Excellent video here getting to the heart of the manner: There is no disease-causing viruses and there has never been any proof. The entire Germ (Virus) Theory rests on a lie. Once you realize this (as I have recently), the entire house of cards comes crashing down concerning the Wuhan Flu, the lockdowns, the masks, the “vaccines”. As I have written about before, I happen to think Dr. Fraudci does not believe in Germ Theory either. His mannerisms and casual lying and now the leaked emails make it pretty clear he was never concerned about any real virus.
So it wasn’t leaked from a lab. Because there is nothing there to leak. But why is that story gaining traction after being shutdown for a year?
It’s to keep everyone believing that the Covid virus exists. Many people have come to question Germ Theory, mystery viruses, etc. The push for a vaccine needs a new angle to the story. Having the idea of a killer virus engineered in a lab (which they won’t be able to prove anyway!) scares people. It may even be used as an excuse to get people mandatorily vaccinated as the willing idiots have run their course.
So it makes perfect sense. The mass vaccinations push has slowed to a trickle…so now is the hard part; convincing people that everyone must get the shot. They don’t need to convince ME, only my employer, my grocer, my doctor, my family members. But you have to keep the people convinced the virus is real and MOST people will readily believe the lab theory. But more importantly it keeps everyone believing that viruses are real which is the key to the entire Wu Flu house of cards.
One thing he mentions is that 5G can cause people sickness to include flu-like symptoms. Read The Electric Rainbow. This book also describes the mass human experiments they did with Spanish Flu and they couldn’t prove it was contagious although they tried and tried to infect healthy people with all kinds of ways from sick people. We have known the power of the electrified world can cause harm for over 270 years.
Another good site for Germ Theory videos.
And (now) the shot is the virus. And the flu shots are hardly any better as they to cause what they are supposed to prevent.
Oh yes, this winter will be an awful third wave of lung ailments. And I say this confidently not even believing in Virus Theory.
The April high of the Wilshire 5000 has held for now.

Alternate count. Again Minor 4 violates the price of Minor 1 so its not ideal, at least until something else gets revealed.

The best count(s) for the DJIA and NYSE is still the extended 5th wave. DJIA closed its open chart gap today. And the NYSE made a new all-time high.

Even the German DAX benefits from the extended fifth wave count.

CPCE getting goosed again back into gamma-squeeze mode. Incredible. The craziness continues.