Elliott Wave Update ~ 20 Sep 2022 [Update – Wicked UN Globalist Meeting]

UPDATE: Some quick links to get you up to speed on end times stuff:

Marching to Zion – documentary (Full Movie). God’s chosen people. Pastor Steven Anderson. – YouTube

Pastor Steven Anderson ‘The Book Of Revelation’ Verse-By-Verse Bible Study : Pastor Steven L. Anderson : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

After the Tribulation – Full Movie – YouTube

Update: This caught my eye. Globalists calling for repentance LOL. Zelenskyy a key speaker and Biden scheduled Wednesday. Watch them pledge fealty – yet again – to Zelenskyy, the “little horn” of the Book of Daniel. Watch Biden demonize Republicans once again. Within a year or so, the demonization will switch to Christians and persecution and tribulation for the saved will begin in earnest. For now, Satan is trying to wreck the world and kill as many people as he can (through things like vaccines, wars, and coming famines).

First things first: global financial system collapse followed by global economic collapse.

‘We Cannot Go on Like This’ — U.N. Chief Guterres Wants Global Support (breitbart.com)

Again, there is nothing to dissuade me from my end of the world biblical timeline. (I predicted something to happen on September 8th and something did happen. Guess what that was?)

And if you are wondering how I came up with the dates, the following explains it using the bible for those who can possibly understand. And yes, Dispesnationalism and the pre-trib rapture is a long-running lie of Satan. We’ll have to go through some persecution first. Get yourself ready physically, mentally and most importantly, spiritually.

Get saved. It is as easy as drinking a glass of water or walking through a door.



Obvious tomorrow will probably be a volatile day. There is a very real possibility that the Fed does a surprise 1 point rate hike tomorrow in an effort to “shock” the markets into a spiral collapse.

I don’t have today’s data yet, but the market is signaling a 1-point hike is a possibility. Once the 3-month yield moves completely above the 1-point target window, that should trigger a hike of 1 point. Again, it is a close call.

Wave count-wise, the small move lower actually makes the move from [ii] 5 small waves down which takes the Minute [ii] downward flat or expanded flat a backburner possibility. Instead, we label today’s move to a lower low wave (i) of [iii] of 1 of (3) down.

If this is the case, we could get a further bounce in wave (ii) tomorrow that backtests the broken neckline and then Fed news comes out, a full 1-point hike, and markets hate it and rip lower. Would be a perfect bear scenario, but things rarely work out as intended.

Otherwise, the 3/4 point is fully priced in I’m not sure what other “guidance” the puppets at the Fed can say or do at this point. They cannot control social mood as much as they think they have that power.

In my opinion, since I am predicting the end of the world and Satan is here on earth orchestrating a global collapse so that the NWO can form from its ashes, the Fed will do everything in its power to not help the markets. However, they don’t want direct blame which is bound to happen no matter what happens from the likes of Congress women witches.

The wave (ii) target is a backtest of the broken neckline.

Speaking of wave counts, both the 10-year note and 30-year bond prices have reached a minimum count of 5 waves down. One could surmise they are due for the biggest bond rally since they both peaked in 2020.

What would spark a rush back into bonds? A total stock market collapse? Maybe that is the Fed’s real goal. Not to help anyone but to stave off their own sure demise for a little while longer.

If there were any doubts the 40-year bond bull market is over, the chart below says it all.

Global war is coming. China awaits for a late year weather window over the Strait of Taiwan. They say October/November is the best window during the year.

Putin about to announce something bigger. The biggest reason Putin hasn’t already gone “scorched” earth, is that it could trigger a NATO response and the war goes “hot” for NATO vs. Russia. NATO vs. China soon to follow.

They have already baited Putin into his “SMO” but Babylon USA is trying to trigger a bigger war response by Russia and goad them into crossing some invisible line. For instance, if Russia was to knock out all power and water to Ukraine, one could easily make the argument that an unprecedented humanitarian crisis is unfolding just before winter and that NATO must now “occupy” to protect tens of millions. or go “war hot” with the excuse that they had no choice but to respond.

Things will only get worse from here. And besides, I tend to think Putin and Xi are “in on it” and are wrecking their countries just as much as we accuse the western powers of purposely wrecking the west. All for the sake of Satan and the New World Order takeover of the world. The bible says it WILL happen.

And Zelenskyy fits the description of the Antichrist of Revelation like a glove. And if he is, he holds real power. The world leaders haven’t pledged fealty to him for nothing you know.