Tonight, I only present the most bearish wave count. There are other variations in which some or all of the recent huge gap(s) down in the SPX get covered in Minute [ii]. See my previous posts for those variations.
But at some point, the “gaps” down will not be covered if this is the end of the world as we know it. At some point, “gap trading” will fail and fail miserably. Are we at that point?
There exists a most bearish count, even if tomorrow open is a “pop” open up, that we are on the verge of a wave (iii) of [iii] of 3 of (3) down and so I don’t want to mess that up and miss that potential wave signal.
This is a dangerous market. The wave squiggles are “setup” perfectly for a most massive market selloff “third of a third” wave down. A “breaking point” and a panic point where the country is awakened from a deep slumber that something’s amiss.
On this post here, this blog projected a massive down wave three.