If the Antichrist is indeed on earth operating behind the scenes, we can expect the stock market to crash outright. Today was a good start perhaps. Again, people are being fired from jobs left and right and we haven’t even gotten to the official “rule” release just yet and the coming mass corporate mandates. These are not low paying jobs, these are across-the-board jobs from all strata’s of life. The coming economic disruption will be terrible. The labor pool is already tight as it is. Social mood and unrest will follow. It is building up. People are fed up.
But then again that is the devils’ plan and the Satanic global elite will carry it out. They have made their move and things will never be “normal” again, in fact things are accelerating for the worse. Ultimately it is God’s plan and scripture will be fulfilled. God is not bounded by current events, he is outside of time. He knows the future. This is why the bible is so prophetically accurate. It was all the Word of God and he already knows the end game.
And he has shown us the endgame too which is why it is so important to be saved to Christ!
Looks impulsive from (ii) on down to today’s low.

Certainly not an ounce of panic in the markets. The CPCE hasn’t even had much of a hiccup yet. This bodes well for the bears.