Here is a neat trick I want to show you that is in C.J. Lovik’s video that helped him unlock Daniel’s 70th week prophecy.
Jesus died on the cross Wednesday April 28, 28 A.D. and ascended to heaven Sunday, May 2, 28 AD. This is another topic altogether but Gabriel Ansley and C.J. Lovik both came to the same conclusion but on their own. Technically he was resurrected on May 1st Saturday night after 6 pm after spending perfectly 72 hours in the grave from Wednesday 6 pm to Saturday 6 pm (Hebrew days are from evening to morning as described in Genesis 1). I too believe this is the timeline of Christ.
Here is a neat thing:
Take 1948 (year that Israel was a nation again) and multiply it by God’s 360 prophetic days in a year (instead of 365.25).
1948 x 360 prophetic days = 701,280 prophetic days.
With a start date of either Saturday May 1st (or May 2 if you include the last day in the count), 28 A.D. add 701,280 days and you will end with 14 May, 1948 the very day Israel became a nation again!
Note the picture below. I used this calculator below with the start date of 2 May and included end date in calculation. Or you can use Saturday, 1 May and not include the end date in calculation.
Just a neat parlor trick? Of course not! God is revealing much to all at the end of times!

I, Daniel = aka Daneric – have been reading a lot of the end of times (as we know it) as foretold in the Bible and particularly the last book, Revelation. I very much believe that Jesus Christ will return in the Fall of 2028, September 20 – 22 to be exact, to defeat the coming Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan at the Battle of Armageddon and then immediately establish His 1000 year reign on earth with all the saved, both those who have ever died spiritually “saved” and the living saved to be collected in midair to meet Christ in the Rapture event due to take place in the year 2025, about the midpoint of the 7 years of Jacob’s Trouble or otherwise known as Daniel’s 70th week (which lasts 2520 days).
How I came to learn this knowledge, in only a few weeks time, I am convinced it was God’s awakening of those of us who seek the truth. Proof of this is from the Book of Daniel 12:4: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” So Jesus wants us to be alert and awake to His soon coming and to the soon coming of the Tribulation period, the Great Tribulation Period, the persecution of Christians, The Wrath of God, and the coming of the 1000 year Reign of Christ. We are to read and understand the Book of Revelation if we are to navigate this coming turbulent period in our time. God will help us understand it and perhaps this post is one such way.
How I have pieced this together is as I was pointed to various things, why I do not know. The first being C.J. Lovik’s unlocking of Daniel’s 70th week as seen in this great video here. This was sent to me from someone named Enda, from which I now discern the name Enda is related to the End of Times! God works in mysterious ways. In fact this email was automatically delivered to my “junk” email folder ready to be flushed however something made me remember it and I retrieved it after a few days and clicked the link. It was the entire spark in my process of learning.
Someone else so kind named James (yes a name of a Book of the Bible), again via email, sent me a link to a 22 hour Book of Revelation sermon (1 for each chapter) series by Pastor Steven Anderson here. Pastor Anderson’s view on the breakdown of the Revelation is the best I have ever seen (or read) and he backs it up with logical proof from other parts of the book in every sermon.
Yesterday I googled about others who believe 2028 is the end times. I immediately ran across this site here. His name is Gabriel, and like the angel who spoke to Daniel in the Book of Daniel, it was another subtle hint from God that I was to continue to pursue this. So I read Gabriel’s condensed version of his book (via Amazon Kindle) and he makes quite the case, particularly reinforcing the belief that God’s 7 day creation event matches (and prophesizes) a 7000 year timeline (which C.J. Lovik also believes in). Both believe in the prophecy that Christ came at the end of day 4 (4000 years). Like C.J. Lovik, he also concluded Christ’s crucifixion and Resurrection was during the Passover time of the year 28 A.D. Gabriel concludes that Christ will return exactly 2000 years as a result and he surmises that it will be on the Fall Feast of Trumpets, also known as Rosh Hashana, 20 – 22 September 2028. I believe this will be true. C.J. Lovik arrived at a Fall 2028 return date through other means (unlocking the mystery of Daniel’s 70th week) but it points to the same time.
So having multiple sources that I ran across, and through reading of the King James Bible, I feel confident enough to write this essay post and actually I feel compelled. I do however generally disagree with both C.J. Lovik’s view of the “Rapture” and Gabriel Erb’s view. C.J. Lovik believes in the “pre-Trib” rapture that will take place prior to the final 7 years, thus in the year 2021. Gabriel believes that the Rapture will take place at the very end of times, thus in the year 2028. I think both are misguided and Pastor Steven Anderson’s clearly logical look at the entire Bible and placing the Rapture event squarely in the middle of the 7 years after mankind’s Tribulation and Great Tribulation period is likely to be true. I believe it to be so. That year would be 2025.
The Tribulation will be approximately the first 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist’s consolidation of power over the earth. When the Antichrist finally, along with his False Prophet make an image unto themselves and demand the Antichrist to be worshipped will be the time where all peoples of earth will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast or be executed via an electronic guillotine. Christians (or those who call themselves that), who are unlucky enough to be caught up in the mass roundup – and there will be many – will face a choice. Those that take the mark by denouncing Christ will avoid the guillotine and thus will be eternally damned. Those that refuse the mark will be beheaded and will gain eternal life with Christ as like a martyred saint. That’s the main lesson of Revelation, is to maintain your endurance in Christ even through bodily death because you will win in the end.
I believe the earth was created in the year 4004 4007 B.C. Adam led a sinless life of approximately 32.5 33.5 years until the year 3972 3973 B.C. Adam’s sin started the 7000 year countdown for mankind of which the first 6000 years was to be “work” and the last day, the 1000 year reign of Christ, “rest”. There is a reason God provided the chronology of all the ages of descendants of Adam, He wants us to know His timeline. But most of mankind – including those who call themselves Christians – believe in the false religion of “science” such as the Theory of Evolution, The Big Bang Theory, Germ Theory, etc. These are all meant to take us away from the truth of God. There is “good” science, but it has long ago ceased to be practiced as such.
I believe Jesus was born in the year 4 – updated to: 7 B.C., 4000 years after the creation of earth. I believe Jesus died on 28 April, 28 A.D., 4000 years after the original sin of Adam. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection was at the end of God’s 4th day (4000 years). Indeed his birth can also be said to be at the end of 4000 years. Thus, Jesus was also “the beginning and the end”. Jesus paid the debt of Adam’s original sin by dying sinless whereas Adam was unable to maintain a sinless life. Jesus likely also was the exact same age of Adam even to the very same amount of days in which Adam walked sinless in the Garden of Eden making Jesus approximately 32.5 33.5 years old when he died for our sins. I don’t know how I believe this, but it came to me last night so I suspect it is true.
Thus simply 2028 is the end of the 6th Day and then the 7th day reign (1000 years) of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will begin after His return to establish His Kingdom. There is a span of 3 days likely when He is to return and that would be the “Feast of Trumpets” from 20 – 22 September, 2028. His Glorious return will bring an angel army and defeat the Antichrist and False Prophet’s armies and the Kings of the earth at the Battle of Armageddon to take place during those last days.
The Antichrist and False Prophet, likely both fallen angels taken the form and humanly bodies of man (like Christ), under the service of Satan, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, the final resting place for all the tormented and damned. This place is somewhere in outer space apart from where the New Jerusalem will be after the 7000 years is finished. And Satan himself will be locked in Hell, which currently resides in the center of the earth. God created Hell and has the keys, Satan will be tormented like all others in Hell. Fun fact: Satan does not “rule” Hell (another lie to the masses) he has actually never been to Hell until an Angel of God throws him in there at the end of the 6000 years.
Satan wanted to copy God’s “Father, Son, Holy Spirit” “trinity” and thus Satan’s “son” is the Antichrist, his “Spirit” form is the False Prophet. It is of course an abomination and he likely used fallen angels taken the form of humans under his command to carry out such an evil. In the end they will all wind up in the Lake of Fire (which is different from Hell). And in the end God allowed all this to fulfill the end of times prophecies.
That above is roughly the outline of things that were and are likely to come as I do believe it to be so. One other important point is that God is always in control. He will use people to carry out his will and His judgement. God does not react to events, he initiates them. We were all written into the Book of Life at the beginning of time. Our goal is to remain in the book. He blots names out but never “adds”. Once removed, you are damned.
There are many clues in the Bible as to the length of the “Tribulation” period before Jesus Christ establishes His 1000 year Kingdom but in general most agree it is a 7 year period of time via many scriptural prophetic clues. Many, including me, believe it to be a “prophetic 7 years” consisting of 2520 days. If Christ returns 20-22 September, 2028 that would place the start of the Daniel’s 70th week October 27 – 29, 2021. Yet having studied the 22 hour video sermon series, the entire 7 year period is technically not the “Tribulation”, only the first half with the second half known as “The Wrath of God”. And this makes sense. The tribulation period is for all humankind but particularly for Followers of Christ. This is a period of time in which all will be greatly “tested”. Then follows the Wrath of God, the sounding of the Trumpets, and the pouring of the vials.
The Antichrist will be unleashed at the beginning (October 27 – 29, 2021) with the unsealing of the first seal as told in Revelation 6:2 “And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” The white horse is a copycat of how Christ will return but we will not see the Antichrist, his coming will be done in secret. The Antichrist, again my belief is a fallen Angel being used by Satan, will begin to consolidate power from late October 2021 for a full 42 months until early April, 2025. We derive this time period from Revelation 12:6 “And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.” Therefore for 1260 days – 42 prophetic months of 30 days each – Eve (the woman) is unable to be outright killed. Satan then goes after humankind, specifically Followers of Christ, as foretold in Revelation 12:17. “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.“
So the Antichrist from the beginning of his unleashing to set forth and conquer will be seeking out to destroy souls as he knows his time is limited. He already has the souls of the damned, the unbelievers, thus he will specifically seek the souls and destruction of the people who consider themselves Christians. Ultimately to keep the story short, he will set up an abomination in Jerusalem after the temple is rebuilt, declare himself to be the Messiah, and many will believe him. His sidekick, the False Prophet, will produce small miracles and many will believe. Why? First, because very few in this world have read and understand the Book of Revelation. Modern churches refuse to teach it because it is too “dark” or something or other. It is the most important book in the Bible!
At some point the Antichrist, during his consolidation of power phase, will physically die in an assassination. And then miraculously will be resurrected. This too will fool many. The Jews will take him to be the real Messiah. The Muslims will take him to be the Mahdi. Hindu’s and other religions will all have their own interpretations. There will be many false prophets as Jesus himself spoke of in Matthew 24:11 “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.”
So it will be confusing and a turbulent time. How many readers think “No way will I be fooled!”. But of course if you have not repented and asked for salvation through Christ, you will be in danger of having your heart hardened by God himself. If you are determined to follow a path, even one towards damnation, at some point God will assist you on that path.
And how many will be weak of heart who will take the mark of the beast just to avoid the guillotine? For after 42 months the Antichrist will have consolidated total power and will show his true self to the nations of the earth. Having had all the leaders of the world pledge themselves and their armies, Satan’s bastard son will demand fealty to take the mark of the beast or die by beheading.
And many so-called “Christians” (and Muslims, and Hindus, and Jews, etc) will indeed take the mark to avoid beheading (or because they believe in the Antichrist outright). Just like as many “Christians” today take the vaccine to avoid any inconveniences of life even though they have no idea what is in the shot or its long term effects. They have gambled all on the promise of who? And for what? So they can travel? Cannot one see that the jab and vaccine passport is the training of the soul to accept all that will come later? The “vaccine” is a blood pre-ritual and the Luciferian powers-that-be already know that the Antichrist is coming. Those who take the shot risk all for the sake of perceived temporary safety. The same will be true of those that take the mark of the beast. They will gain temporary safety of the flesh, but will lose their soul in eternal damnation.
Fun Fact: I only use the King James Bible because the others are corrupted. Here is an example. Go to “Biblehub.com” and do a comparison of the instances of the word “Lucifer” (name of the devil) between all the variations of Bibles. You will only find it once and it resides in the KJV only. In fact, the other versions have replaced “Lucifer” with “morning star” or “son of the morning” which is actually Christ! It’s a blatant blasphemy and proof how corrupt the churches have become. So I do believe in the literal word of the Bible and that all words are perfect and kept that way by God. That makes the KJV the only true word in English as it was translated from the original Hebrew and Greek texts by a team of some 50 scholars. Everything else is suspect as I gave an example above.
So where were we? Ok so around April, 2025, the persecution of Christians will go from merely “encouraged” (like early Nazi Germany in the persecution of Jews) to outright “final solution” where there is no more pretense. This period will likely last for a period of 2 1/2 months. We get this from Daniel 12:12 “Blessed [is] he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” Therefore the Antichrist, having consolidated power after 1260 days, will institute the mark of the beast where no man may buy or sell unless they take it, which means they face outright starvation. But Christians will be force led to the guillotine, turned in by family and friends (just like under the Nazi’s) and be forced to take the mark or die. 1335 days minus 1260 days means this period will last 75 days if this is the correct interpretation. And thus if April 11th is the day of the start, we can expect the “Great” part of the Tribulation (the 2 1/2 months) to be cut short in time by the Rapture event, the coming of Christ in the clouds to collect his elect and to deliver the 144,000 resurrected members of the 12 Tribes of Israel down to earth to preach the Gospel to the unbelievers who remain. The Rapture would take place on or about June 25th, 2025. After this, the earth will be left with unbelievers. Yet the end is not yet for at the same day of the Rapture, the Great Wrath of God will begin upon the rest of the people (the unbelievers of Christ) left on earth.
Much has been written on this event. One can be known as “pre Trib” or “post Trib”. And in fact, when one looks on the internet, you can find literally hundreds of interpretations of the Book of Revelation but I trust Pastor Anderson’s is closest that I have ever found so far. The guy is unbelievable. He can quote scripture from the top of his head like no one I know. And his Revelation sermon series was from 2013, not any time recently which gives it more credence I think. But more so he demands the reader uses a logical approach and he proves this logical reasoning time and time again. Man is a logical creature. This is a God-given trait and it is meant to ensure we can see through false paths and lies a mile away. Yet in today’s world that is the farthest from the truth. People pick out something and simply believe it without any logical critical thinking whatsoever.
If the Rapture event takes place in or on about June 25th, 2025, is this the second coming of Christ where he sets up his Kingdom? No, His coming in the clouds is first to collect his “elect” (saved), both the dead and the living and then after about a half an hour of the same day, the Wrath Of God begins but continues for the rest of the 7 years. The end of the Wrath of God is when he defeats Satan and locks him away on or about 21 September 2028 thus fulfilling the 6000 year timeline (6 days of creation or “work”) of mankind. The Rapture event is meant to cut short the time of Tribulation for the believers as foretold by Jesus himself in Matthew 24 or else we would surely perish.
The Antichrist will reign for 42 months – the last half of the 2520 days (7 years) – also known as God’s Wrath. So from about 10 April 2025 – 21 Sep 2028 he will have total power over the earth’s nations. During this time, there will be two witnesses sent by God to Jerusalem that have powers that protect them from death. I suspect they will be Moses and Elijah as foreseen by the Disciples when Christ showed them who he was in all His Glory Moses and Elijah had appeared with him. The Antichrist will be greatly affronted by the presence of the 2 witnesses. At this time the 144,000 protected (sealed) saints from the ancient 12 tribes of Israel will roam the earth preaching the gospel for those left. So there will likely be more saved during the last 3+ years leading up to the battle of Armageddon in September 2028.
You can read the Revelation on the 7 trumpets and 7 vials and I believe they will occur concurrently. First Trumpet, First Vial, and so on. The key to reading the Book of Revelation is that Chapters 4 – 11 is in chronological order and Chapters 12 – 22 is a repeat of much the same in chronological order but from a different view. Each “half” adds new parts to the story when taken all together . Pastor Anderson explains this in great detail throughout his 22 hour sermon series. Once you have the key, things come much easier and insight, through prayer, then understanding will come.
The Wraths of the trumpets and vials are truly horrible and the earth’s population will be greatly reduced and tormented. Toward the end of the period of time, say 2028, the Antichrist will get 10 nations who still have nuclear weapons to surprise attack and nuke the United States, which is most likely “Babylon the Whore” as prophesized in Chapter 17:6 “And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” So yes, the following 1000 reign of Christ will likely not include the physical landmass of the United States. God’s wrath is great on this country and anyone with an objective view can see why. We are a modern day Sodom that forces ourselves upon the world and the situation is rapidly devolving month by month. The depravity is now state-sanctioned.
What is to say? The Antichrist, False Prophet and the remaining kings of the nations, will gather armies to try and defeat Christ. What choice do they have? They are already damned to the Lake of Fire so they really have no choice do they? Jesus will come like a storm and will slay them all. Good guys win. Satan is thrown into Hell for 1000 years. The Antichrist and False Prophet are thrown straight into the Lake of Fire.
All the resurrected from the Rapture and those that were still alive – known as the first resurrection – will RULE with Christ on earth for 1000 years. There will be many unsaved people who survive God’s Wrath and they will be the ones ruled like a rod of iron. Think of the time of Moses and when all the strict laws were put into place. That will be the kind of rule that takes place. No more free passes for sinning by the unsaved. And in fact since Satan is locked away, he can deceive the nations no longer for the 1000 years. And since the resurrected were already saved, they will not sin because that has been removed from their souls.
The year 3028, Satan will be let loose from Hell and he will immediately go and gather and deceive the remaining people of the earth and try again to fight Jesus in a battle. But again they lose. And this time Satan is also thrown into the lake of Fire. And then all the rest of the dead are resurrected and judged.
Some who were born or newly converted saved (and then died) during God’s Wrath from 2025 – 2028 will see eternal life. The rest will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Then , the New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven and there will be a New Earth with no water. The new city will be 1500 miles wide and long and tall and all the saved from all the times will live there for ever and ever. And there will be no Hell as that to, and Death (I like to think of as the Grim Reaper) itself, were also cast into the Lake of Fire.
This is what I believe to be true. And again, this is based on logical thinking. It goes like this: Am I a Follower of Christ? YES. Ok, do I believe in the Word of God (The Bible specifically the KJV) being true and righteous without error? YES. Do I believe in God’s likely plan of a 7000 year timeline for mankind on this earth? YES.
Therefore the dates derived above are based on these beliefs and are not presumptuous. It is my firm belief that God himself WANTS us to know the master plan to be ready for the coming events. And so I have done my best to do just that as best I can. It is up to each of us to try and understand the end of times because I truly believe we are living in them. I may be wrong, but I feel an urgent need to get this information out there. I do not know if it has anything to do with me counting waves until the very start of the Tribulation in October 2021 (some think it will be September which it may well be) or not.
I do believe however, Fibonacci and the “Golden Spiral”, “Golden Rectangle”, etc” are from God of course. Just as the microscope cannot see infinitely smaller and smaller, and the telescope cannot see infinitely farther and farther these are limits placed on mankind and prove the power and awe of the Almighty. Just as the Fibonacci spiral cannot be solved and spins endlessly both inward and outward, nor can PI, these are the things God put into this earthly realm as proof of his power. Fibonacci numbers are not numbers used by God in the Bible or are prophetic numbers in general once you get to the number 5. They all reside in the realm of the physical universe. 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55…and so on. And therefore the certainly apply to the stock market.
It is also my belief that the Tribulation period due to start in late October (or late September possibly) of this year will start with a complete collapse of the financial system and thus the stock market (which has become the financial system). You cannot bring the nations of the earth under the heel of the boot unless you destroy their entire financial system and when you think about it, it will be very easy to do. The leverage in the system is already straining to the point of incredulousness. Yet we all go about our lives as if ever nothing will ever happen. “Won’t happen in my lifetime” say those who will admit and know the debt can never be paid back. This perfectly correlates to the return of Jesus – who Christians claim to believe will happen – yet most quietly believe “Not in my Lifetime”. The two analogies are closely tied together.
So I say BOTH will probably happen in our lifetime, indeed very soon! Yes, this is a rare contrarian position and it is a lonely one I admit. And I will be called crazy even by my fellow so-called Christians. So I take a stance right here and now and if all it ever produces in the end is that some come to Christ as I have as a result, then it will have been worth it anyway.
God Bless!