Well it took all weekend for Reuters “Fact Check” to “debunk” the magno-arm effect. They obviously refused to watch Tim Truth’s hour long compilation. They of course focused on the “chipped” remarks many had made (a chip wouldn’t be magnetic anyway) or lack of metallic substances in the vaccine (there isn’t). They however failed to mention that the lipids are ionized to a positive state. And something is failing. Not on everyone, and maybe not with every batch. But the phenomena is real and they have no interest in exploring it. In fact Tim has an interview video on how Snopes smeared the people on one of the videos.
Well, if you can read this, this means you are one of the few who can find me. I initiated a new website this weekend and was going to transfer over from my old (banned) blogspot site today, but as luck has it, I ran out of time. I asked Zero Hedge to update my link, I’ll ask any other sites I can find that may have my link.
Regardless, life goes on. I don’t know crap about websites and hosting and all that stuff so its a miracle I got anything to work including my SSL certificate. I guess I did ok as I frantically crashed course on how to go about getting a new website as quick and painless as possible.
Well, I wanted to get out here and start blogging, I’ll add later, still getting used to WordPress.
Sitting at about the 50% retrace spot from peak. I don’t have a decent alternate count for the moment.