OK, a very nice person emailed me and told me how to make the pictures “clickable” so they open and expand bigger just like in BlogSpot. I knew there was probably a way but it wasn’t intuitive until he told me it was possible, so I played around and figured it out.
So click away!
Proposed Minute [ii] is getting long in the tooth. There is a bit more room for a Minute [ii] peak so we’ll go with it and consider that wave v of (c) is extending.

Alternate is that we get a new high very soon. This count kind of cheats because wave 4 is not supposed to overlap with wave 1. So I don’t really like it, however it would match well with the subsequent DJIA count shown underneath.

DJIA. This chart has been maddening. However, there is a valid “extended” wave (5) count and as such, by Elliott Wave guideline, we can expect a 10,000 points very swift price collapse once it’s over for starters. This count would about coincide with the above Wilshire alternate.

The triangle is still an option however it would be so large that it could no longer be considered Minor 4 of (5). We would have to consider it’s Intermediate (4) itself and requires a reconfigure of some subwaves. This count implies a summer rally to peak prior to September.
It kind of makes sense looking at where a potential (3rd of a 3rd) would be. And then once the peak comes, and the “flu” shot season is well underway starting in August, we should start to see “lung ailment” season show an uptick in cases. Of course they likely will all be coded “Covid”. But October is a long way off. A lot of people are going to be surprised of the coming sickness this Fall/Winter. There may be a “3rd” Covaids shot but 175 million flu shots (last year was 192 million) between August and December will likely bring about many lung ailment deaths considering the shots are dumped on top of the 2021 Covaids jabulations.
Again, I estimate between August 2020 and December 2021, between just the Covaids shots and the flu shots, Big Pharma will have jabbed some 800 million shots in a country of 331 million people. If the Covaids “booster” is required it’ll likely top 1 billion jabs. Is it any wonder we get so sick??
So yes, I am predicting another nasty wave of lung ailments and hospitalizations as a result later this year and I don’t even subscribe to Germ Theory!
Again, I throw this count option out here because if we DO get a price drop and a triangle (or some other continued corrective forms) then it’s likely Intermediate (4) and not Minor 4 of (5).

And thus the weekly would count like this for the summer rally count: