One of the lawsuits making its way through the court system is the Houston Methodist Hospital System. They have until June 7th to get vaccinated. 117 out of some 26,000 employees refused. I have a few comments and observations of course:
- I hate the argument people make when they say they shouldn’t be made to take vaccines under EUA “because they are not FDA approved” which obviously gives unearned authority to the hopelessly corrupt (and evil I might add for anyone that works there and goes along) FDA. They would bring more attention if they argued from a standpoint that they are not vaccines by definition, that they are dangerous, that the efficacy rates are a lie, and that its “their body, their choice”, including vaccines of all types. The madness has to stop.
- So even if they win their lawsuit, when the FDA does approve the “vaccines”, they will then be fired again. And thus, they will have no further basis for another lawsuit.
- This evil action of the CEO Marc Boom should not go unchallenged. In fact, he should be called to testify if he took the vaccine himself under oath. Additionally they should get a trial by jury. Make a circus of the situation. Attack the court case from all angles. But they won’t of course and they will lose. And this case will unfortunately set a precedent for the rest of the corporate whore CEO’s to direct their lines of business all get vaccinated. But of course most CEO’s and board members will not take the poison shot. They didn’t get to where they are by being stupid.
- This is actually an example of Phase 4 which I talked about yesterday. Phase 4 is where they shut the “unvaccinated” out of society – which of course is already happening. How far will they go in Phase 4? Well that depends if Joe Biden reaches his precious 70% of adults vaccinated which apparently he has been ordered to accomplish for the nation. Because he certainly can’t think for himself.
- Phase 5 is, of course, mandatory vaccinations or face fines, prison, or loss of your children, unable to leave your house, get medical treatment, etc. The worst case scenario is the military is deployed and they come and jab you whether you like it or not.
- The best case (and most probable – at least for now) is that there is a “mixture” of laws depending on where you live and what governor you have at the moment. But that can change when they just steal the next election. Also you have to remember Texas – the supposedly freest state run by a Republican Governor and legislature – hasn’t said squat and they will let their Corporate overlord whores do what they want. AS you might have noticed EVERY Republican has pushed the shots. EVERY ONE OF THEM. You will find no solace in the politicians. We have a few that pushed back a little – like Desantis – but he still pushes the poison jabs nonetheless. In the end it won’t much matter, cause the evildoers are playing the long game here.
- Tell me, what good is a law in a state against “vaccine passports” (I think Texas passed one) if you just lost your ability to earn a decent living because you didn’t have a fucking vaccine passport?? What good was that law for again? Its all theatre.
- Remember, everyone who got the shot has been “marked” in a database. You were required to fill out all your information. Sure there will be holes and a lot of mistakes, but bureaucrats are gonna bureaucrat. Thus, if Phase 5 comes around they can simply use this database. Yes eventually the vaccine “passport” system will be consolidated and unified.
- This entire situation is a “frog in a boiling pot”. I get laughed at regularly like I’m off the deep end but I have been fairly accurate over the last year concerning the jab and what steps they are taking. The sad thing is that every time something comes to pass those that laughed at me won’t come around to my side, they will have formed by then a valid reason in their minds on why I should be denied shopping at the local ACME. So yes 1 month they laugh at me when I say I’ll be denied groceries and then when it comes to pass, they will agree with the position that I should be denied groceries. Just like a boiling pot. Incrementally they push this slowly and slowly and the mass propaganda is arguably on par or better with what occurred in NAZI Germany.
- Back to the lawsuit. Now that 26,000 idiots in the Houston healthcare system has been “marked”, registered and fully captured, what happens when the “booster” shot is a natural part of the next progressive phase of the boiling pot? I can quite imagine come December 2021, employees will be forced to get a booster shot or face unemployment. Or was this all only good for just 2 shots and we are done forever?
- No of course we are not done forever! The shots – all shots – all “vaccines” – all jabs of every kind – are just one component of Big Medicine/Big Pharma that is making the world SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE. (Watch the video). We will be facing never-ending diseases, disorders, and lung ailments and it will of course ramp up again – as it always does – for this coming “flu season”. And when it does, they will demand more shots which of course will finish the job on a very lot of people. But they are the boiling frogs and they are like a mouse placed in a cage with a viper. The mouse will go up and sniff the viper and BLAM! the mouse gets jabbed with poison and dies.
- So again, I usually ask those who get the jab if they are ready for the 3rd one. Most say no they won’t take it, and maybe they mean it, but we’ll see. I then ask them, well if you won’t take the third, why the fuck did you take the first 2 and allow yourself to be captured into the system in the first place?
To wrap this rant up, I will predict that those who got the jabs AND go and get more jabs within this next year – many will get very sick as their bodies may react in ways not anticipated (nor looked for). So the flu shot will be particularly deadly this year.
As Judy Mikovits said in the video, stop taking jabs and medicines of all kinds and learn to heal yourself with proper diet, nourishment and stop being a slave to Big Medicine because they will kill you in the end like they did my mother and brother.
I will always be free as I have learned the most important lesson of my life – that the world is an extremely corrupted place and the people running things at every level of society and institution (they are all captured) don’t give a damn if you die or not, particularly the Germ (Virus) Theory Occultists and those who push the evil shots into our just born babies and the elderly unable to speak for themselves and all of us in between.
Yes, I am a proud anti-vaxxer and you should be too. Wake up people, the water is starting to bubble!
Wilshire made a new daily closing high. One small push of .26% and it will be an intraday high.

The new top alternate is some kind of summer rally situation as shown in the last few posts. This is the only chart I have that shows this potential.

The rest of the charts shows the entire rally from March 2020 as an extended wave (5) of [5] of V of (V) situation. Basically what this says is that a “top” made a lot of sense last year but the market decided to extend. Thus the Intermediate wave (5) keeps playing out until it runs out of waves which it appears ready to do. These extended wave count fives have a finite endpoint. They don’t extend forever.
What makes these counts attractive is they are really the only thing that works best on the DJIA, the NYSE and even the German DAX. The last chart shows the Wilshire 5000 chart from the standpoint of an extended wave (5) and it works just as well too.

Dollar. I keep hearing talk of the always imminent dollar collapse but against what? The Euro? The Pound? The Yuan? They are all up to their asses in debt as much as we are if not more! The chart has been basing for a long time. My prediction is at some point in the coming collapse new all-time dollar highs are coming.

What everyone should worry about is the bonds. Bonds go worthless first and are sold into dollars. Oh sure the Fed plays a massive shell game with the Primary Dealers in hiding the debt, parking it in various schemes and “programs” without outright monetizing it as best they can, but sooner or later there can be no more debt issued.
What really should piss people off is just what right did the Fed have in buying up to 7 trillion dollars in “assets” anyway? For you know in the coming collapse they will claim to own everything that is on their books – except government paper. They probably will let the government and municipal bonds selloff thus massively contracting the government at all levels who will then be unable to do anything such as provide basic services, etc. and keep the MBS, corporate debt, etc. That was probably part of the plan all along anyway. Once the system collapses they won’t care if they instantly become America’s largest landlord and Corporate overlord. And we’ll all be wondering, why do they own everything?
The Fed in the end is the world’s biggest private bank and they are part and parcel of the coming NWO. Biden and all his lackeys are not. They really did give Biden the jab and I don’t think he will last too much longer mentally not that he was in any kind of mental shape prior to that anyway.

Would you be anxious to buy this 30 year bond price chart? It’s had an awful long run.

Yesterday’s CPCE. Goosing it like they did before but the goosing is losing effectiveness as noted on the monthly Wilshire 5000 chart, the peak volume bars were January/February. We have an “all idiots are already in” situation. That much is clear just from the masses taking the jab without question!

Just to be sure you are living in a nightmare, I present this final bit of lunacy:
This guy just literally sold a sculpture of air – i.e. – “nothing” for $18,000!
Oh, and just saw this poll of opinion of where people think the Wu-Flu originated. And like I said, it keeps the world’s ignorant masses completely locked into the Germ Theory Occultists evil plans of shots, shots, and more shots forever!
It went from people rightly questioning (as I have) “does Covid even exist?” to “Of course Covid exists, because it was engineered in a lab and released by China!”
See how that works? It kept your eyes averted from the real truth, that “vaccination” has been an ongoing scam for some 220 years and running. Because think of it – if you come around to my way of thinking and realizing that “contagious virus” theory is a scam – the entire house of Big Medicine comes crashing down because you’ll also come to realize the true cause of ALL disease is toxemia – and they don’t want us to explore that at all!
(That’ll be a post for the weekend – I’ll provide a lot of links to all the books I have read on the subject including ones from 1935, 1956, 1958 and several more from the recent era. Pandemics are a real thing, but not caused from what they are telling us).
And oh, nothing will ever come of the “engineered and released” from a lab story. NOTHING! Except perhaps if they need a future reason to go to war or provoke China – and since we are so China-dependent – destroy America’s economy (middle class to be quite specific) then so be it. It’s an “ace card” in the hole to be played if and when needed by the usual suspects of Global Elitists who insist we give up meat and eat bugs.
Who does the all-of-a-sudden lab leak story benefit after being literally banned from all media for more than a year? Certainly not me and you!