20-21 July.
Strongest upside in many months as you can see by the green bars of the NYSE at the bottom of the chart. Probably the count is thus:
I knew today would be a big upside surprise when I had seen this article on MarketWatch before the market opened. I took a screenshot late in the day and they still had the article up. Any time Goldman Sux is telling us something is not going to happen (in this case breakout to the upside), they are lying because all Jews are liars by the way. The bible tells us that because whoever denies that Jesus is the Messiah is a liar (and an Antichrist). So there ya go.
We are looking for a small 5 wave move lower since the recent rebound peak where I have marked a [ii]. Objectively so far it is only 3 waves down. An immediate move lower tomorrow would help the bearish wave cause.
The world really does end in one gigantic Satan-led conspiracy against mankind. The bible prophesizes that there will be a one-world government (New World Order), a one world currency (mark of the beast), and a one world religion (Satanism). The bible teaches that saved Christians, just after the formation of the NWO, will suffer persecution like it has never been seen before at the hands of the Antichrist and his children of the devil.
The populations and militaries of Russia and China need to be subdued as they seem to be the last obstacles in the way of formation of the New World Order. Of course, they must engineer the collapse of the old-world order at the same time. Then they can give us the “solution”. This has always been the plan. Wars are enacted for certain goals over the past 2+ centuries all led by Satan who always played the long game.
The United States was not formed and led by Christians. Washington and Franklin were level 33 Freemasons doing the Jews bidding. Jefferson had disdain for Christianity and Jesus Christ. You can see the original street plans of Washington to this day form a Satanic pentagram, or in this case, the goathead that of Baphomet. The founding fathers were more or less Satanists. They founded the United States to be the vehicle of spiritual Babylon as its ultimate destiny. To be the eventual dominate nation that would bludgeon the world into forming the New World Order, the 7th and final global empire the bible describes.
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome….the first six truly global empires have come and gone. The time of the 7th is upon us. Satan has been trying to form this one world system ever since the tower of Babel.
Nothing is a coincidence. Satanic symbolism is of utmost importance to the children of the devil.
“New Order of the Ages” and the all-seeing eye of Horus. “out of many, one”
Two circles from the US Dollar bill.
They did see however that Christianity was beneficial to the peaceful expansion of power of the new nation and thus encouraged freedom of religion. This freedom of religion was also the pathway in which Judaism would begin its long march to rehabilitation in the eyes of the world eventually aided and abetted by most of Christianity itself.
Each successive war had a purpose. WWI resulted in chaos in Russia and Jewish Bolshevik takeover along with setting the stage for a seething German to spark a second war. The Ottoman empire was dissolved, and the U.K. took control of the “promised lands” eventually to be ceded to the Jews. The League of Nations formed.
WWII brought about subduing Germany and Japan and creation of the United Nations (of Satan). It spawned modern Israel the great imposter and supported by Christians.
All the oil wars in the middle east led by the U.S. were always meant to keep the Arab Muslim nations in constant turmoil, warfare and poverty so that they could never gain power. And we have the Saudis in our pocket as a result. They are also prominent NWO players of course the oil sheiks are some of the wealthiest men in the world.
Gorbachev and Papa Bush engineered the breakup of the Soviet Union. Early on, the global elites knew that the Ukraine would be the bludgeon to be used to subdue Russia. That is why Biden and the U.S. have meddled so much in the past 10 years in Ukraine. That bludgeon has been unleashed by literally making a deal with the devil and his chosen one: The Antichrist who I perceive to be Zelenskyy.
And Putin is no doubt in on it being a NWO good-standing member crypto Jew Freemason. Xi of China is no doubt under the spell of Satan also.
Taiwan has always been meant to be the bludgeon to be used against China. This is why the west placed all the high-tech critical chip making ability into the Taiwan basket. It is now to be “defended” ala like the oil wars of the Middle East. That is coming soon. Once the populations/militaries of Russia/ China are subdued, the path to the NWO is a short one. This has always been the plan. They will spark global WWIII to bring it about.
Needless to say, the global credit bubble, the fiat fractional reserve lending invented and led by the Jews of course will come crashing down as will the global “just in time” supply chain.
I have 2 key cluster of dates I am looking at: 20-21 July 2023 and 15 -16 Feb 2024. The 1st date could be when the 31 NATO member nations join against the war against RUSSIA. “NATO war hot”. In addition to the 31 member NATO nations, likely Belarus would fight on Russia’s side.
The second date could be phase 2 where China attacks Taiwan and NATO also declares war on China. Additionally, Japan, Philippines, Australia join the coalition and North Korea fights on the side of China. Likely South Korea would get involved. India hates China and would likely join the worldwide coalition against China.
Eventually Russia/China/North Korea, maybe Belarus team up and a worldwide NATO-led (Babylon USA – led) coalition form including India, Australia, Japan, South Korea. During this global war, the global supply system will collapse along with the financial system.
Africa, Central and South America will spark great famines and regional wars (they are already a violent mess) We could also see Israel attack Iran as a matter of course just because Iran announces they have the “bomb”.
At some point the Jewish Antichrist – proposed Zelenskyy – will be promoted to “leader” of the Babylon USA led coalition against Russia/China. At first it will seem a political, media-driven move to “bolster” morale. But he will have real power via Satan.
By late 2024, if this scenario goes down as the globalist Jews and Freemasons have been planning, the world will be under famine and much warfare due to total financial collapse of the fiat driven, fractional reserve lending charade the Jews have foisted upon mankind just so they could collapse the system at the correct moment. It’ll collapse anyway, as the debt load is too great.
This is real. This is what is likely coming shortly. The septuagenarians and octogenarian decrepit NWO elite children of the devil bastards of this world don’t care anymore they are all running out of time they know they will die, and it is SATAN WHO IS PROMISING THEM ETERNAL LIFE IF THEY DO THIS (it is a lie of course) which is why the end of the world is soon upon us.
There are no more “peaceniks” left in this world. The Jewish-controlled mass media is intensely pro-war. The political left – the more ungodly – are rabid dogs wanting to tear Putin and Russians apart. The Fox news political right hate China and would nothing better than to nuke them into a flat sheet of glass.
Gee what a perfect storm yes???
When you look at world history through the lens of the bible and Satan, the Prince of the Power of Air of this world, it all makes sense. Why didn’t we drill for oil on our own lands more? So, we could have the excuse to go fight wars in the Middle East. Why did we send all our manufacturing to the Far East? Chipmaking to Taiwan? So, we have an excuse to defend “democracy” LOL and the coming supply collapse will be oh so much more acute.
Why the ridiculous credit bubble? Because man is greedy, and Satan knows it. He used Judaism to carry out his plans since the foundation of the United States. The Noahide laws are in place, and you can believe guillotines are in storage ready to be deployed when the time is ripe.
And of course, now you know why they have been meddling in Ukraine and the leftists chant of “Russia, Russia, Russia” have been ongoing since the witch’s loss in 2016.
And why are our leaders so seemingly inept? Because that was always the plan of the Jews. Just read the Elders of the Protocol of Zion. This was a key component in that we will have inept, corrupt rulers foisted upon us so that our morale will be bludgeoned on a constant basis. And these really are stupid people that are running the country. Bill Gates is not “smart” he has the lowest depths of hell reserved for him, and that’s pretty dumb in my book.
In today’s modern vernacular it’s called “gaslighting” meant to exasperate and infuriate the masses at every level and of every political persuasion. It to, was invented by the Jews.
WWIII only means that Jesus is one step closer to coming. I say bring it on!