Elliott Wave Update 27 March 2023 and Timing of the 2nd Horse of the Apocalypse Update (2nd Seal)

I have been pondering greatly on my Daniel’s 70th week chart about the timing of the 2nd Seal, otherwise known as the red horse, the 2nd Horse of the Apocalypse which takes peace from the earth and brings global war. Otherwise known as WWIII (everything with God and the Universe happens in “threes”)

Originally, I had a linear timing of the unveiling of the seals. I no longer think this is correct. Instead, I think the Universe is ruled by Elliot Wave Fibonacci curves including social mood. It is God’s way of growth and retreat we see so much in nature including social mood.

Therefore, I updated my 7 seal “unveiling” based on a curve.

Originally my Daniel’s 70th week chart looks like this (I added the “alt” dates though for this post). It was an “equal” spacing of seals 2 thru 5. I think that is now incorrect.

Obviously, we have not had global war breakout just yet so it does not make sense that the 2nd seal has been revealed. But Zelenskyy – my proposed Jewish Antichrist – is trying awfully hard to do just that. Provoke global war.

The passage in Revelation 6:

3 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.

I used God’s supernumber of 2520 to mark a possible date for when global war will break out and used 840 which is the 3rd number (2520/3 = 840) and the largest number beneath 1260. The LATEST the 2nd seal should be revealed is probably 15th of February 2024 based on my “WAG”.

This seems counterintuitive to most every end times person alive. They think “linear” but I have been trained in Elliott Waves and it just seems this is how we should view end times event. Like a frog in a boiling pot of water, we will always be in doubt right up to the end unless we are super-sharp on bible prophecy and how God governs the natural world of which I believe Elliott Wave theory and Fibonacci math is foremost the way God has done it. (Only God can calculate the exactness of such things as “Pi” or Fibonacci numbers such as the end of a Fibonacci ratio of 1.618…….)

Please note this is not super accurate obviously I didn’t use a measuring stick, but it should be sufficient to convey the meaning.

The KEY I feel is that when China attacks Taiwan my bet is that the global war goes “hot” and things can happen very rapidly including total supply line collapses of food and supplies and global financial system collapse. Which will result in a likely hyper-inflation of basic “needs” and hyper deflation of “assets”. Killing the poor and destroying the middle class of the world which is the Satanist’s goal. The rich will still “own” and make a claim on everything in the world no matter if the system collapses or not. In fact, a collapse will wipe out the poor and middle classes and leave the elites claiming all world assets as their own. Isn’t his obvious?

(And it’s the Jews who are behind it all because they hate Jesus and Christians)

Hyper-inflation for food, hyper deflation for financial “assets”. Total collapse of the global system as we know it and ushering in the New World Order under the guise of emergency measures no doubt just as “Covid 19” lockdown was a foreshadow of how quickly things can go. From planning birthday parties on Sunday to total global lockdown by Friday.

And the vaccine is also a foreshadow of how quickly mankind will submit to Satan’s lies and take literal poison for the sake of perceived “security”. Incidentally this accounts for Satan’s “flood” of Revelation 12: 16 and the related passage in Daniel 9:26. I believe the “flood” is at the end of the first 42 months as Revelation suggests and the “flood” is an obvious metaphor and represents an overwhelming series of events happening rapidly. A flood of armies or a flood of overwhelming events. Likely both and the exponential curve is a great way to visually display this.


Based on the above information, the market will collapse only when it is good and ready which is what EW theory foretells. I have the bullish and bearish count.