Voted 2-16 against “boosters” 16 and up, yet voted 18-0 for “boosters” 65+.
That should tell you everything you needed to know about this plandemic. If one was 64 and 11/12 years of age. You are “ok”. In a month you’ll need to be euthanized, take the shot. Fauci should be burning in hell. Why he is on TV every night is beyond me.
Mark my words, by March, this “vote” will be 18-0 in favor of “boosters” for 16+. Just like the minimum age of the jab will be reduced to 5+ here in less than a few weeks. And you think I am crazy for suggesting that Jesus won’t be coming back any time soon? LOL! 5.88 BILLION doses given out… Jesus is ANGRY!
The mandates are starting to roll in. Defense giant Raytheon mandates jab by Jan 1st, 2022. Walgreens also (250,000). The rest are working out the details in cahoots with the federal government rules makers. By the 24th, next Friday, we’ll see the official rule come out and all mega-corporations will rollover and take it up the ass because the system is rigged to do just that. And I will lose my well-paying job as a result.
And thus the deflation of the mega-bubble will begin to contract. Locking out 10-20% of your workforce will ensure that the economy contracts, permanently, by 10-20%. Thus the stock market has good reason to crash; for it is the end of days. There is already a labor shortage, and your governments will make it worse on purpose. The global elites WANT you in misery and WANT you dead.
I laugh at everything at this stage. Who cares about politics? Who cares about what fiscal spending package they “pass” whether it is $3.5T or whatever? Who really thinks it matters? It is a Ponzi scheme to the maximum and it is an abomination of nature, an abomination of God. Who has forgotten the saying; “That which cannot go on forever, won’t?” This is a saying of God’s rules by the way. He allows us to hang ourselves then he laughs at us! And thus so do I. God laughs and I laugh too. The coming financial crash will be GLORIOUS! I will cheer it on all the way to it’s very bottom because it will be God’s will. And his will is righteous!
Technically, the market has been struggling with a major trendline over the last 3 days. And technically, it close beneath it ever so slightly!

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