No sooner than did I post on Saturday and included geoengineering, I went out back to relax on my deck and lo and behold 2 aircraft were streaking across the sky in parallel with bellowing plumes. I thought to myself, is this really happening, is God opening my eyes for more truth that has been going on for many years that I never bothered or cared to see? The one aircraft was very high must have been about 40,000 ft. So I watched for about an hour. There were more trails and they did not look like normal contrails, instead they had almost a bluish tint. There were even concentric trails circling off to the north.
I was looking for other aircraft to confirm that if one was making contrails, they all should be. After about 45 minutes, 2 more high flying aircraft came across the sky from the same direction as before again in parallel, again spewing contrails from end to end that did not dissipate. However this time I spotted a 3rd aircraft with no contrail at all flying fairly high also. It was angling toward one of the spewing aircraft and then when it intercepted the flight pattern it turned in the same direction and lo and behold I saw it turn on its contrails in an “on, off, on, off, on off”, then finally on for the rest of the time until it flew out of sight! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
The cycling of the on/off switch produced what looked like a Morse code of sorts. dash, empty space, dash, empty space, dash, empty space. I suppose this is standard procedure for when they turn on the chemtrails so it is not so obvious to anyone who happens to be looking, so that it is not so obvious of where the “contrail” started. To the north I also spied another contrail that had a very distinct “start” point. I eventually grew tired went inside and researched it a bit and when I came back outside before sunset, the sky had many contrails and the sky was very hazy. The weather should not have produced hazy skies.
So I DDG’d “geoengineering whistleblower” and found this credible video here. Also an Air Force pilot’s testimony here on He describes “Operation Indigo Blue”. Very credible. So basically the Air Force has been operating geoengineering aircraft for a few decades, maybe more. This is no doubt a “Special Access” program. Special Access does not require Top Secret. It does require a Secret clearance though. Special Access programs can be “White Ops” or “Black ops”. The White ops are “known” and publicly admitted programs, the black ops programs do not officially exist. So once a person is inducted into a black ops program, they are told under penalty of law, to include harsh jail sentences, to never speak of anything and to never admit anything. You are not even supposed to answer any questions in the affirmative or negative.
The pilots are no doubt told these missions are vital to national security and that they help blot out the sky to deny the enemy electronic penetration of the atmosphere or some lie like that. Who knows. What I do know is that they are spraying poison on their own population for nefarious reasons and they do not care. Commanders such as an Air Wing Commander would no doubt have access to these programs of aircraft operating on their bases. So war pigs like General Milley would certainly know that these aircraft operate and poison America on a regular basis. What has been sprayed the last 18 months? Was anything sprayed over New York in 2020? Yes they spray “nano-particles” of all kinds.
Anyway, I didn’t mean to blog about this subject as it is something I never gave any thought about. There is plenty of evidence on the web, the best place to start is they have been at this for many years. Just more proof that your governments don’t give a damn about their citizens and plot against them. You can watch their excellent documentary here. All I know is my modest swimming pool is polluted for the last 2 summers with some kind of very small whitish particles that float on top sort of like paper or plastic that you can see on the surface if viewing at the correct angle. I just don’t know what it is and it is hard to get rid of and it is now always there. Now I know for sure it comes from the aircraft. Thanks assholes, you will be judged!
Switching gears, I really like the Stew Peters show. He has been following the dead pilot saga and what has been going on in the airlines. He often has Dr. Jane Ruby on and she gets a lot of tips and insider phone calls and such as the turmoil inside the airline industry is obvious to anyone looking.
Knowledge is indeed accelerating, at least for me, as foretold in the Book of Daniel of the Bible that the end of times would see an increase of seeking of knowledge. The Lord is waking up those that are able to be awakened. This past year I have expanded my knowledge greatly and I was not intending to do that. I went from scared of a mystery “contagious” dead cell debris (virus) to soundly rejecting Germ theory. I learned that Luceferians and secret societies do exist and they plot against humankind. I learned all about the New World Order and when they say they want to reduce the world population because we are “useless eaters”, they really mean it and act on it! And finally after having wandered away from Jesus Christ off and on most of my adult life, I am suddenly awaken to a rebirth and alerted to the impending 7 year Tribulation event that will likely start this fall with Jesus’ return in the summer or fall of 2028, a full 2000 years (2 days to the Lord!) from his crucifixion on Wednesday, May 2nd, 28 A.D.
Some people believe that a “Rapture” event will occur before then and I faith in that also. So therefore I am getting ready and it could come at any time. Others believe the Rapture will occur before the final last 3 1/2 years of the “Great Tribulation”. Either way we must be ready!
I am not sure what the purpose of this blog has been, hopefully it was for a few out there that maybe learned something or have awakened themselves to Jesus also! When Google banned my blog, I had no idea how distressed I would become. I knew the possibility of getting banned was real and I figured I’d just stop blogging and get on with life yet something urged me that Saturday/Sunday in late May to find another way. I had no idea of how to go and start your own blog because Blogspot had handed everything on a silver platter and I had not changed anything in over 10 years anyway so my knowledge was dimmed. But starting the new blog was like a cleansing, nay a “rebirth” from the unclean Google who has 666 in their logo and had the balls to lecture with their lying “Don’t be Evil” slogan.
So regardless, here I am and it was my Guardian Angels making it happen. For what purpose? Probably for my purpose first and foremost (but hopefully for others who read it) as I have received many emails that have led me to other things such as the prophecy video above. And I gratefully thank that person for that. I am playing “catch-up” in reading and learning about scripture so its been quite a ride as of late. I go through the day trying not to break any of the 10 Commandments such as cursing as an example or talking bad about others behind their backs. And now I make the 7th day, Saturday, a day of rest and Gospel reading and praying. Yes, our churches got it all wrong.
But, I’ll be here plotting this modern day Tower of Babel of a stock market regardless. We all know it is a lie and a fraud. Even those who are not religious admit that as much. Will it just keep going on and on until God announces the time has come for a reckoning sometime either late this summer or early Fall 2021? It’s an interesting juxtaposition. Here I was a “perma-bear” all these years and yes I guess I missed the counts to the top. And maybe now I’ll miss the ride to the bottom which I hope I do miss because enduring the wrath of God is not something I want to live through on this Earth.
Can you imagine? God’s coming back into the world in a big way would cause the stock market to crash? Of course, it would be the least of anyone’s worries at that stage. How’s that for a bearish outlook? And yet, I would surely get the email saying “Hey bud, you can’t claim credit because if God hadn’t stepped in blah, blah, blah you were wrong! Your stock market calls suck and you’re a joke of the internets or something!” The ironic thing is if you’re a Follower of Christ, God’s coming again is wonderful! Maybe that is why I was a perma-bear cheering on the big crash all these years. It kept my heart in the right place; against overly corrupt, evil, lying historic greediness which has now led to killing of many innocents for cash bribery payouts to promote a “vaccine”. Nay, it was not to promote a vaccine, it was to promote a blood “ritual”. A capturing of the masses to support evil and stay silent. To do the devil’s bidding.
And this is just the tip of the evil iceberg. The world has become a rotten place run by sociopaths intent on doing great harm to the world’s population that much is clear! And they are making good headway. They are delusional and many believe they can merge man with machine (it’s a lie meant to scare you). And all the world’s institutions – governments at all levels, corporations, non-profits, churches, universities, schools, and even your local Boy Scouts, everything is rotten and corrupted to the core pretty much. So yes, it has gotten out of control and now God will make things right and judgement time is around the corner.
There is a spell on the masses and as much as I have tried over the last year and a half, you simply cannot wake them up to anything! They refuse all evidence. Not even family members. It’s as if as soon as this plandemic was put in motion, people took a hardened heart and they cannot be changed no matter the evidence, no matter anything. They have been captured and seemingly permanently compromised, and not by God.
Squiggles are working well. Looks like they want to do window dressing for the end of the quarter.

The Composite count suggests that indeed, the market could hang up high until sometime in July to stretch wave (5) a bit more.

SPX closed on the trendline. Another chart to watch.

VIX. Hit sub-15, complacency and a weird calm finally back into the market and this society. Ho-hum, get the jab! Ho-hum lock out the unmarked! Ho-hum, inject the children! Ho-hum, kill the useless eaters!
They won’t see that whole Wrath of God thing coming will they?