Viewing world events from a biblical end-times perspective is the only thing that makes sense. In fact, it makes perfect sense. If you have been following my commentary over the past few weeks, I have put it in rather simple terms, and they are all biblically grounded and prophesized about:
1) We may very well be in the final 7 years – known as Daniel’s 70th week – and that the Antichrist is rising to power as we speak. Satan is behind it all giving him power.
2) Global war is an element of “proof” and that is expected to expand greatly by September 2022 (if not earlier).
3) That every world leader and institution, government, military, corporation, financial entity, media, entertainment, etc. is run by people who worship Satan. Everything. If you have doubts, take 5 hours to watch this video here.
[UPDATE: Maybe this is hyperbole to say that “every” institution is led by people who worship Satan. I should have just said all institutions are led by non-saved people at the very least. Allow me to explain further: Are there any true bible-believing Christians that run anything in this world including your local municipal government? Your schools? At the very least, the world is run by people who either pay lip service to God (fake Christians and there are not even many of these anymore) or people who claim to be Atheists, or people who actually worship Satan but do it in secret.
The high-ranking members that go to world meetings such as Davos, attend the Bohemian Grove ceremonies, the “Jackson Holes” of the world, the World Economic Forum, the people in high places of power on this planet are NOT Christians, and I argue NOT Atheists. They HATE that when Jesus came 2000 years ago open worship of devils and paganism was drove underground. They HATE Jesus’s name. They so desperately want control of the world to eliminate the name of Jesus and openly be able to practice their worship of the dark forces of this world out in the open. And they will win for a short time. They will get their dream New World Order!]
4) That the goal of Satan is to unite the world in a biblical 7th world empire; “Babylon”, otherwise known as the “New World Order”. This is the final one before Christ comes back at Armageddon and destroys it for good.
5) That there are 10 global powers (think nuclear weapons for starters) that must be united to “enable” the one world government and then easily subjugate the rest (3rd world nations).
6) The Antichrist is seen as a great warrior and speaker (liar) and not of the 10 great powers – he is (seemingly) an outsider. His biblical task is to subjugate 3 world nations of power (likely nuclear powers) that are resisting the New World Order, not out of a sense of righteousness, but out of pride and glory. Again, there are no righteous kingdoms on this earth. It is the devil taking out uncooperative reprobates for his own sake.
7) That eventually Satan and the Antichrist wins and gains the main objective of uniting the world and installing the Antichrist as world leader.
8) And after that, a one world religion and currency will be initiated. The “final solution” will be the global mandatory “mark of the beast” – an RFID chip that is implanted into the right hand or head. The main goal of this campaign is to find and kill all the bible-believing saved Christians on the planet, the only ones who cannot be defeated spiritually (yes, we win in the end).
9) Christians will be hunted and killed worldwide and in great numbers. And if it were not for the fact that Jesus comes back in the clouds with great power and glory at approximately 70 days past the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th week – 3 1/2 years – , all flesh would be lost. This day of power and glory is known as the first resurrection of all the saved dead and rapture of those believers remaining alive. We are rescued and then God pours out his wrath on this earth for the next 3 1/3 years until the final battle when Jesus and we come down on horses and all the reprobates are killed. Satan, the Antichrist, the False Prophet and all his armies are slaughtered every man to the last.
I’ll stop the event order at that point. The main theme here is that we are “looking” for biblical events to support this synopsis and timeline. It seems that Russia, under Putin, is not agreeing to subjugate to the New World Order and it could be the first nation of 3 that the Antichrist “defeats”. The Ukraine war instigated by agents of Satan has one goal: Regime change in Russia to one that will submit to the NWO.
Zelensky could very well be that Antichrist figure. Whenever the “right” and “left” and even Baptists align on an issue, you can believe that Satan has accomplished his goal greatly. Is he the Antichrist? That we will not know until the Abominations of Desolations. Yet regardless, he is an Antichrist type figure and fits the profile.
Therefore, we know from the bible of what to look for: 1) Purposeful global war whose goal is to subjugate 3 nuclear power nations into accepting the New World Order. 2) A potential “antichrist” figure – perhaps an outsider – selected to “lead” these wars of regime change.
Those two items are the only thing we need to focus on at this stage. Do things seem on track? They certainly do. The head “Babylonian” city-nation leading the charge to create the NWO – the United States – seems to be pushing things to the brink of possible nuclear exchanges. And no one seems to question things.
Again, like the “vaccine” campaign being a forewarning of the coming mark of the beast campaign, this global effort to effect regime change in Russia may very well fail and is perhaps only a “forewarning”. It could just be yet another foreshadowing to us here on earth of what is to come.
Therefore, one must make an assumption and I have. Either we are in a biger global war by September this year or not. If not, then I am likely wrong about us having actually started Daniel’s 70th week. It doesn’t mean it won’t start in 2023 or so, but all the “forewarnings” and foreshadows seem to indicate it will be within a less than a decade regardless.
So again, this is not a “prediction” it is merely a “watching” that Jesus commands us to do at the end of days. So, I am watching. My timeline hasn’t changed. One other item of interest is that if a “daily sacrifice” of animals starts up again in Jerusalem on or about 5 June 2022. It may be done in secret, or it may be done for a day and then done in secret. I just don’t know but keep your eyes peeled!

Prices have been supported not so much by horizontal price support but by long term channel line support. And now, after prices have twice tested that long term support, this is the 3rd time and prices seem to be slipping under.

A closer look:

China in a bear market.

NASDAQ Composite monthly. 3 months in a row and prices finished lower today. Leading the way just like in 2000, 2008 and 2022.