The comment made two posts ago that I believe Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, will return to this earth sometime between 2030 – 2033 was based on 2000 years (2 days to the Lord) from his estimated crucifixion and death/Resurrection. Since that comment, someone very kind sent me an amazing link that I must share that greatly reinforces what I have been feeling. The video is here.
The video is a revelation of the likely year and season of His return. That predicted season and year is late Summer or early Fall 2028 (the video has the crucifixion on Passover, 28 A.D.) If Christ is to return in Summer 2028 that means that the 7 year tribulation will start in the late summer or fall of this year, 2021. It is incredible news! Something has been moving me all these last many months, indeed since last year when I watched with incredulousness the cold-hearted callousness of my fellow man. The lies and gaslighting is so noxious that I feel I am living in Wonderland.
What this also implies is that the Rapture – the rescuing of the believers into Heaven prior to the tribulation is just around the corner! So we must be vigilant!
I also have been having thoughts that a great power outage, perhaps affecting most of the western world, will occur this summer. I have been saying this to friends that they should be ready with plenty of supplies, gas, generator and water, etc. I base this on some of what Mike Adams, The Health Ranger has been saying that he has info that the power grid will be “hacked”. Remember, the Luciferians always are compelled to signal their intentions, which I think the Lord again, is in control of everything. There has been many imminent warnings by the “authorities” that we are vulnerable to a massive electric grid hack attack. The southern pipeline was a training event as was the meat plant. These 2 operations were part of setting us up mentally for something even bigger.
In reality, it is the world’s intelligence agencies like the CIA/NSA, Mossad and the U.K.’s Mi5 that will execute the blackouts through either paid proxies or covert elite teams as they have long ago declared war on their populations. As I said, the NWO elites, led by communist bastards such as John Brennan and now the recently revealed scumbag Chief of Staff General Milley and other arch villians such as the usual suspects Klaus Schwab, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Macron, Obama, Kerry, Putin, Poo Bear, the Clintons, the Bushes, Mitt Romney (in fact all the Senators), Pelosi, Netanyahu, that asshat from Australia along with the dirtbag from New Zealand and yes probably Trump, he took the goo too. I could go on and on and on. The world’s entire political, corporate and institutional systems are corrupt to the very core. There is no good left in any of them and that is surely a sign!
This blackout will afford the cover that certain suspects will be secretly arrested and other covert actions will occur. But more importantly, they wish to spark and create an economic collapse which is phase 2 after Covid. First shoot the demon goo into every man, woman, and child they can get a hold of, and then create chaos, declare martial law, and then round up and corral the rest into absolute submission and control. And of course more goo shots and eventually the Mark of the Beast as the Tribulation moves onward with death and destruction.
These Covaids jabs are training the human race to submit to this ritual. Only a few have realized what has been going on. And then sometime in the Great Tribulation, the genuine MoTB will be demanded. Unfortunately, few will resist.
But one must always remember that God is always in control. It may be in His plan that a mass power outage occurs soon as that is when the Rapture may very well take place to keep the world in the dark. This would create mass confusion and hysterics once the power is restored and there will be no explanation for the unexplained disappearance of many hopefully millions of people (and I pray I am taken to Heaven too). There will be plenty of first hand witnesses but would they be believed? Or would the NWO globalists blame an alien invasion which has also been agitated greatly over the last many months in certain parts of the internet, and by the elites themselves planting the seeds of predictive programming.
So I am ready. I look up to the sky, hopeful that I will be whisked away to avoid this Great Calamity that seems to have befallen the Earth. Hey, I said I was a Follower of Christ, I believe in the Bible, and did you think His return would be delayed forever always “not in my lifetime”? Get ready people! It’s already been nearly 2000 years since Jesus’ crucifixion, did you expect God’s patience to be eternal? Nay, the evil things that are going on in this world is too much to bear any longer. The cries of the hundreds of millions of innocent victims for the past 2000 years have grown too loud for too long.
So what would this mean for the stock market? Does the top of the Grand Supercycle mark the end of the Church Age? Will the subsequent Grand Supercycle negative mood plunge represent perfectly the 7 year tribulation? I suspect as much. Again, if you watch the video, the Tribulation will start latest this Fall 2021, which implies the Rapture will take place prior to. We cannot know the day, but we must always be ready regardless, if even the dates are wrong from the video and even if we have a few more years.
Is it any wonder that the S&P 500 bottomed at 666 in 2009? Again, this was no accident, call it fate if you like. I liken the current stock market as the modern day Tower of Babel created in the computer instead of the physical world and that too is no accident. NWO elites worship technology and are beginning to attempt to merge it with all of humankind which is probably the final straw for God! Ever the stocks go higher and higher to reach a false Heavan in absolute defiance of all things in nature, of all things godly. Computers in control, leverage hiding the losses, debt upon unpaid debt stacked seemingly infinitely high and attracting the masses and diverting them from truth and light and eventually plunging them into misery and darkness. Yes, there is a reason I have tracked this market for so long and I never knew it until this year. I have a small part to play in things as we all do, so must it be.
Yeah, ok so I didn’t expect I’d be tracking the end of times, the end of the Church Age, but the accelerated misery and forced “vaccine” shots that are killing tens of thousands, and poisoning the blood, one can only come to the conclusion that we are living in a devious devil age that has encompassed the entire planet and left no nation without relief.
And I feel nearly alone, ready to be abandoned as “crazy” by even my so-called fellow Christians. In fact, I don’t even like to call myself a “Christian” because it implies I go to church. I don’t go to any church because my instinct is that most by now are totally corrupt and captured which they are. When the local Pastor wants you to poison your blood as that is now the only way to be “saved” then you know they have all truly lost their way. And don’t even get me started on the leftist Pope. Corrupt to the core and he has sold his soul and the entire Roman Catholic Church to the worldly devil, that much is clear.
Some claim these Covaids shots are indeed the Mark of the Beast – they are not yet – but from my experiences with those captured into the passport system, I cannot find anyone who openly regrets taking the “vaccine”. Their souls seem vacant and cold and something has changed. Yet if you are reading this and you bought into the Covid lies and took the shot you can repent your sins and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and all will be forgiven! It is not too late, but time is running out.
Ok, that was pretty sobering to write, but I felt compelled to get it out there anyway. I know I have lost many readers but it matters not.

Again, there are enough waves in place to consider the count “complete”. And wave [v] nearly perfectly equals wave [i] although there is room for a Monday morning plunge and then a slightly new high then rollover.

2 ways to count the weekly since the 2020 low.

Composite. Ratios are starting to spike again which I would expect at the end.

The SPX chart is intriguing. All the waves connect on wedged channel lines and the structure counts well as an ending diagonal triangle since waves [iv] and [i] overlap and the internals sort of have an (a)-(b)-(c) look and count.