Well, we blew past the Fibonacci 24 sequence # 46,368 and finished higher than that. We are in “overthrow” territory of the wedge pattern of wave 5 of (5) of [5]
From the largest chart to the smallest:
We’ve gone vertical. The market cannot afford a break of the uptrend line. This is the way Ponzi schemes work. You are looking at it in real time. The acceleration of prices at a steep angle. This is the final stage and it is why prices cannot be allowed to drop at this point. A break of the uptrend would cause the computer algorithms to also break. And the owners of the computers would simply unplug them if there was too much loss of money. That’s what is likely to happen. No one wants to be blamed for a “flash crash”. That precedent has already been set.

We can see all the waves. It is a good, mature count.

The daily shows the ending diagonal wedge and the “overthrow” that may be occurring of the upper wedgeline.

Non-log scale. Note how each wave five just keeps extending both in time and price.

And the 2 squiggle options: