If the above story is true, this is the kind of incident that will enrage NATO into declaring war on Russia outright. I am not trying to say it was not a valid military target, only that it will harden the hearts of the Western nations. In that respect, it was ill-advised. Those people killed will be replaced, but the hardened hearts of the NATO West, even in secret, will not abate. This is why this war is so dangerous for the world.
NATO is inviting these kinds of strikes and they will use them as propaganda to harden the hearts and stiffen Western resolve. Sooner or later, global war will result. Let me ask the casual reader this question: Do you think the Satanic led West will back down from their determination to destroy and subdue Russia? Do you think these kinds of attacks will weaken the collective West’s resolve or harden it? It will be hardened!
Minute [iv] could be over in the form of a zigzag down versus Minute [ii]’s corrective pattern of an upward flat. 20 July is still a curious date I am looking to.