As I had written about on my old blog, I no longer subscribe to “Germ Theory”. It is very liberating (yet easy to do)! I have read many, many books and articles on the subject and it wasn’t hard to conclude that Big Medicine – Virus Division – is all a fraud just like the rest. After all, I believe in Elliot Wave theory don’t I?
My latest book I am reading is called “Virus Mania” – first published in 2007 and updated and reprinted after Covid. Another great book is The Electric Rainbow. And if you want to see how Big Medicine has not changed in 65 years read The Poisoned Needle (1958 – free PDF – and she slams them as much then as critics do today) or Who is Your Doctor and Why (also from the mid 1950’s – free to borrow). These 2 books give you a perspective on Big Medicine from a different time period and when you read them, you think they were written this year (nothing has changed!) And I highly recommend this very well done (and funny) video, The Church of Virotology.
Another book that points out all the fraud – this time in Big Food – is Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It. Or how about the excellent The Big Fat Surprise, Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet. And while we are at it, The Great Cholesterol Con and The Truth About Sunscreen. Or how about The Statin Damage Crisis? I have read all these books and more over the past 10 years or so in my library but they all quite convincingly – and easily – show the fraud in Big Medicine, Big Food, and all the institutions (FDA, CDC, NIH, etc) that are supposed to protect us but do the opposite for the sake of their corporate partners and their own power and fame.
So you see I have perspective. One theme emerges when you read these books – they don’t really care if they kill us and they always deflect from that when it happens anyway. Its all about the profits, power, notoriety, and control of the narrative is what matters of those who push dangerous and fraudulent medicines, foods, diets, products, etc. The Big Virus segment of Big Medicine is simply no different. Their entire modus operandi is to find (create) a virus and hype a pandemic. And then of course to sell us the cure. Virus Mania spells this out perfectly on how this is done over and over since the Swine Flu bullshit of the 1970’s. And if you read the books from the 1950’s I highlighted above, you realize they have been selling us scary viruses and germs (and the subsequent cures – i.e. – vaccines) since the time of Smallpox in the early 1800’s.
But this time the politicians piggybacked heavily on the Covid “pandemic” because it gives them immense power that they refuse to relinquish. And that makes this go around very dangerous for us all. Yet, slowly, people are waking up to the bullshit. We are likely at Peak Medicine as a result.
Germ Theory is the key component that holds their entire power structure together. Nearly 100% of people believe in it, demanding pills and jabs to protect them from it, and demanding others to believe in it as well. Its a form of mass delusion with a hefty dollop of a kind of religious dogma and it ensures the medical establishment and politicians will always have total control over us. Look at the pitiful people of the U.K., Canada, Australia and New Zealand (you can actually add many others like Germany). They have allowed their ruling elites to absolutely abuse them over Germ Theory. In fact, the Ruling Elites in those countries have taken Germ Theory and bludgeoned their populaces with it. And the ruling class in America wishes to do the same. I refuse to subscribe to Germ Theory at all and they will likely declare me a “witch” and would want to burn me at the stake for it.
I declare they have no power over me, my thought or actions. Very much like Elliott Wave theory frees oneself from the always dreaded “news” and instead, prepares us mentally for hard times ahead due to the wave cycles. Yes, realizing Germ Theory is bunk is very liberating indeed. It was the last thing holding me down. I am now completely unchained (and they don’t like it). I am converting to Homeopathy treatments and medicine as a result.
The scientists and virologists certainly go about doing what they do and believing in what they do, but that doesn’t mean they still aren’t a big fat bunch of voodoo making goodoo. You know who I suspect also does not believe in Germ Theory? Fraudci. He likely faked his shot (patted the wrong arm in a subsequent interview the next day). But Fraudci is slick and he is not dumb. My gut instinct is that he never believed in Germ Theory particularly since his HIV stardom in the 1980’s. If you closely watch his demeanor, you realize he does not believe in what he says. He has been speaking in forked-tongues for 40 years. Lies and flip-flopping and then lying about lying flip-flopping is second nature to him.
Regardless, if you believe in Germ Theory, the facts show the Covid virus (or any other disease-causing virus for that matter) has never been truly isolated, thus the PCR test is based on best guesses – which is why an average of 76% are “no actual symptoms” – and thus the “antibody” test is also based on mistakes, fraud, etc. Additionally the medical system has been heavily incentivized to 1) send you home with no medication (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc) when you are sick with a lung ailment and 2) when you come back choking from your lung ailment, they make sure your coded Covid and they collect $$$ when they promptly treat you with toxic crap like Remsdevir and you die. If your intubated that is a special bonus check for them!
I’ll give you one example. A co-worker’s mother was hospitalized a few months back with a lung ailment (pneumonia). They tested her 10 times for Covid trying to get a positive result. The daughter (my co-worker) was LIVID and let the hospital know because the mom told the daughter the hospital staff would just do whatever they wanted. And the worst part is that once they get a “positive” Covid, family members are not allowed to visit and then too often sadly the mother would have no one looking after her and die a horrible death all alone. Its criminal!
So I am determined to never have to go to a hospital and never get Covid tested. That swab to the base of the brain is a nefarious thing to be doing anyway. Like some kind of evil ritual.
So what are the Covaids shots and what do they think they do and what are they looking at from my non Germ Theory thinking brain? Well, SARS – 2 is based on the genome sequence on the first SARS (which was also genome sequenced using the same incredibly non-sciencey methods as described in some of the links provided above). And yeah, we got all that from Communist China as well. Everything is on the up and up!
The SARs 2 (and SARS 1) genomes were based on tissue samples from diseased lungs of victims. In fact all vaccines are really based on the Natural Law of Homeopathy – in which the natural law states “like cures like”. So the virologists take the damaged cells they think where the crux of the virus resides, find a cell (which they assume is actually the virus because it is hanging out next to diseased cells), douse it with all kind of damaging lab agents until it looks like a coronavirus, grow it on some poor monkey spleen (or aborted baby cells), then declare it the winner. And scramble it through a computer or 2 until it matches whatever genome sequence you tell the computer you want to match it with. And then they go and make a “vaccine” to produce this item (in this case a protein) in your body so your body will “learn how to fight it”. It’s all baloney and quite dangerous. The body was not meant to have foreign substances entering the closed bloodstream via needle that bypasses the body’s first line of defenses. And these “vaccines” take it up a notch – they make your body produce a likely pathogenic protein to boot! Virology is all based on rigid dogma that refuses self corrections. It borders on insanity when you look closely on how all this is actually done as I have.
No longer will I fear a mystery piece of invisible “non-living” rna/dna fragment floating through the air seeking me out to do harm. And how can something not already living, “die”? So I declare I am fully liberated from Germ Theory. If we were all to do this, they really have no power at all.
It was speculated on last night’s update that today would be a big up day fulfilling wave (c) of [ii]. Prices have not quite reached our ideal spot yet where (c) = (a).

Wilshire Daily. Back at the neckline again.