Your government (CIA-funded, FBI, politicians – mostly Democrats with Republican complicity) is waging war on the American People. First, the southern gas pipeline was “hacked” by mysterious “Russian hackers”, then the meat plant was shut down, now Southwest Airlines has been mysteriously grounded. These are all tests on the American people with plenty more to come. Note how the last incident was not publicly attributed to “hackers”, at least not as up front as the other two incidents. The first two incidents were blamed on “bitcoin” hackers, and they did not gather as much sympathy/reaction as hoped. This is all prep work for when the power grid and/or internet is taken down on purpose later this summer by our very own – and very likely – government-connected agencies. And also note these are industries that the “climate change” people wish to permanently destroy. How convenient.
I’m not going to argue with you, nor will I try to convince you. I am past that stage. The government is clearly trying to kill us with the Covaids shots and they have been remarkably successful with 10’s of thousands of deaths. They don’t even bother to hide the 2 thousand deaths in the U.K, nearly 6K in the U.S., and 13,800 in Europe. And these are the ones that are “reported” which is likely only a fraction of the actual death toll. I’m not even going to link to these stats at this time because I do all the time yet no one fucking cares (except a few). Yet they tell you with a straight face day in and day out that everything is perfectly fine with no evidence of causality. 22K deaths in only 3 geographic areas tells a different story and the toll is obviously much higher when you extrapolate the worldwide Covaids death shots numbers.
And now they want to pump the poison into your babies and toddlers. These people are monsters and they just don’t fucking care. Its all about getting shots into humans. They are literally waging war on the entire population of the world, that much is clear. The vaccine passport is gaining ground just as I predicted and the constant assault against “unvaccinated” Americans (and others) continues with extreme prejudice. At the moment the war is mostly a psychological war via utilizing mass media and thus via extension, family members turning against family members in a constant pressure to take the jab and disavow anything remotely “Trumpian” – whatever that means – considering he was the “father” and current pusher of the kill shots – and thus not to be trusted at all. It is clear to any thinking American what’s going on, and the constant gaslighting is meant to trigger a response that will end up with the “triggered” squarely in jail.
But I digress once again. You may think I’m going down the “rabbit hole” again, yet did anything I say not be true? Do you really think the country that was the father and controller of the internet, that spawned the biggest technological monopolies in the world – Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Twitter, etc, – does not have backdoors to each and every one? Regardless, politically, the government and Big Tech is all and one the same. The merger is complete; ideologically, psychologically, technologically, politically and so on. This much is clear, and they have declared war on almost half the populace outright with the other half convenient casualties. Yes, make no mistake, they do not care if the “other half” suffers also. Remember, their goal is to reduce us to a pittance population-wise therefore the easiest “kills” will be from their very own Kool-Aid drinkers. Jim Jones is a testament to that.
I actually pointed out the 22,000 deaths as sited above to a belligerent coworker and his justification was that they mostly had “comorbidities’ and that the shot was a “hit or miss” situation, some may die, most won’t. In other words, he had sort-of admitted the deaths yet justified them in his mind. This was a “red-blooded” American completely convinced that the shots are “good” and he equated any deaths to the “vaccines” as merely casualties of war due to the deadly bug that haunts the world. He only had contempt for any other approach and he would be one who calls the authorities ratting out the person who advocates anything different than complete vaccination. He is the NAZI, and he would argue that I am the NAZI. This is obviously an incompatible situation. Yet I am obviously not willing to outright “fight” and I would think he actually is “ok” with giving “authorities” the go-ahead to crack down on people who think like me. He is the rat.
Yet I will fight in the end of course. People like me just want to be left alone, yet godless ideology of course will not leave us in peace. Of course they won’t! That is why they continually seek us out and harass. It is not only godless, it is evil and Luciferian and they do not rest. So screw them, I got Jesus on my side and he wields a sword from his mouth and that is a comforting thought.
I made a small ending diagonal and one clue is that prices “collapse” to beneath where they started and that was the case today. Thus on the chart, “i” finished lower than (b). And then it rebounded because this is an unnatural market.

And of course the daily, if shown as an “extended fifth”, implies a price collapse all the way to beneath red Intermediate (4) in swift fashion. That is the danger of this count.