Everywhere extremes. The July 2023 intraday high has not been taken out but the closing high matched that from early 2022. Who really cares? The whole thing is full of rottenness underneath. Itis now my conviction that when the second seal of Revelation (global war) comes – and it will come as a shock – the entire global financial system will collapse no matter where it is at.
Imagine this scenario.:
Suppose Ukraine did not actually surrender all their nuclear weapons in the 1990’s back to Russia? Do you think they would have been so stupid as not to guarantee a “Safety net”? Either keeping a few nuclear bombs in secret and/or diligently learning how to build their own? It is getting desperado time in Ukraine.
Now just imagine a nuclear bomb goes off somewhere in this world. Do you think the “authorities” would not use this pretext to lock down the entire world yet again in the name of national global security? LOL of course they would! And people will fall in line quicker than covid because nukes are real, and real dangerous.
Do you really think the children of the devil will not commit the most heinous things to achieve global power? We may be about to find out.
I still have 15 February 2024 as a possible 2nd seal of Revelation date. The day when all hell breaks loose on earth.
In the meantime, deal with this mess. No doubt they need to keep this floating for as long as possible to fund the production of war machinery until the moment is ripe to collapse the entire system. It’s coming. Until then, enjoy the Holidays and Merry Christmas!