The globalists have gone “all in”. They have launched their final campaign (medical tyranny and control) to subjugate all the world and the campaign has been in full swing for quite some time now. The only people they really worry about are the armed, white, western, middle-class male. This is of course why they launched the “war on men” and “critical race theory” against whites, particularly white males. Everything is designed to make this most dangerous class a “subhuman”, to turn the rest of the masses against them. To eventually have a critical mass support the internment of the targeted as “terrorists”.
In reality, when one studies how totalitarian societies actually come to power, it boils down to the old 33/33/33 rule. (Yes, there is that number 33 again huh?). It works like this; it takes a committed 33% of the population to terrorize the 33% who resist. They know the other 33% will do nothing but go along with the winner. The 33% that does the terrorizing is of course the evil, godless contingent. They are the ones willing to commit mass atrocities as a means to an end. This is why evil so often reigns throughout the world at many moments in man’s history. In fact, a “righteous” nation is more a rarity. God has blessed nations throughout human history but when they inevitably turn evil, he gives his blessing to another nation. There are clearly none righteous remaining.
The first steps of the totalitarians is to capture “democratic” institutions at key levels and ensure that any institution that is not captured by the outright fanatics has only the passive 33% as caretakers. That is where we stand in the world today. Every nation, every level of governmental institution, every school or university, every corporation, medical institution, politician, military, are captured by evil people. The ones that are not evil are unable and unwilling to fight back in any way. This also explains why the “war on cops” is a key component. The American system of local police – having the policeman your neighbor and thus ultimately an ally of the middle class – must be brought to its knees. The campaign has been highly successful. They don’t want to abolish the police of course, they merely want to purge any and all good cops and take it over with cops who are compliant (or often part of the evil cabal themselves).
I could explain dozens of other ways the bureaucracy has enacted “rules” to further this war on the white, armed, middle class (often Christian) male, but you get the idea. I don’t mean to disparage the other races who are fighting for good, who may be black or Hispanic middle class, and certainly armed, don’t worry, you are next in line for targeting by the evildoers. It just so happens the white armed middle class male is the current primary target for that is the current majority. And I am talking really mostly about America here but you can apply these principles to any nation. The totalitarians always target the most dangerous bloc that are capable of mass resistance. And in America that is the white middle-class male.
This war has been going on since the 1960’s roughly and it has finally bore fruit. The march through the institutions is finally complete. And thus the globalist’s launched the plandemic and there is no turning back. And the technology is in place – almost that is – as they still need to finish building out the worldwide 5G system. That is about where we stand. If you are part of the 33% resistance and going against this terror campaign, good on you! If you are the 33% who are just going along to get along, well you need to worry about your soul. Please get saved to Jesus! If you are part of the reprobate 33% evil, you will lose at Jesus’s second coming and there will be gnashing of teeth. An eternal hell awaits it is called the Lake of Fire and it is in the outer darkness.
And those who are incapable of believing a conspiracy so grand that you refute it, all I can say is that is what they are counting on. For the conspiracy is actually a very small circle of individuals. When the Bolsheviks took over Russia, the leaders were a very small band of individuals. Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, others. The evil 33% were just naturally doing what they wanted to always do anyway – be evil. The godless foot soldiers willing to carry out the executions in the name of the cause for power’s sake. Mao-Tse Tung also had a small inner circle of conspirators. And again, their purpose was to move the masses in a direction against the holdouts, the 33% who resisted. And we can look to Hitler’s inner circle. Who in Germany in 1932, whereas Hitler had only 32% of the vote, saw what was coming by 1934? Or by 1938? Yes there was some who called the alarm, but they were snuffed out. How about the useful idiots university students the Iranians used in 1979 to topple Iran? Who do you think wound up shot against the wall once power was complete? Did the students see that coming? Of course not! Need I bring up Cuba? Or Venezuela? Are you blind?
Can you not see that the goal is totalitarianism, American style? And they will use any means to get that goal?
Today’s politicians are either outright evil – which is most of the Democratic party, or outright pacified (which makes them partners with evil) such as the Republicans. We have no one left to fight for the common man and woman of this world. For it is the unaccountable globalist’s and banksters who really call the shots in the world. Does Nancy Pelosi know the jabs are loaded with graphene oxide? I seriously doubt it! At this point who cares because she certainly doesn’t! She and Chuckie desires power for power’s sake and they don’t give a damn how many die to get it. And they see the vaccine as a means to an end. A way to exert power. You can see how last year played out. For instance the Surgeon General who insisted masks were a waste of time in March 2020, once the counter order was given – and the power hungry politicians realized they cannot pass up an opportunity to demand ritual fealty – they will insist masks today, masks tomorrow, masks forever.
This whole conversation is exhausting. If you are going along to get along, you will have a part in the New World Order. You will be allowed to exist for a while as long as you obey until the next globalist edict comes along. Sooner or later you will realize it is too late. Sooner or later, you will realize they were serious about mandatory booster shots to be able to participate in society and you lost your chance to speak out when it could have made a difference. And unfortunately that is half of sleeping America. If you are cheering on the evil, you are likely a reprobate and vengeance is reserved for God alone. But again, I always have to remember God is in control, he is the Alpha and Omega, he has seen the end and the beginning. I need only trust in Jesus. His return will be oh so glorious!
What can one do? We have lost the war, for war is being waged and the globalists will win. Well, actually they are of man and men are stupid. There will be worldwide chaos, wars, famine, pestilences, and lots of deaths coming in the next 3 years. And only the coming Antichrist will be able to establish a (temporary) peace, and unite the many false religions of the world. These are the beginning of sorrows and we best use what energies we have for the things we can affect. Do not put your trust in politicians. I am not saying don’t vote, but hope only lies in Jesus at this point. Steer your energies accordingly like I have. You’ll notice I don’t bother with political commentary or such events as Afghanistan. There are dedicated talking heads for that.
I liked this tweet though which sums up what our attitudes should be:

My interest is aligning the end times events with stock market moves. So yes, it is a unique blog position I have staked out I suppose, but that was not my intent. Additionally I wish to get myself right with Jesus and helping others to see and do the same. The only battles to be won are the small local victories and fight like hell against the raw evil that is swarming the earth. A fighting retreat. An effective, righteous, rearguard action. Something demented Joe was unable to do properly in Afghanistan.
All efforts must be made against these evildoings as that will reap the most benefit. For if all your spare time is spent playing Call of Duty, you are not part of the fight. If you are part of the fight the best thing you can do is trust Jesus, win souls to Christ. And don’t play their game, don’t support their businesses and don’t comply with their unconstitutional mandates. Pull your kids out of school if you have to. Then the schools will collapse wouldn’t they? Refuse the shots! Refuse vaccine passports! Refuse masks and yes, get in their faces and make them feel uncomfortable. Let it be known you are not playing their game. Let it be known they are doing evil.
Things are on the move. A bit of a bearish finish today and a break under the previous day’s low. Again, I don’t have an alternate count that projects higher highs than what we have had. If we get there, or something develops, I will plot one out.
But this blog has been harping on Fibonacci sequence #24 of 46,368 for many weeks and the recent 3 all-time consecutive highs of 46,366, 46,378 and 46,360 average exactly 46,368. It almost seems divinely inspired so I won’t question it. Again God is in charge.

For now, the chart below is labeled as a truncated high v of (c) because the SPX made a significant high at that spot.

And the CPCE STILL printed a very low .52. The market is primed and ready to panic if that is God’s will.

The VIX seems primed for a big move up also.