Elliott Wave Update ~ 15 Oct 2021


It is high probability that the Dow Jones Industrial Average will make a new all-time high and the Transports will not, thus leaving a very large degree non-confirmation Dow Theory signal. There may also be a diversion between other indexes on various scales. This potential for the market would create a major fracture event and would be a last spasm of the dying bull market. That’s the theory anyway.

It would be a sort of “double top” situation for many an index, a partial revisit of the all-time highs and a failure on many scales to achieve new highs on many or most indexes across the world representing a great final fracturing of the market. A final death spasm.

Should be exciting!

Elliott Wave Update ~ 13 Oct 2021


Can the world experience the tribulation of mankind without panic and collapsing markets? No, I certainly think not. For the stock market is a reflection of social mood, yet it can be “faked” for a while. The current highs are an abomination to God. A big fat lie, and God hates lies and liars.

Regardless of stock market moves, we can see the manifestations of man through the inequity of mankind. Has love waxed cold? I certainly think so. The world is now in the phase where innocent people are being “terminated” from society for not submitting to the “blood sacrifice jab” of the evil reprobates ruling the world. At the moment we, the holdouts, are locked out of society, an inability to work and live freely, and to worship God as we deem appropriate. The world’s overlord, Satan, the King of Lies, has given marching orders to all those that have positions of authority. There is no righteous institution left on this earth. Even most of the churches are corrupted to the very core and preach false doctrine that only results in helping the dark forces of this world.

I lament greatly. I try and save people but their hearts are hardened to the Word of Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord. These are the “vaccinated” who have bought their ticket to ride – a molten, golden calf – a great untruth leading to the path of unrighteousness. We are surely shifting into the tribulation of mankind, we can surely feel it.

What can we do? Hold True! That is what I say! I will not run, or move to another state or try and hide from Satan. For those that are BOLD and TRUE to the Word of God will be protected. I PRAY they I will not be overcome during the tribulation and that I can make it to the Rapture alive. Only boldness will prevail. I am NOT going to hide in a wilderness waiting for Jesus to come for that is a great shame that I would have to endure when the day of redemption comes. I will stay where I live and let the chips fall where I may and try and save more souls to Christ during the very hard times to come. For I want to meet Jesus in gladness, not shame.

All the same, I have guns, ammo, food, fuel and such and I will pray that I am protected of the coming storm of the end of days as we know it. Jesus didn’t teach us to be a fool. We are armed with the Armor of God and the steel of a sword in our hand. Regardless, we must endure to the end and have righteous faith in Jesus, our Protector.


Best count at the moment.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 12 Oct 2021


Matthew 24:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

That’s how I feel.

I just got told to get the jab by 24 November or lose my job. Of course I will not get the jab ever. I have a good paying job, I do great work, yet I am discarded like a piece of limp lettuce off a stale sandwich; an afterthought with no regard. Yet, even though I knew it was coming, it hurts. And now I am virtually unemployable.

I have great anger yet great joy at the same time. I know this is the beginning of sorrows. The beginning of the persecution of the Godly, the Righteous, those who will endure for Jesus until the end. Do I consider myself Godly? Heck no! I can only pray and hope! For I am a great sinner and have much to repent for daily. Yet all the same I know I am saved nonetheless despite my sinful flesh. As unrighteous as my life has been, I know that great rewards comes to those that have faith to endure to the end. I have faith on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

And I sense Jesus suggested that I stock up on food, gas, guns, ammo, cash, and so I have. Maybe not even for me, but for others who may need.

Joy! Do not hate thine enemies but do hate the wicked reprobates who hate God!


Best guess count.

Hey, bonds are going to be the downfall of mankind. It is the root of all evil.

30 year non log:

And log scale here:

Elliott Wave Update ~ 11 Oct 2021 & Possible Daniel’s 70th Week Timeline

I provided a timeline based on solving of Daniel’s 70th week being on 21 September 2028. I based my timeline on the below chart:


Yes, this timeline chart (see next pic below) is presumptuous. Yes, it is predicting specific things. And yes, we have to have a word of caution. But it is based on scriptural interpretation of the bible.

For instance we don’t know how the Four Horses of the Apocalypse will unfold. Will they unfold all at once? Or are they spread out? I took a conservative approach, for the KEY question we have at this stage is “What is the next prophetic event concerning the end times?” And that is all this chart is really attempting to answer.

Your local Pastor will tell you “the rapture is the next prophetic biblical event and it can happen at any time.” This is false doctrine!

The one MAIN THING we should see is WAR first before the rapture. War at a very large scale involving many nations. Not necessarily all-out nuclear war although that is certainly possible. Mass nuclear weapons use comes right before the Battle of Armageddon in 2028 in the nuking of the United States and Rome (both are Babylon in my opinion).

The next possible thing we may see is the “daily sacrifice” of goats and rams start up again in Israel. And NO, the third Jewish temple does not have to be rebuilt for this to happen. They already have a mobile platform available and ready to do such things. They just wheel it up to the stupid wall they have there. There is a predicted date for that and it is 5 June 2022. Will this be a public thing? I would assume but we really don’t know. I am not counting on this “prophetic event” to be public or even a requirement. As far as I know, they will sacrifice live babies to Satan to usher in the Antichrist in private.

Regardless we should see mass war no later than a year from now. That is the basic premise of if we are in the 70th week or not. It sure seems so to me. The worldwide “vaccine campaign” is a foreshadow of the real mark of the beast campaign to begin when the Antichrist gains total power.

So again, the bible teaches us we must see certain signs, with mass war being a prerequisite. No war, no tribulation. I give it a year or so at the most. My bet is that it occurs sooner rather than later. I’ll be the first to admit that if we have no war, and no resulting famine, and no mass death, we are not in the tribulation yet.

Ultimately we look forward to the resurrection/rapture.

And of course the Millennial Kingdom and Jesus fulfilling the 3 fall feasts.

But I think we are in the tribulation and it is a matter of time before the entire Ponzi scheme collapses. We are already seeing signs of massive stress on the global system. things are coming apart at the seams and people are starting to rise up. Biden is mentally invalid and Poo bear is ready to pounce on Taiwan which will spark a global war that in turn will spark a global financial system collapse if not vice versa. It doesn’t take much to disrupt the globally connected supply system, famine can come quicker than most realize. Venezuela is and was our example for that.


Roller coaster market. The count has been tweaked again to align with the best count at the moment. The best count would be a [i]-[ii], (i)-(ii). This would imply the next move is lower taking us to lower lows to form the next subwave i.

The count also implies futures will possible go negative at the open and create a gap down opening. The follow-through of today’s closing candle.

For those that are looking for a “bullish option”, The best count is i-ii, [1]-[2], UP which seems contrived. But if the market goes higher than last week instead of lower than last week, its the best count at the moment. It would be an “upside surprise” moment. Again, we are at the mercy of overnight futures and the manipulation thereof.

Elliott Wave Update ~ 8 Oct 2021


There really is no “commentary” possible at this point concerning anything that is not of God and of the Word, the Truth, of Jesus. The lies have gotten so compounded, you may have noticed I don’t even try and argue anymore the point of what a scam the “vaccine campaign” is. I assume at this point that even the casual reader can discern that the world has simply gone mad at this point. But again, as one who is a bible-believing Christian, this is called the gift of spiritual discernment. This is the gift of God, an ability that anyone who is saved to our Lord Jesus Christ can read and understand biblical truths. Therefore, those that are not saved cannot possibly understand anything as truth. Thus, they cannot understand or gain anything spiritually from the bible. And as a result, since they do not believe the bible as the Truth, they believe the lies of the world as ruled by Satan.

Such as the lie of the “vaccine” campaign.

Therefore, the truth of the matter is that those who do not believe the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, will not believe anything I blog about. They seem to only believe their own version of reality and all its many lies. And although I have written books worth of words of all the fraud of this world over the last 12 years, the only fraud left worth blogging about is the lies of the Covid-19 “vaccinations”.

So if you are a reader of my blog, and yet are confused on a constant basis, the simple fact is that you are probably not saved to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. That means you do not truly believe. And I am sad for that. And wish to change that!

Here is the way to understanding: The Romans Road to Salvation – For the Gospel

And personally, I can very well feel the devastating effects of the madness all around. I know I have never talked much about my job, but I will tell you I am a highly paid technician in a highly skilled job . My days are numbered as a result of the “mandate”, and sadly to say, there is – in reality – nobody behind me that can replace what I do. And my loss of a job may very well have a profound effect on national security. But I can assure you, they probably don’t care. You can multiply this by many thousands. It will take a super major toll on our national status. And that, as an insider, I can promise.

We are on the rapid decline as a nation and that is on purpose from my angle, for what else am I to think? They toss me overboard despite my unreplaceable skills. All due to a lack of fealty to a religious blood ritual of taking the jab. That is all that it is. A ritual of fealty at this point, and I refuse.


Elliott Wave Update ~ 6 Oct 2021 & More on the Millennial Kingdom


I’ve upgraded the wave degree to Minute as it makes more sense at this stage. We have 2 best options for counts:

Count #1 closes the open SPX gap down.

Count 2 leaves that gap open to be a forever breakaway gap down.

More Millennial Kingdom

Ever wonder what our resurrected “glorified” bodies will consist of? Or those that are changed in a twinkle of an eye that are caught up in the rapture?

For flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, but flesh and bone will.

Our glorified bodies do not contain blood. The lifeblood is replaced by cosmic spiritual blood – the Holy Spirit. So we get flesh and bones and sinew, etc. but no blood. Which means we cannot bleed. We are immortal and will never die. Our appearance – our “age” – will be about 30 years old if we are older than that now or were older than that when we died. Our “ideal” self. About the same age as Jesus Christ when he was baptized and started his earthly ministry in the first century.

I would think we can eat and drink as we do now for our own pleasure. For what else does one do at feasts? We will be sinless as Jesus is for the earthly, flesh – powered by blood – is no longer in us. Our new flesh and bones bodies are powered by the Holy Spirit. So we will not retain our old urges to sin. It is no longer in us.

And we are placed back here on earth at the Battle of Armageddon to rule and reign over the mortal normal humans that survive God’s wrath period. I am guessing there will be at least 1 – 2 billion people – mortal humans – left on earth maybe much more. The mortal humans will of course still be powered by flesh and blood, still bound by the urge to sin. However since Satan is no longer on the earth, there will be no mass deception upon the populations. Truth will be truth, and Jesus is truth.

Or maybe only 500 million left on earth. An ironic fulfillment of the Georgia guidestones. Except that in 1000 years of Jesus’s earthly kingdom, the population will go up again. Satan will be locked away for 1000 years, so people will not be deceived as they are now. There will be no wars or weapons.

However, the urge to sin will remain in the mortals left on earth. To overeat, to be a drunkard. To covet and lie and steal and even murder. To worship false Gods. To fornicate and commit adultery. One can think of when the Nation of Israel were as with Moses in the desert. They had God with them, could see God’s presence, and even heard God as he spoke the 10 Commandments. Yet they still sinned even in his close daily presence. And they paid the price for breaking those Commandments on many occasions. So it will be the same in Christ’s kingdom. However, men will not have a CNN and Fauci telling them damnable lies, but they will still sin nonetheless.

The “law” of the land will be those laws that are spelled out in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The law of Moses. It’ll actually be a very libertarian, free society. There will be no jails. But there will be punishment for breaking the laws. For instance, murderers, adulterers and Sodomites, will be put to death. This is the purpose of us coming back to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. We will be put in charge of 5, 10, 100, 1000, etc. depending on our reward. Our reward depends on how much work we do for Christ in this life. Those saved who did nothing for Christ receive very little reward. Those that are martyred in the name of Christ will receive great rewards.

I believe that the United States and Rome, both represent Babylon in the Book of Revelation. And that the Antichrist will get 10 nuclear powers (currently there are only officially 9) to surprise attack both with nuclear weapons. This happens just before the Battle of Armageddon, maybe even only a day before and its all over in 1 hour. The United States will be unable to respond effectively because the submarine forces are destroyed at this point due to the ruined oceans. And thus, the USA will not be occupied forever more. It will be a desolate country during Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. It is such a shame, as America was always blessed with a wide ranging diverse, resource-rich, beautiful landscape.

God’s wrath upon the earth will have created much physical devastation. But when Jesus comes back, living waters – living spirit, the Holy Spirit – pouring forth from his presence will heal much of the earth except the areas of Babylon – in this case the entire USA and I suspect, the area of Rome with the Vatican being ground zero.

We will get around on earth on our glorified horses that brought us down from heaven. I would think these horses are immortal also. And I imagine they can fly. So we can travel in the air on a very fast white horse also powered by the Holy Spirit.

It will be truly a time of peace. Sure, lording over the mortals will require work and patience, but it’ll be rewarding nonetheless. We will get people saved to Jesus just like it works now. They will live and die. Some damned, some saved. And at the end of all things, after the final defeat of Satan after the thousand years are up, is the second resurrection/rapture. Those saved who lived and died during the 1000 years will of course join the kingdom of God just as we did during the first resurrection.

And of course the damned are resurrected in death and live not again and are judged and thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire is the final resting place of death and hell also. I do believe that there are differing levels of damnation just as there are differing levels of reward.

A person who led a “good” life on earth, maybe had many Christian values and a good sense of moral right and wrong – but just did not believe on Jesus and was not saved – will not be punished in the same manner as Hitler and Stalin and Mao will be. But don’t get me wrong, eternal damnation, even in the best parts of the Lake of Fire will be a miserable place devoid of love. And I urge you to avoid it at all costs – just believe on Jesus!

The Romans Road to Salvation – For the Gospel

Elliott Wave Update ~ 5 Oct 2021


A story on how the jab mandate has managed to get many hundreds of people to “take the shot”. I’ll call bullshit on most of these stories. The likely fact is MANY have obtained FAKE vaccination cards. That is my guess. Why? I can also completely fake a vaccination and keep my employment. It is not hard to do at this stage. Let’s just examine a hospital system that has 76,000 employees. How many were fired for not taking the jab? Well apparently 1,600 in that case. Ok, but how many faked their vaccinations to keep employment? I would speculate that there were many hundreds or even thousands. They all have access to vaccination cards and valid batch lots, and dates, and it would not be difficult to fake it. Like I said, I could keep my job now it would not be hard to fake the jab.

Yet a small percentage is obviously not willing (or is just not able to fake it) to take the jab. This is where I am at spiritually. I will not fake the “mark of the beast” from the Antichrist, therefore I will not fake this pre-test from God concerning the covid-19 “vaccine”. I just won’t do it. I think my corporation wants me to fake it so that “all will be well”. I get that vibe since my corporation has yet to tell us the official policy on “vaccinations”. They have warned us they will follow the rules. They have admitted they are a corporate whores beholden to the governmental overlords who feeds their troughs.

But I refuse to fake it. I truly think this is a “pre-test” from God on the coming mark of the beast campaign. I do not know what God has planned for the true Jesus-believing Christians who have failed the pre-test by taking the vaccine. Maybe nothing. Maybe it is not a pre-test at all but just a real-life warning. Either way, I will trust in the LORD Jesus Christ and I refuse to lie about being “vaccinated’. I have failed as a Christian in so many ways in my life, I have been a bad example of how not to live, so I feel this is my chance to prove myself to Jesus. To have complete FAITH in him and that I will always be protected with an army of angels. So I will not fake it. I will not lie about it. As sinful as I am, this is the hill I wish to die on.


Very unusual market action. Best guess.

A reminder of where we are at.