Well, nothing of note today. This is not a date that is based on any biblical thing, this is the date I used to gauge whether or not an Armageddon (Jesus’s 3rd coming) would occur in Sep 2028. Extrapolating backwards this was a date I picked that I judged that if we have not seen the second seal of Revelation just yet – total global war – then 2028 is not the year. This is based on my 2520 biblical interpretation prophecy. And I could be wrong in that maybe the world takes another 1 month to break out in war. One thing for certain, they sure are trying, yes?
But the 2520 prophecy IS based on a mathematical relationship between key dates based on the bible. And by my estimation, it does have a 3-year window: 2028 -2030. My preferred year based on many things studied is Sep 2028 Armageddon. The next preferred year is Sep 2030. In any case, in all instances, if true, this means we are in the “beginning of sorrows” for any of the target years. So, in that regard we are looking for the second seal in all cases. And if it takes 2 more years then so be it. And if the stock market climbs to eleventy billion, so be it. Those who are rich will hardly enter the kingdom of God because most people of wealth rely on themselves and not Jesus.
I warn of global war, a one world currency, and a one world religion (Satanism) because that is what the bible teaches will happen at the end of the world. The bible teaches the New World Order will form. And Christians will be persecuted and overcome. And anyone with any common sense who follows financial things can see these things happening. So take heed and get saved now!
I have written a long essay on end times, and I will explain this 3-year window of the 2520 prophecy this weekend. Stay tuned.
Still trying to adjust the squiggles, this is such a quirky, sharp wave structure that has only gone up. And since it still looks wonky, it’s likely not done yet, there is little resistance for the total market and prices.