I found an interesting website today. The Unz Review • An Alternative Media Selection – The Unz Review He publishes articles that rip on Jews. It’s no wonder it took me 14 years to find it. They bury these sites of course.
However, there are very little articles from a religious, Christian standpoint. After perusing the site and looking up Ron Unz’s wiki page, I strongly suspect he is a secularist. Unsaved to Jesus. In fact, it seems he was born to a Jewish Ukrainian mother which, by Jewish, worldly standards, makes him a full Jew by “race”. But obviously he does not talk about nor embrace this at all. And of course, “Jewish” – via race – is completely a lie anyway. We are all of one blood as the bible teaches. One is only “Jewish” if they call themselves that. And if they do call themselves that based on a perceived “race” or the religion of Judaism, they are of the synagogue of Satan as Revelation chapters 2 and 3 both matter-of-fact state plainly.
So, although unsaved, he recognizes that Jews have a supremacist complex and wish to subjugate the world. He doesn’t write these articles, but he does publish many other authors who hold that view as I do. Here is one article that is spot on
Again, this article I just linked to does not mention anything about bible prophecy or how the Jews are ushering in the Antichrist. That is where I come in. Read the truth of the article and then connect the dots to bible prophecy, and bingo…the whole truth is laid bare.
What is striking is how the writer recognizes that Jews create the chaos of this world and play all sides of the spectrum to deflect the blame being placed on them. This was all laid out well over 120 years ago in the The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (lege.net). I would of course add the obvious is that they themselves admit they are looking for their man messiah savior so they can dominate the “goyum”. Yet they know they must hide their true agenda of ushering in their Antichrist less the “filthy gentiles” wake up and revolt against their coming New World Order.
But the bible says they WILL be successful in ushering in the Antichrist and forming the New World Order. So, I do not worry, I only warn and watch world events with a keen fascination.
Another aspect is of the article I linked to is the writer recognizes that the countries who “seem” to be not controlled by Jews do not come out and state the obvious hidden hand behind all the conflict in the world. Why doesn’t China call out Judaism and its wicked agents being the cause of destabilizing world events? Or Putin for that matter? In Putin’s case it seems he is a crypto Jew. is he in on the New World Order? As I suggested last night, he certainly seems to be playing into the hands of Babylon USA and will eventually take the full bait.
Putin feigns to be a Christian, but he is clearly a reprobate. Besides Eastern Orthodox is worse than Catholics in teaching hard-core works-based salvation that damns people to hell. This is wickedness as witnessed by this unsaved devil here. In fact, I shouldn’t link to a false gospel but one must know what they believe, and it is borderline Jewish kabbalah. Eastern Orthodox is of Jewish corruption and their greatest Christian fake denomination. There are very few Russians or Ukrainians for that matter actually saved to Jesus. Which makes them of the devil in the end. Satan’s minions killing other minions of Satan and it suits the devil just fine.
The Ukraine war is a disaster for Russia. When NATO finally gets involved – which Zelenskky will provoke by being a terrorist Antichrist that he is – the actual army and Air Force of Russia will capitulate, and retreat rather quickly is my prediction. The West owns the skies. This is why Russians invest so heavily in air defenses because they cannot compete in the air. They lack stealth technology, training, etc.
Even the worst Polish pilot is more than a match for the Russians. Or a Turkish for that matter the training is superior and command and control wholly of the western way of war. The Russians know this. 31 NATO countries would overwhelm the conventional armed forces of Russia rather quickly.
But Dan, Russia would SURELY use nuclear weapons! Would they? Only God allows the use of a weapon that can destroy mankind. The world ends on his terms not Satan’s. Besides, Putin is Jewish like I said. Has he been promised eternal life by Satan as long as he obeys Satan’s commands (to wreck Russia)? Probably. In that regard, Putin only cares for his eternal soul. He is rejected by God so therefore he has only Lucifer to turn to and promise him his lies. Yes, the world is run by Satanist psychopath reprobates.
There may be a single atomic bomb allowed to go off somewhere to bring about global panic and collapse. I certainly consider the very real possibility. Imagine the total global financial panic and supply system collapse if it happened?
Rather, I think NATO “war hot” with Russia will be limited to the armies actually in “Ukraine” and Crimea. Resulting in a total defeat and then evacuation of all Russian forces leading to obvious defeat in Ukraine. A limited scope war that results in Russian regime collapse. Remember Putin, if commanded by Satan not to use nuclear weapons, will not do so. And a conventional military defeat in Ukraine will certainly bring about chaos in Russia and internal political turmoil which is of course the goal of the West all along. To bring about the New World Order. For the West to reinstate their updated version of a Boris Yeltsin. Compliant and moldable and subjugated.
And this is the same game plan for China. And again, pooh-bear Xi is a no doubt freemason. If his marching orders by Satan is to attack Taiwan and bring about internal political turmoil – being promised eternal life if he does – he will do it.
The goal of Babylon USA is to get Russia and China to “unpoint” their nuclear arsenals away from the West and bring about regime changes internally to a “subjugated” regime willing to get along for the sake of the New World Order. It’s not so much about toppling the regimes of Russia and China that matter, it’s the toppling of their military men and populations is the goal. What better way to do that than from within? Is this not the method the Western world is doing to its own most perceived dangerous adversary – the Christian-based white man? Is not Biden and all the other 31 NATO nations wrecking and subjugating their populations for the sake of the New World Order being run and instigated all by the Jewish overlords that control the world’s financial system? Yes.
Why would someone think Putin and Xi are not doing the same? And even if they are not, they are of Satan and Satan will put his will into their hearts to do his bidding. Even if Putin is desperately trying to “save” Russia from the West – and he very well may be – he certainly seems to be stumbling into every trap the West sets. So, it doesn’t matter in the end. The devil controls them all. His will is being done one way or another.
Putin with Jewish rabbis – Bing images
He never criticizes the real people behind the wars of this world. Neither will Xi.
China Xi with Jewish – Bing images
Global war is coming, and it seems we can do nothing about it. But that is what the bible teaches. Patience. July 20-21 could be significant in the escalation of the coming WWIII.