I sit back and laugh as I peruse the headlines day after day. People get all worked up. Believe me, when my heart was firmly set into the things of this world, I huffed and puffed and worried day after day and tried to “believe” in politicians and things of this world. What a waste of time and energy that was.
About 2 years ago, during the Covid run-up when they were denying Ivermectin and HCQ for Covid, I had woken to the truth of the evil that this world had become. Woken to the truth of secret societies, and satanic cults and the world of WEF, and the fact that they really did want us “normies” dead. And nothing has changed. If anything, the masks have come fully down and the globalists/satanists are coming after us hard and are pushing for global war hard.
They have begun the “takedown” of the global financial system, not that they could do anything about it anyways. It was more than ripe for a popping. The debt loads are so bloated any rise in interest rates would expose the Ponzi scheme for what it always was. The globalists know all this of course. They ain’t dummies. Now that they have squeezed every last corrupt penny of resources they could, they simply will let it all come crashing down. Again, they couldn’t stop it even if they wanted to.
Satan is on earth, and he knows he has but a little time. The push for war against Russia will eventually be a push for war against China. They are the 2 nations that have nuclear arsenals targeted against the western powers who are trying to implement Babylon global empire #7 to be ruled by the Antichrist.
So be of good cheer! My best recommendation is to get right with Jesus Christ the only one who can and will deliver us. Don’t participate in the evil, and don’t retaliate or get caught up in wrongdoing for vengeance is the Lord’s. Unfortunately, Christians will have to endure the greatest tribulation (for them) in the history of the world before that great Day of the Lord comes. Even so, if we stay right by God, preach the Gospel, do not get caught up in committing evil and he’ll keep us protected.
As mentioned last night predicting bounces in the midst of a wave (3) down can be a fool’s affair. But again, selling wasn’t too bad today via the NYSE internal data. But still, prices bled lower. We can still imagine one final giant squeeze that is building up in the market prior to the real panic to come because the wave count supports this notion. For if that squeeze comes, you can better believe everyone will take full advantage and sell into it.
But really, the market is just as extremely leveraged on the way down as much as it was on the way up. It’s a dangerous market, as social mood worldwide is obviously deteriorating to the point where regular Americans have no problem calling for war not only against foreigners, they have no business making war against, but soon domestically also. Keep out of the streets, don’t fight against the wicked political system. Half the reprobates running this country I truly believe are possessed with literal devils. Biden for sure. Psaki, Harris, the faggot Buttedgehole is definitely a reprobate recruiter. Pelosi is a literal hag witch teeming with Beelzebub’s.
Trump is a degenerate also. He pushed and still pushes the death jabs. It is all a political theatre for the masses. If Trump was a real threat, he would have been killed. Like Epstein. Trump didn’t stop any of the globalist’s long-term plans, he merely became the initial reason to ramp up hatred against Russia.
Fear the Lord, and you will be right with God.

The DJTA finally broke lower confirming the bear market with the DJIA.

Bonds are due for a bid, the wave count supports it.