True evil has taken root in this world. The people of Shanghai literally cry out.
Shanghai Lockdown Horror: Starvation And Suicide – Victory Girls Blog
As I have proposed, we have entered Daniel’s 70th week in late 2021. Love withers away and people will have no compassion for others. Eventually all those who are not saved in Jesus Christ our Lord will have been given over to delusions by God himself. That they who refused the Word of God, the truth of Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, it will become impossible to see past the lies of this world, the lies of Satan, the devil.
Every month goes deeper into the abyss, unless you are saved to Jesus, the only redeemer possible. It is more important than ever that people hear and believe on the Word of God. The salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ. The longer time goes on and the more you reject the word of God here in the end times, the more likely you will be permanently rejected by God and given over to a reprobate mind. Simply put, God will oblige you if you insist on constantly rejecting him! That is truth my friends, not meant to hurt, but meant to love for only the truth will set one free from the bondage of Satan.
We can see this is happening at a quickening pace; for the LGBTQ (Let God Burn Them Quickly!) world is growing ever faster which is proof that Satan is winning. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an example, and God did not change! They believed not in the Almighty and were given over to a reprobate mind as taught in Romans 1.
But let’s cut to the chase. John 3:16:
It really is that simple which is why you see “John 3:16” signs the world over. Simply believe on Jesus, the Son of God, manifested in the flesh as man, killed on the cross, resurrected 3 days later, and ascended to heaven as the Son of God, our only redeemer, and you will join the kingdom of heaven, forever and there are no “takebacks”. It’s simple folks! I am a living example. Saved over 30 years ago, yet I lived an un-Christian, in some ways, wicked life for almost 30 years – yet still saved! Jesus was very patient with me.
I can personally attest that once saved, always saved. Just believe on him today. It is simple. You can still live your sinful life if you desire and are worried about giving up earthly things you enjoy. Just know that he will punish you on this earth if you willfully and grievously sin once you have your heart set to the truth of Jesus, you cannot escape that! It may not come immediately, but it will come. Nevertheless, you’ll be in heaven if you believe on the Son! That is the gift of grace!
God the Father only ever required for us to believe on him! That was all that was ever required from the time of Adam until now. To put our faith in God, the Creator of all things. That he is the source of all the universe and has the power of life and death and hell. And now that we have his revealed Son, he of course makes the simple demand that we believe on his Son first and foremost because his Son, Jesus Christ, is the redeemer of all our sins of all time!
Is it not simple in human terms? What dad of this earth would grant fellowship to someone who denied his son existed and or even cursed his son (as the Jews do)? Would not you have wrath against such person(s)?
God made it simple for eternal salvation. It is a promise and God does not take back promises even if you abuse and wreck that gift once it was given. So yes, sin away if you so desire after coming to the simple conclusion that Jesus is the Son of God and was crucified, died, resurrected, and sprinkled his blood on the mercy seat in redemption for all the world’s souls. I rather you enter the kingdom of God in a wreckful manner than no manner at all.
You really can stumble across the finish line, come last in the race, and get a heavenly trophy after all. The ultimate “participation” trophy if you will. Graduating “Salvation 101” only comes down to the simple test of: Do you believe on Jesus Christ?
The answer need not be any simpler than “yes!” and be given a permanent pass to the Kingdom of Heaven and it will never be taken away even if you doubt it later on in life. (I am proof)
You need only have a small kernel, a nugget even, to believe and you shall be saved for all time!
The market seems to be still in a state of transition from five wave impulses up to 5 wave impulses lower. The Wilshire 5000, the total market, and thus representing the best face of complete social mood theory, reflects perhaps the simplest count(s).
Although a slight overlap with wave 4 of (1) and 1 of (1) down, there still exists a very nice five-wave pattern down from an early November peak that is followed up by a clear – so far – 3 wave corrective pattern “up”. That is the simplest way to view the overall market. In that a market that has transitioned from overall bull market constant “UP” to bear market “DOWN”.

And now we can see a small five waves down again since the proposed peak of (2). Which is, at the very least, an encouraging sign for all things bearish.
Will we bounce in a Minute [ii]? The wave structure supports and suggests it, but it not necessarily be so. For if the overall wave (2) is complete as suggested, then wave (3) lower, and all its ugly, nasty subwaves, may be in store for the market. That is the danger of betting on bear market “bounces”

I can show you in the above chart there exists a small 5 waves down so far from (2) but I cannot be certain when any bounces will occur until wave (3) is over. And (3) is projected to be many, many thousands of points lower.
So, buyer beware.

And JUNK is perhaps leading the way lower once again in danger of the first to break its previous low pivot price. JUNK DEBT to be sure. I predicted this should happen if as to confirm the overall bear market we (should) be entering.

And again, in simple terms, the overall market – the Wilshire 5000 – shows a solid 5 waves down and 3 waves corrective “up”. And prices rejected at a simple neckline of a simple head and shoulders broken pattern that had met its initial downside target.
What I mean to say: It has a simple count, a simple look, and simple technicals, why try and out-think things at this stage?
Even the simple technicals of a positive diverging RSI at the wave (1) low, suggested prices would peak above the point of initial divergence (wave 4 of (1) down). And thus, it was fulfilled but that fulfillment is over, there no longer exists any bullish technicals to “scream” higher prices are coming. That case was made at the (1) low and the destiny of that was fulfilled. There is nothing technically wise or even sentiment-wise suggesting buying the overpriced Ponzi market at this stage.
I won’t say it won’t happen, for sure we have seen how the madness of crowds can linger on seemingly forever.