Watch a little of Dr. Tom Cowan, you’ll be smarter when you’re finished. And some interviews here.
Ok, well the intense propaganda media effort to get the “swine unvaccinated” to take the jab is ramping up beyond level 11. I am just waiting for full FDA approval of the Pfizer jab in the next few weeks/month and then you’ll see mass corporate jab mandates just in time for “back to school” and the end of summer vacations and just prior to “flu season”. Check your local MSN browser “newsfeed” for a sample of the stories being pumped day in and day out that they hype to the masses. They are all a pack of bought and paid for lies.
I can easily predict how things are going to go because the bible clearly tells us at the end of times, evil will prevail. And hence, if I am wrong about the end times being on our doorstep, things will get back to normal and I won’t have to worry about raging lefty lunatics show up at my door with local National Guard and FEMA agents taking me off to some quarantine camp “for my own good”. Now obviously we haven’t gotten quite fully to stage 5 just yet, but that is where we are headed.
The propaganda stories are exhibiting an angrier and angrier slant each and every day. I really think they thought they could actually dupe 70% of the working population into taking the poison jab freely but that hasn’t worked out. And had it not been so damn deadly and injurious, they might have succeeded.
70% of “working adults” was always the “threshold” of where they figured they can steamroll the rest of society into submitting. Why? Well, even though the corporate whores are in lockstep, many corporations simply cannot afford to lose 20-35% of their highly skilled workforces because they refuse the jab. Take the highly skilled defense industry. Do you think Raytheon or Boeing can risk losing 30% of its highly skilled workforce all at once and not take a huge deflationary or even ruinous hit to their business? Critical project managers and engineers, or even just mid-level engineers refusing the jab and thus endangering the prospects of the very businesses themselves.
How is Boeing or Raytheon or Lockheed Martin going to replace their highly skilled fired workers when even the local Burger King cannot find enough willing people to flip a burger? Not only that, the defense industry is aging rapidly. The workforces are old and an influx of young people are needed to keep things going. But it is the young people who are largely refusing the jab in the first place! The propaganda that it is only Republicans refusing the jab is another lie. I know plenty of (older) Republicans and they are entirely jabbed for the most part to the very last one. It is the young – and they tend not to be affiliated with a political party – who are refusing the jab and spoiling the power elites global plan of world domination through mass mandatory vaccines.
And so they are angry. And examples will be made of in the coming weeks/month. This will happen through the courts, through mandates, etc.
It is all massively deflationary as a matter of course even if you don’t subscribe to my end-of-times outlook. When you have 20% (or much more) of the work force ostracized and unable to make ends meet because they refused the jab and are fired from their livelihoods, well if you think we have supply disruptions now just wait what is coming later! And that is all in their plan anyway I suppose. So it will happen. Famines will happen. Wars will happen. Jesus himself tells us all these things must come to pass first before his glorious return.
We can label the count in two ways and either are acceptable for now. We have new all-time highs on the DJIA, SPX, NASDAQ Composite and Wilshire 5000. So the beat goes on. Fibonacci sequence #24 of 46,368 is looking good for a Wilshire target

My squiggly chart imagines we gap up open Monday in some kind of exhaustion effort to get to that 46,368 and then total collapse.

The other way to count the Wilshire is shown in the next 2 charts. This count variation allows another small pullback and more time. So instead of a final thrust up Monday to get that magical 46,368 marker, we head down to form wave (b) of [v] of 5. I suppose Monday’s open will be the key.

I would like to remind that the Wilshire bottomed at the Fibonacci sequence #20 (6,765) in March of 2009. The low? 6,765 6,772! That is within .0011% !