Elliott Wave Update ~ 27 July 2022


They are all in on it. Putin, Zelenskyy, PoohBear, Biden, Johnson, etc. Even the President wench of Taiwan. They are “all in” on assembling the New World Order. However, Russia and China have their nuclear arsenals pointed at Babylon USA. So that is the problem that is keeping them from assembling the 10 nuclear armed power nations of the end times. There are currently 9 but the bible predicts there will be 10. Iran will most likely have the bomb within a year completing the prophecy of the 10 kings/kingdoms that need to be united to form the New World Order.

Remember this: SATAN controls them all now that he is kicked out of heaven, and he knows he has but a little time. Satan has the Ring of Power. And the world’s elite HATES Jesus Christ – and not because they are Atheists. But because they are Satanists.

Therefore, this seemingly intractable problem can only be solved via war, famine and complete global financial collapse. And soon global war. Putin is wrecking his country on purpose. Xi will soon do the same by attacking Taiwan. Why, you ask, would they betray their countries? Isn’t that what the Uniparty in the United States has been doing? Isn’t that what the European Union and any other corrupted regional “co-op” been doing to their own populations erecting Police States and no one noticed?

Israel has done this by force feeding vaccines upon their populations. Indeed, has not every country in the world done the same? Force these abominable kill shots on everyone and preparing them for the eventual Mark of the Beast to come?

You see there is the sticky problem of the populations and militaries of Russia and China who are not agreeable to a “New World Order”. Therefore, the countries must be subdued not by direct action within, but via wars of attrition with an outside “enemy”. And this will cause global collapse because China and Taiwan are keys to the global economy. And this was not an “accident” either. It was done on purpose. War in Ukraine depresses world food supplies. War in Taiwan will finish off the global financial system completely. And if it doesn’t, perhaps Satan is allowed to “toss” a nuke somewhere just for good measure. Who knows?

However, the world will not end in complete “M.A.D.” nuclear holocaust. The bible tells us so. God will not allow it to happen, it will end HIS WAY. Satan has earthly power, but only for a short time. Satan is not allowed to trigger nuclear holocaust. Besides, he does not want that, he wants to be worshipped by the entire world. And once the Antichrist declares himself to be God – otherwise known as the Abominations of Desolations – the war on God’s people: Christians, will begin in earnest. And we Christians ARE overcome and many martyred for the cause of Christ. So be prepared by keeping faith in Jesus and preaching the Gospel.

Not to say that nuclear weapons will not be involved at the end days, they surely will. The day of Armageddon. The bible predicts Babylon USA will be destroyed in a surprise nuclear attack by the 10 kings/kingdoms. Yes, Babylon will be betrayed. The Great Whore who brought nuclear weapons into the world and has the blood of over 50,000,000 aborted babies on its hands will be judged in double.

Not to worry if you’re a Christian you will have been raptured on that Great Day of the Lord 3 1/3 years earlier.

NOTE: This is the timeline based on Sep 2028 Armageddon and the “solving” of Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy, it’s not just some random guess. Likely if no global war this year, it is probably not correct. If they kill Zelenskyy he is obviously not the Antichrist. But he sure does act like one, yes?

Remember this chart predicted Satan was here on earth making his “covenant” with his children of the devil late October 2021. (Remember, Satan likes to imitate God). Halloween was probably a big celebration. And the Wilshire 5000 topped November 8th, 1 week after. And the first serious war occurred on February 24th (a very odd an unusual time to start a war – middle of winter). September is the key month for total global war. And this means China “surprise” attacks.

I cannot believe anyone is seriously buying this stock market in the effort to maybe squeeze another 10% profit. LOL, it’s all gonna burn anyway!


The DJIA and SPX gap down finally are closed. On the Wilshire 5000, wave (c) of [ii] = wave (a) of [ii].

There is excitement again in the air. Seemingly “upside surprise” resulted in a panic buying which saw both the NYSE and Wilshire 5000 produce a price “gap” on the tape which is not a usual occurrence. This is the kind of move and day that gets the retail traders into a “fear of missing out” mode again. And a close above 4000 SPX, seemingly its “game on man” again for the markets.

But a Minute [ii] of 3 of (3) down is supposed to end exactly with that type of sentiment. An “excitement”, and “good news” of “inflation is being tamed” and everything feels just fine. But if the primary count is true, the bottom is about to drop out of the markets and thus that is still the primary count until proven otherwise.

The top alt is presented. The market has yet to retrace .38% of its total decline and resistance lies overhead. We’ll see how excited everyone truly is. One thing for sure, if a steady decline occurs, retailers will probably start buying the dip.

And if our end-times scenario is true, the China-Taiwan war is not too far off in the distance. And that WILL collapse the markets. China-Taiwan IS the global market. Good luck getting your iPhones when U.S. carrier aircraft are shooting down Chinese jets over the strait of Taiwan. This is what they want to do anyway.