At the end of this story regarding the soccer player that had a heart attack, it was denied by the team physician that the player’s heart attack was due to a Covid 19 “vaccination” shot. The wording of the story was; “…Eriksen had not received a vaccination against COVID-19…” .This is a sign that the bad effects of the shot have gone mainstream. And why didn’t the player himself make a statement? Why is it the team doctor?
I would think the team physician might be flat out lying, as Italian soccer players, indeed all European soccer players, getting the jab has been a prominent story for the past few months.
Regardless, it is curious that so many speculated on why a 29 year old football star would have a heart attack. These are the kinds of things that happen to the vaccinated so that’s why. People are waking up as the death and injury correlations have started to sink in.
The psychological groundwork on the need for a third “booster” jab continues to be laid.
On another note, the “bat lady” from China gave a phone interview to the NY Times concerning the “lab leak theory”. She emphatically denies – and I actually believe her because I do not subscribe to virus theory of contagion. I don’t think Shi Zhengli does either although she would never say that. Either way, I just don’t care anymore about the lab leak theory. As I said, once you realize virus contagion theory is absolute most likely 100% bullshit, your world opens up to a completely different paradigm. Indeed, you are completely freed from Big Medicine’s tethers so much so that your entire outlook is changed for the better in so many ways that I cannot begin to describe. And it’s like you walk around knowing a “secret” and you wish to share but no one would listen so why bother. I know it is meant to be because it is so much a burden off my back. Simply put, the angels approve and encourage.
If you look at the Wilshire 5000 from the point of view as an ending diagonal triangle, the count can make sense. It even makes sense on a smaller scale.

NYSE. Internals were negative today.