“But Dan, viruses have to be real, I should know, I got the Covid, and my mother got it and I know people who died from it so your nuts.”
And my mother went in the hospital four years ago with a minor “common” infection where her permanent kidney tube protruded from her stomach. She never made it out alive of that hospital. They killed her within 10 days after being endlessly jabbed, medicated, “procedured”, jabbed again, medicated some more and yet more (botched) “procedures”. The longer she was in, the worse she got. She would have been better off seeing a homeopathic doctor but my mother was a slave to the Big Medicine system her whole life. She was a doctor worshipper so to speak. And they eventually killed her.
My brother died not long before her. Only 61, he certainly had comorbidities, smoked for decades but when he finally quit he blew up to 360 pounds. Eventually he got skin cancer, got major operations for it and then developed other weird cancers. He too went into a hospital with a congested heart (after foolishly taking a trip to Hawaii – the long flights damaged him) and never made it out alive. He hated doctors but in the end he submitted to everything and he died anyway.
Both my mom and brother were hard-headed and couldn’t be talked out of anything. Your typical “know-it-alls”. They were often sick because of their lifestyle choices or more importantly, their belief that any sickness was not really their fault nor could they do anything about it. Or their refusal to do anything about it. Their “terrain” was bad for decades, they did nothing to learn anything different and they died as a result. Particularly my brother.
The above describes 80 – 90% of America and Europe, maybe even the entire world at this point. We think we all “know” things, particularly about medicine, and its maddening the lemming-think that is occurring. Our blind, misguided trust in Big Medicine has never been higher. I have seen extremely health-conscious individuals who are in great shape, nonetheless blindly sign up and get the shots and pollute their blood with not even a nano-second of research or thinking!
Just because I no longer believe in Virus (Germ) Theory doesn’t make lung ailments not real. Covid is real in the sense that lung ailments that kill are real. Of course they are real and over the centuries lung ailments of all types have killed millions! It’s no different today. Am I denying millions did not die of the Spanish Flu? Of course not! All I am saying is that sickness has been around since the dawn of man and our lungs – one of the major ways the bodies tries to expel toxins, poisons and other things – can and do get sick.
I also happen to believe that something along the lines of social mood theory is in play. That psychosomatic causes are partly responsible for “pandemics”. If your body is in a poor shape and experiencing emotional trauma and stress (half of America), it probably can be “triggered” into ailments that you deathly fear. This family of sisters was a famous case that absolutely demands us believe that only a transmittable virus killed them, nothing more, nothing less. But is that really the case?
Yet one can see from the picture that most of the people had metabolic syndrome, thus their hormones were already out of whack. What drugs were they taking? What underlying conditions did they have? Did they all have low vitamin D levels? Diabetes? Were they prolific sunscreen users? Was there other periods in their lives when they all got sick at once? Did they get “vaccine” shots of all kinds on a regular basis? We don’t know any of these things yet they matter. The media exploited this poor family because they want to scare the rest of us and declare that a virus killed them all, end of story. But was it? We already know the PCR test is worthless. Did 1 or 2 get sick and the others fall into sickness from fear, worry and stress? We don’t know, and we will never know nor is anyone interested in exploring any other possible causes. The “virus” narrative has been set and we must abide in it or else we are called a denier.
“But Dan, there are WAY smarter people than you who know this stuff inside and out!” Your showing your ignorance here. Surely they know what they are talking about and studying about!”
Lets put it this way; I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy Bible. I do not believe the earth is billions of years old nor the universe. So I regard most allopathic doctors and scientists and virologists about in the same vein as astrophysicists. Astrophysicists are convinced they are sure about how the universe works. Quantum physicists are sure of how the very tiny things inside atoms works. Virologists haven’t even fulfilled Koch’s postulates, ever in one study. They have certainly tried (half-heartedly) and have had time and money to do so. So what gives?
How many anthropologists are Christians who have faith in the teachings of the Bible? I would venture almost none, mainly because the belief systems are largely incompatible. And speaking of anthropology where is the so-called missing link? And lets get that straight: Modern era science (from Darwin onward) has always been a belief system to the point of religiosity and largely corrupted I might add. The Theory of Evolution, Germ Theory, and The Big Bang Theory being 3 of the biggest theories that are not proven as fact, yet if you emphatically declare them to be likely false, you’ll be locked up in a loony bin and accused of being a “science denier” which is in fact a religiously-loaded accusation. Like being declared a witch.
The Big Bang theory doesn’t account for why energy throughout the universe has been measured as “equal” which completely and utterly refutes Big Bang theory in the first place! Yet they try and shoehorn reasons why that is so. It’s a religion in search of followers (and $$) is why. Only God the Creator could have been responsible for this evenly-distributed energy. He gave us the wisdom to see this fact. Yet they refuse.
All those theories do, in practice, is try to separate us from God and particularly Jesus. And that is perhaps by design of “science” to begin with.
I suppose one could postulate Social Mood theory is also a false religion. Yet, I happen to think that social mood theory is perfectly compatible with a forever sinning human race. It’s God’s way to ensure we don’t go too far in one direction or another and all at once kill ourselves off. For we do have Free Will. A self-regulating system so we don’t wipe ourselves out at the lows, nor at the highs.
However we have certainly gone long too far in one direction at a historic Grand Supercyclic peak and we are way overdue for a Grand correction of the entire era of “modern science”. Our extreme complacency, greed, fear, anger and risk all at the same time and our thoroughly corrupted institutions have caused us to take experimental gene therapy injections on a massive human scale with no thought at all. It’s delusional particularly since its is so easy to research the very real risks! And they mean to force the rest of us – one way or another – to submit to the madness.
And to think we can literally “print” endless wealth which cheats God’s demand that we put real work and toil in our lives for the things we need and value. Well printing has been successful so far – up until it no longer works. We also now value the darkness. We “invest” in Bitcoins (we can’t see or feel), or we buy Non-Fungible Tokens for millions of dollars and somehow think that is something real and of value. What would Jesus do? Probably not be buying NFT’s!
I wake up thinking when will this spell of madness that has hold of all of humanity break? Alas, not until the mood turns down yet again and this time for a long duration. And we are not there yet. We probably haven’t even peaked yet. More likely the peak will more or less coincide with a FDA “vaccine approval” – i.e. peaking on the supposed ultimate “good news”. And that is expected soon.
Anyway, I am rambling now. There was a point to this post, but I suppose not.
One last theme; the non-Christians of the world hate (for those that are haters) Christians by far more than any other religion. Jesus Christ is the only religious figure that has been made into a cuss word of slander. Why is that?
I can only surmise because he is real. And the non-Christians running the world in secret societies who pretty much tell us openly their big nefarious plans for humanity, hate Jesus through and through. And that’s likely because they worship the god of this earthly world – Lucifer, The King of Lies. With His appearance on this earth some 2000 years ago, it caused the Luciferians to go underground which they thoroughly despise. And they mean to take revenge. And they are coming out of the underground and more and more into the open.
And I think this “vaccine” is the opening salvo in that regard. The concerted effort to create a One World Government and impose their evil plans on us. The have largely captured the churches from the Vatican on down to your local minister who is encouraging people get jabbed with monkey and aborted fetus cells or an mRNA mixture that affects your blood system. And that is not by accident.
Muslims are not mocked. Buddhists are not mocked. Jews are hated also, because Jesus sprung from the prophesies of the Old Testament, yet Israel exists. Atheists? They are secretly mocked the most because they believe in nothing (which in itself is a belief). Regardless the only thing that Luciferians fear is Jesus. Yet they cannot help but fulfill the prophesies of the Book of Revelation. And creating a one world (false) belief system is a large part of fulfilling those prophecies.
So be prepared! The coming storms will test a person’s soul.
Nothing from yesterday has changed in regards the count options.

CPCE. Some goosed low readings again. The computers are trying to play the same playbook – goose the market with even more leverage and cause yet another gamma squeeze price move. Will it work again?

SPX not far from a top and closed its open gap. DJIA has not closed its gap. NASDAQ still well below peak. Although the market is moving again in the same directions, they all have potential differing wave counts and that could be normal. Think of the 200o top which all the indexes bounced and poked up and down for a few months until it all came apart finally.