I’ve upgraded the wave degree to Minute as it makes more sense at this stage. We have 2 best options for counts:
Count #1 closes the open SPX gap down.

Count 2 leaves that gap open to be a forever breakaway gap down.

More Millennial Kingdom
Ever wonder what our resurrected “glorified” bodies will consist of? Or those that are changed in a twinkle of an eye that are caught up in the rapture?
For flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, but flesh and bone will.
Our glorified bodies do not contain blood. The lifeblood is replaced by cosmic spiritual blood – the Holy Spirit. So we get flesh and bones and sinew, etc. but no blood. Which means we cannot bleed. We are immortal and will never die. Our appearance – our “age” – will be about 30 years old if we are older than that now or were older than that when we died. Our “ideal” self. About the same age as Jesus Christ when he was baptized and started his earthly ministry in the first century.
I would think we can eat and drink as we do now for our own pleasure. For what else does one do at feasts? We will be sinless as Jesus is for the earthly, flesh – powered by blood – is no longer in us. Our new flesh and bones bodies are powered by the Holy Spirit. So we will not retain our old urges to sin. It is no longer in us.
And we are placed back here on earth at the Battle of Armageddon to rule and reign over the mortal normal humans that survive God’s wrath period. I am guessing there will be at least 1 – 2 billion people – mortal humans – left on earth maybe much more. The mortal humans will of course still be powered by flesh and blood, still bound by the urge to sin. However since Satan is no longer on the earth, there will be no mass deception upon the populations. Truth will be truth, and Jesus is truth.
Or maybe only 500 million left on earth. An ironic fulfillment of the Georgia guidestones. Except that in 1000 years of Jesus’s earthly kingdom, the population will go up again. Satan will be locked away for 1000 years, so people will not be deceived as they are now. There will be no wars or weapons.
However, the urge to sin will remain in the mortals left on earth. To overeat, to be a drunkard. To covet and lie and steal and even murder. To worship false Gods. To fornicate and commit adultery. One can think of when the Nation of Israel were as with Moses in the desert. They had God with them, could see God’s presence, and even heard God as he spoke the 10 Commandments. Yet they still sinned even in his close daily presence. And they paid the price for breaking those Commandments on many occasions. So it will be the same in Christ’s kingdom. However, men will not have a CNN and Fauci telling them damnable lies, but they will still sin nonetheless.
The “law” of the land will be those laws that are spelled out in Leviticus and Deuteronomy. The law of Moses. It’ll actually be a very libertarian, free society. There will be no jails. But there will be punishment for breaking the laws. For instance, murderers, adulterers and Sodomites, will be put to death. This is the purpose of us coming back to rule and reign with Jesus Christ. We will be put in charge of 5, 10, 100, 1000, etc. depending on our reward. Our reward depends on how much work we do for Christ in this life. Those saved who did nothing for Christ receive very little reward. Those that are martyred in the name of Christ will receive great rewards.
I believe that the United States and Rome, both represent Babylon in the Book of Revelation. And that the Antichrist will get 10 nuclear powers (currently there are only officially 9) to surprise attack both with nuclear weapons. This happens just before the Battle of Armageddon, maybe even only a day before and its all over in 1 hour. The United States will be unable to respond effectively because the submarine forces are destroyed at this point due to the ruined oceans. And thus, the USA will not be occupied forever more. It will be a desolate country during Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. It is such a shame, as America was always blessed with a wide ranging diverse, resource-rich, beautiful landscape.
God’s wrath upon the earth will have created much physical devastation. But when Jesus comes back, living waters – living spirit, the Holy Spirit – pouring forth from his presence will heal much of the earth except the areas of Babylon – in this case the entire USA and I suspect, the area of Rome with the Vatican being ground zero.
We will get around on earth on our glorified horses that brought us down from heaven. I would think these horses are immortal also. And I imagine they can fly. So we can travel in the air on a very fast white horse also powered by the Holy Spirit.
It will be truly a time of peace. Sure, lording over the mortals will require work and patience, but it’ll be rewarding nonetheless. We will get people saved to Jesus just like it works now. They will live and die. Some damned, some saved. And at the end of all things, after the final defeat of Satan after the thousand years are up, is the second resurrection/rapture. Those saved who lived and died during the 1000 years will of course join the kingdom of God just as we did during the first resurrection.
And of course the damned are resurrected in death and live not again and are judged and thrown into the Lake of Fire. The Lake of Fire is the final resting place of death and hell also. I do believe that there are differing levels of damnation just as there are differing levels of reward.
A person who led a “good” life on earth, maybe had many Christian values and a good sense of moral right and wrong – but just did not believe on Jesus and was not saved – will not be punished in the same manner as Hitler and Stalin and Mao will be. But don’t get me wrong, eternal damnation, even in the best parts of the Lake of Fire will be a miserable place devoid of love. And I urge you to avoid it at all costs – just believe on Jesus!