If you have been following my commentary on the last 7 years as we know it, the time of Tribulation/Wrath of God prior to Jesus Christ’s 1000 year Kingdom on this earth in, what I predict will be late September 2028, then you know I am looking for signs that the Battle in Heaven, where Archangel Michael kicks Satan down to earth to mark the beginning of the time of sorrows (Tribulation). Since we are not yet to the 7 year prior date – late September 2021 – I suspect it hasn’t happened yet. However it sure feels like spiritual darkness is descending over the lands of the earth.
For in Thessalonians 2 we can see Paul telling the church in the 1st century AD:
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
In verse 3 there shall come a falling away first. This “falling away” is a spiritual falling away from Jesus, and a falling away from righteousness. And it certainly seems to be an extremely dead time here on earth as far as spiritual awakening doesn’t it? In fact I would calculate that God no longer blesses any nation left on earth for none are worthy. The worldwide campaign to inoculate an abominable poison by means of the sacred bloodstream of every man, woman, and child by ALL the “kings” and their administrations of this earth, is making God very angry. There is no blessed nation left. And no blessed leaders. In my estimation, most of them have been given over to a permanent reprobate mind.
So we definitely have a big falling away spiritually. So this is a sign, that things are “on track”. One of the next signs of course is that the man of sin be revealed, the Antichrist. Who will be the Antichrist and which nation will he have arrived out of? For the Antichrist will use the next 3+ years to consolidate power. Is this done out in the open or behind closed doors? Who will have the wisdom to see through the lies that will eventually be told when the Antichrist is able to seemingly speak great things? If one has the wisdom to decipher The Book of Daniel, Chapter 11, things might to start making sense as we see the next 3+ years play out, the very time that the Antichrist will be making his moves on this earth to consolidate power.
For remember, as I said above, the lies of the earth are great and the rulers of all the nations are more or less evil. Has this ever happened in such a manner? Have we ever had a united world of all evil rulers forcing a “mini” abomination of desolations upon each individual of the planet? The only other time is the time before Noah. And we know what happened then. The worldwide mandated vaccinations is a sign to be sure. The killing shots that they lie about at great length. The polluter of the mind and blood and soul.
This dovetails into what I was saying in yesterday’s post. That lying is now a worldwide movement that is seemingly unstoppable. And it likely won’t be stopped until Jesus himself comes at the second coming of Christ. So the lying intensifies. In fact, they don’t even try to care anymore. This is part of the great falling away. The falling away of mankind from truth – that which Jesus of course called himself.
And God himself will cast strong delusions so that the unrighteous cannot see the truth any longer as we see later in the chapter:
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
So the worldwide lies are becoming impossible to escape if you are not yet saved. Yet there is time if you will only believe in Jesus! You only need to call on the name of the Lord Jesus and believe he lived, died and rose from the dead for your sins to be saved! The good news it is a FREE GIFT of GRACE which requires nothing else and it will never be taken away!
John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Now you know why you always see those “JOHN 3:16” signs everywhere. Well, maybe not so much anymore….
The term “repent” in the bible means only one thing; to turn away from. Therefore you only need repent of one thing: turn yourself from an unbeliever to a Believer! Place your total faith in Jesus, even if it is only less than a mustard seed’s worth of faith! Don’t get caught up in how many sins you have done, that doesn’t matter! In fact you can keep on sinning even after your saved. (But do know that once your saved, you’ll likely be punished on this earth while still in the flesh if you continue to do so).
How to not doubt your salvation.
Along with the Antichrist, we will see wars and rumours of wars as Jesus himself spoke of in Matthew 24. And note how the first thing he spoke of was a command to not believe of the lies and to be on the lookout for the Antichrist and those who seem to be the Antichrist;
Read Chapter 24 of the Book of Matthew:
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
So these are soon the beginning of sorrows. I have little doubt. There are no righteous nations left willing to stand up to the lying madness. All have succumbed to evil, name me one that has not? Yet their will also be wars and rumours of wars. Examples of rumours of wars is Afghanistan, and now Taiwan. We have yet to see major wars of “kingdom vs kingdom” but that is surely coming and my bet is the vaccine will be the spark (or at least one of the sparks). Either the jab failures will come to light (yet they will still lie about it all) and nations will be pissed and blaming each other, or perhaps it will be something else such as nations rising against each other because of the opposite: Barring travel and conducting economic warfare on each other due to insufficient vaccination between nations. In any event, my bet is the “vaccine” will be the trigger in some form or fashion. And the more I think about it, the more likely the second scenario will come true.
Therefore, woe to the unjabbed! For eventually the last holdouts will be identified as primarily Christians who will likely make up the majority of the unjabbed in the end. And thus we must face persecutions and tribulation which all Christians seem to face sooner or later in their lives. We have had it cushy over the last several decades, at least those Believers who lived in the West or in any nation that wasn’t being subjugated by Muslims such as in Africa or the Middle East. Those Christians are certainly facing tribulation and have faced great tribulation and many were beheaded for the cause. The comfy Western Christians somehow think Jesus is going to come and Rapture us before any events in the Book of Revelation even begin to play out. I don’t think so! Yet almost 95% of the churches worldwide teach a pre-trib rapture. Oh how they will they be confused if they do not learn the truth!
We escape God’s wrath but we do not escape evil mankind’s wrath except for when Jesus comes in the clouds and rescues us lest all flesh be killed by the forces of darkness. And then God will pour out his great wrath upon those that are left on the earth, the unbelievers!
And yes, I am a huge fan of Pastor Steven Anderson whose video sermons you can find all over the internet.
The 24th Fibonacci sequence is 46,368.
I’d like to repeat that the 3 consecutive closing highs of last Thursday, Friday and this Monday were as such: 46,366.23, 46,378.73, 46,360.02. The average is 46,368.27
We are going with this because we have a completed wave count, a sky-high complacency, a waning technical situation, and overly bullish indicators at beyond historical norms. I really don’t have a backup squiggle count because I just don’t.