Get past the first minute or so and watch what this doctor has to say. He nails the mood;
“The tension Americans can feel right now, trying to keep their jobs and go to work, is they know they can die of the vaccine, that’s the problem…The tension, you can cut it with a knife…they know what’s going on, the internet is full of these (bad) cases, blood clots, strokes, immediate death.”
And if you have 5 hours, this is the best documentary of the evil behind the ruling elites that is trying to form the one world global government and thus fulfill the prophecies of The Bible’s Book of Revelations. Of course the prophecies state that they will eventually succeed but the Lord Jesus Christ will come down from Heavan and smite them all and is victorious in the end. And that is why they hate him so much and do things in darkness and in secret.
Switching gears, I found another interesting video. The inventor of the PCR test tells it like it is concerning Fraudci. I wish this guy was still alive to help give sane voice against the madness going on all around. When dialing in the PCR for testing AIDS he asked for where the study came from on the supposed HIV virus. No one could answer and that’s when he realized it was all a fraud. Interesting to hear him speak of something I have been reading about in Virus Mania.
Ok, so I don’t believe in Virus (Germ) Theory. So what again is in the vaccines particularly the mRNA types? The magnet affects are bad enough and in my estimation is the reason for some of the toxicity and injuries. This new paper I found talks more about the ionized lipids and how this was the hardest part (and absolute key) of the vaccines. The jabs are not safe as the thousands and thousands of deaths in Europe and America alone will attest to that. And they are likely grossly undercounting. The paper also talks throughout how they tested many lipids and lipid structures and they always turned out to be just so damn toxic! Do you think they totally tidied up that little naggling concern of toxicity prior to this mass experiment on the entire human population?
Just using common sense based on the fact that these lipids are often hanging out at the injection site as proof, the synthetic nano-lipids are eventually taken deeper into the body and some wind up in the bloodstream. Now the bloodstream pumps hard, therefore these things can get whooshed around until they find a very slow-flowing tiny capillary where they can finally anchor themselves to the wall(s) and release their little payloads. And yes, the article mentions that these lipids can bind to any cell including endothelial (vascular linings) cells.
And if they travel in clusters because they are maintaining their tiny positive charge like mini-nano magnets (the article also says they elongate when charged), then they may be acting as a localized group within that capillary. And once the payloads are delivered, the adjoining cells produce something. And since I reject germ (virus) theory, I wouldn’t characterize it any longer as the “spike protein”, I’ll just call it a regular protein or some Frankenmonster cell particle they think is the virus. The body then identifies these things as foreign objects and the body is apparently clotting around these produced proteins coming out of the cells in which they were made. And if these capillary areas are tiny heart, lung or brain capillaries you can then have sudden deaths due to blood clots (heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, strokes and aneurisms). The CDC’s VAERS reports bear this out.
And since all the “vaccine” types (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AZ) shots equally cause clotting problems, its the payloads that are another potentially long term problem. The delivered payloads get into cells (any cells) and then produce whatever protein it is now coded to produce. This “thing” then is attacked by the body’s defenses. Clots may be ensuing if the payload had anchored inside the blood vessel wall as suggested above. Is this a permanent alteration of the cell? They say “trust us, it’s not” but do you trust them? Do they really know what the hell (or care) they are doing? (No they do not).
And what of the lipid itself? It is synthetic, not from nature. The article talks about how they are mixed in with other stuff to help it dissolve. How long does it take to dissolve? Well here is the answer from the paper: “The team made about 100 ionizable lipids and introduced ester linkages into the carbon chains of the lipids to help make them more biodegradable” Do they really biodegrade? How is this junk removed from the cells and then the body? Does this take 12 months or more? Will people be breaking out in severe rashes next year as their skin tries to expel all the leftover nano-sludge that’s been injected multiple times? Or will these collect and settle into organs and cause kidney/liver/brain problems down the road?
Remember, these things are nano-sized (billionths of a meter).
They talk about PH and how they had to have these nano-lipids tuned so they “work” correctly (so they don’t kill the host!). I really don’t think they work as well as they boast and they certainly are not guaranteed to work the same way in every body type particularly since we all have very differing PH levels depending on diet, etc. What PH levels are these tuned for? These people refuse to recognize what a horrible outcome the vaccines have been. It’s disgusting.
“The devil is absolutely in the details as far as lipid nano particles are concerned.” (The biotechnician/scientist said with glee)
Yes indeed, I am sure that is the case. The Devil is surely in there.
This is one of the spots in the wave structure that can catch you by total surprise one way or another. Either downside surprise or upside. Its a key junction. Although we have an adequate count to finish things off here, there is a bunch of open chart gaps (DJIA, NASDAQ Composite) and things just don’t seem “finished”.
For instance if we label the NYSE as an extended fifth wave (something I haven’t really shown until now), it works kind of nice yet it requires another price high.
[Note: On computers right click image and “open in new tab” for best viewing]

But back to the Wilshire 5000. I have 3 versions of squiggles. First version is that the rebound wave [ii] is over. Its down, down, down from here. That would be your downside surprise option.

The next best option is we cheat where waves 4 and 1 of (5) overlap just a tad and we get this. This would be your upside surprise option. Things would finish out. DJIA, NYSE and SPX along with the Wilshire 5000 gets new highs, perhaps the NASDAQ Composite comes close but at least fills its uppermost open chart gap.

The Composite would probably fulfill its upper open chart gap in the bullish scenario above.

The last option is just triangle action as shown on this Wilshire 5000 hourly chart. This extends time more than anything and then makes a new all-time high in June.
Vaccine approval (as opposed to disapproval) marks the very top, thus ending the Grand Supercycle peak on the greatest fraud, greed, risk, and complacency along with a hard dose of fear and division underneath it all and topped on supposedly “Good News”.
But the market can figure things out better than any one individual. I would expect that if a market high were to coincide with vaccine approval, that’s where things are going to start getting ugly. Mandatory vaccination laws, vaccine passports, etc. And in a plunging mood environment that is coming, social unrest will reach new levels.