Every day I wake up and pinch myself and check the local MSN newsfeed rag on what the global elite scumbags are planning. This newsfeed (and others) is a very good predictor. They link CNN and CNN is the advanced propaganda arm of the world elite. Whatever opinion you see on CNN, that is what you can predict is what they plan on next.
Every day confirms the madness and the ever-quickening worldwide descent into hell on earth. Now we get a story where France is to mandate vaccinations. But of course. Macron is running ahead of Trudeau in being the biggest Satan ball-licker on the planet. The ghoulish Boris Johnson and communist bitch dog baby-killer Merkel aren’t far behind. Biden is like a walking living zombie kept alive by adrenochrome and amphetamine shots in the ass. Putin is a master of lies and evil, sometimes I think he is the coming Antichrist. At this point in history, North Korea is starting to look like the “reasonable” nation in resisting the vax. That’ll only get Kimmy boy turned up dead somewhere like in Haiti.
I am apt to believe the US Stock market will peak near or on the full FDA approval of the Covaids jabs. And then massive financial collapse. And why wouldn’t it? It will be massively deflationary as at least 20% will refuse the shots. For once the jab is officially approved, you will see country after country and corporate whore after corporate whore fall in line and make it mandatory to be able to participate or even to go to a grocery store eventually. This will be the confirmation of evil and of course trigger massive unrest as it already is doing.
What do you think the effect of having 20% of the population unemployed over the next 6 – 10 months? And this is not the “excess slacker worker baggage”, no, you are going to have highly skilled workers – many not replaceable – all of a sudden be barred from the workforce. Tremendously deflationary over all. And loans will start to default. But again, the goal of the elite is destruction anyway so they will be highly pleased. What better way to take care of the unvaxxed troublemakers but to bankrupt them and bar them from society and eventually haul them away to FEMA camps? And what vaxxed person would object? They are already captured and compromised to do evil’s bidding.
Now if all this doesn’t happen, (and I predicted it would last year), then one may be able to have hope that the nightmare would be over and things will truly get back to “normal”. But it won’t get back to normal because the power elite have gone “all in”. Besides, it is all God’s plan in the end anyways. All the pieces are being thrown on the gameboard called earth and we get to see where everyone stands right down to each individual. There is no escape from it, everyone will be forced to take a side.
Team Satan will win hands-down in the first half. Team Jesus will crush them all in the second half and justice will be served. The saved will be rescued prior to the start of the second half. That is all you need to really know. And oh yeah, we get to rule like immortals for 1000 years over the losing team. Won’t it be grand! Satan will be locked away so no more Covaids lies will we have to endure.
We just have to make it to halftime in one piece. Either way, keeping the faith always!
Eventually, we (the saved) will get clear signs that the Antichrist has arrived on the scene, and again, he is due this Fall season, 2021. What I am looking for is for the propaganda war against the unvaxxed to take a turn toward “Christian holdouts”. Once the world starts turning against Christianity en masse, we can reckon that the fallen angel Antichrist is probably walking amongst us.
Vax Deaths are piling up, yet no one cares. I care! And God cares!
Again, I suppose the market will continue until official full FDA jab approval which I predict will be prior to September, likely early August as this will give the corporations, schools, etc to give 2 – 4 weeks warning to get vaxxed or else. September is back to school and end of summer vacations. You can bet the power elite want to get the full approval prior to September. I will be surprised if it is not.
And thus all the elite insiders know when it will be approved. And the market will march onward until that day comes. It is all in God’s plan so I do not fret about it. I only watch and confirm. And insiders are not stupid. They know that banning 20% of the workforce will be very destabilizing and they will exit the markets which is the next stage of the plan anyway.
I revamped the squiggles as I suggested last week I probably would do seeing more evidence emerge. We can imagine that Minute [iv] may be finished in an upward flat or expanded flat.

Therefore the bumps on the daily count better. And Fib sequence #24 of 46,368 is still within reach.

CPCE is primed to turn upwards in a huge way which implies huge collapse. But I am hoping we get another new all-time high first to finish out the wave count.

New York Stock Exchange count could be a triangle.

Massively overbought on the monthly.

That pesky dollar. During the great collapse I predict it will eventually make a new all-time high.

I resquiggled the Composite to match the Wilshire in that it requires a new high but it would have to be like next week.

It would look good if the DJIA squeaked out a new all-time intraday high also.