I haven’t posted much lately I know but for two reasons:
1) Having predicted that we are in the last days (yeah, I guess join the club huh?) I was tired of seeming to be a cheerleader for WWIII. For that is truly the next prophetic event on God’s end time timeline, not the false pre-trib rapture which is of the devil. Now don’t get me wrong, I do believe in the 1st resurrection/rapture, but I take the post-trib/pre-wrath position of that of the “new” IFB. Which means we go through the 7 seals which is the wrath of Satan and his minions, his reprobate children of the devil. You can find a good film explaining it here:
After the Tribulation – Full Movie (youtube.com)
And while you’re at it, I’m non-dispensationalist, non-Zionist (most of you have figured that out). I loathe the “Judeo-Christian moniker and reject it completely I want nothing to do with wicked Judaism!
2) The market has been in a tight uptrend – and somewhat boring – and was just waiting for the waves to unfold a bit more. Today was a noticeable turnaround day, so it’s appropriate to see what the squiggle count might be.
From a monthly view, we see the overall very long-term count.

From the daily. This count supposes that the extreme wave 3 of (3) of [5] up is almost over, and the summer/fall will be very choppy tracing out Minor 4 and (4) and culminating in the final drive to (5) of [5]. But that the market will generally hold up until the election and perhaps finally fall apart. The key is that the top of prior wave [3] (2021 high) is tested and holds. This is about the 4800 range.
What I don’t like about this count is that global war seems to be indeed on our doorsteps and time is a factor. But if the world can manage to keep muddling before Satan’s final provocation, we have to consider it.

And finally, the weekly count shows the top alternate is that this move up has been an extended wave (5) of [5] and we are in the “blow-off” top phase. If global war is triggered within the next month or so, this could be a winning ticket.

Anyone reading this blog over the last few years knows I have been predicting the Ukraine war would go on. I also predicted China/Taiwan would be a war. That has yet to happen (but seems destined). The 3rd conflict I was not sure but speculated Iran, etc. I did not see the Gaza/Israel war coming and it has ramped up to almost a regional Muslim/Jew conflict. Obviously, Iran is now squarely front and center. I expect them to announce they have the “bomb” sometime before this year is out.
So, we are still in the opening chess moves and the middle game seems about to commence. The world is growing darker.
The Book of Daniel prophesies that the Antichrist – the beast – will subdue 3 nations of the final 10 at the end times and overcome the saints (believers of Jesus Christ). I have proposed the 10 end times nations are the nuclear weapon nations which are currently nine: US, UK, Russia, Pakistan, India, France, North Korea, China, Israel. If Iran declares having nuclear weapons, I believe that will fulfill the 10th nation.
The 3 nations that need subdued are probably Russia, China, and then either Israel or Iran, I’m not sure which. Whatever it takes to get all the global nations to be on board with the New World Order. Whoever is not doing the will of the Great Whore – Babylon USA – to form the NWO.
Babylon USA Official Film Documentary Pastor Steven Anderson Paul Wittenberger (youtube.com)
My prediction is Russia, China, Israel need to be subdued. It is Israel, which is trying to bring in the Antichrist, their Messiah. Iran is trying to bring about the final prophet. Foolish Christians are looking for the 2nd coming of Christ and are fooled by dispensationalism and Zionism and the false pre-trib rapture. It’s going to be a rough ride this year.
The most important thing is to get saved to Jesus by believing he died for your sins.