I don’t want to be a constant downer who only brings gloom and doom, particularly for those who are “jabbed”. Yes, there is darkness coming, but there is a way to redeem oneself through personal redemption by the acceptance that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord and that God is always in control of everything that happens. Yes, Satan has been given free reign on the dominion of the physical earth and allowed influence over men’s souls, but that is only because God has allowed it to happen. Because He has certainly given us free will.
Free will resulted in Adam eating the apple he was not supposed to eat. And in Noah’s age, the perversion was so great that there was a “Great Reset” and humanity was nearly wiped out. The Tower of Babel was yet again a story of man’s greed and sin that resulted in people being scattered throughout the earth in different languages. Then Jesus was born to teach and warn people that the true way can be followed and to forgive all of humanity for its’ sins if we only repent and recognize that there is only one narrow path to salvation.
Each of the above events probably took place 2000 years from each other starting with Adam, Noah, Babel, Life of Christ, and now today. So that makes the earth about 8,000 years old more or less. And in each biblical event, you can consider them to be “Great Resets”. If you read the Bible’s Book of Revelations, the final battles are one-sided, Jesus wins in an overwhelming victory and there is nothing left to doubt. Evil will be conquered and punished.
Therefore we are in a master plan. The vaccine push is part of that plan and everyone is given a choice. But even though if you have taken the jab and succumbed to obvious evil surrounding the entire “vaccine campaign”, you can still be redeemed. This shot is not the “Mark of the Beast” in the sense that if you took it, you can never be forgiven. Certainly you can! This is just yet another test from the Lord that even if you seemingly are damned in your physical body, your soul is indestructible! Do you think the severely injured (tens of thousands) who endured on death beds knowingly as a result of the shot didn’t pray to Jesus? Yes! He heard them and redeemed their souls even if their bodies died as a result!
And thus I also truly believe our physical bodies are not as fragile as some of the worse predictions of death that has been tossed about on the half of the internet that is not outright censored. If you hang out on Bitchute as much as I have, you’ll likely be influenced that the world’s population as a result of these initial rounds of shots will bring about tens of millions of deaths in just under 2 years. Some predictions are as high as 100% deaths of those who got the shots. I don’t think the God-given human body is so susceptible to death as the dire predictions presents.
It is in my firm belief if people keep taking shots of all kinds, death will indeed come. And this is where we once again have a choice. You may have taken the first two shots, but you can deny the third offer, the fourth offer and so on. But this is where the “control” aspect comes in. If your job depends on taking shot #3, many, if not most, will do so because that is what we will do if we have no connection with God. So again, you will be presented with a clear choice.
The depressing thing is that most won’t make a different choice as in fact a majority of hearts will actually harden as a result. This is predicted in the Bible and anyone reading this with an open mind will know this to be true. So what can one do?
To me it is a simple thing: STOP ADVOCATING for the jabs and do not take any more jabs yourself that includes the “flu” shot and the “Covaids” jab (and to be honest, any “vaccines” whatsoever). That is all that is required for the start to the path of redemption. And there exists in nature natural remedies for this abomination goop that humankind has elected to damn itself. One of the things I have read about (and do!) is Pine Needle Tea. This might be able to help rid the body of these deadly toxins that are being injected. It’s a start anyway.
Although I don’t regard the “jab” as a “Mark of the Beast”, if one continually takes a hardened-heart position of advocating it, injecting it, and forcing it on others, it can have the same affect of hardening one’s soul against humanity and godliness which is the true intention of Satan. Lucifer only needs us to be apart from God and Jesus and that is his evil goal and he can achieve that through many threads of lies. You may agree with me on the “jab” but succumb to another entire set of lies in itself such as worshipping the medical system and doctors. The Devil is the wily one, not any mysterious virus!
And Satan wants our children, our toddlers, our babies, our souls, and he is working on that fervently! Speak out against this even if you have taken the jab! Please!
Again, I want this commentary to be hopeful. You can just stop taking these shots and that is the start. I don’t really believe that there has to be 30-90% death rate as many have been predicting within five years of these shots as God has made us more indestructible in body (and soul) than we can imagine. And he can outright cure us of any abomination for sure if we only redeem and ask. We were granted the wisdom to do so.
And finally, if you do take up the sword of arguing against these shots don’t do so in the name of man, do so in the name of Christ, our Lord. For if you argue on their terms you will lose. For if you argue that the FDA has permitted these “vaccines” only under the “Emergency Use Order” , then what will happen to your argument when it is finally approved and the EUA is no longer the case? The ultimate argument is that that these jabs are an abomination, and thus that is why they must be ended. There is no “lawyering” around that fact. Jesus will not bless your arguing that the jabs should be disapproved based on a “legal matter”. There is no “technicality” to approving or disapproving of killing babies in the womb and the same applies to the entire vaccination effort. It is no coincidence that the same forces that are demanding we accept the killing of unborn souls also demand we accept the jabbing of 6 month old babies with an injection that is obviously harming. Those that actually continue to do the jabbing will have to answer!
You can’t weasel your way out of things, and the Bible tells us so in countless ways. God knows your heart know matter how much you think you can hide your intentions!
God hasn’t even really made it that hard for us in these days and times to make a choice. To someone like me it is obvious: we shall not take an injection of poison into our bodies – which is a temple of God – to cure ourselves of some wily so-called virus that is intent on killing us. The world was not made this way. We are fooled into believing it and it blinds us more than anything. We are nearly 100% accepting into “virus” theory of contagion (Germ Theory to be specific) which thus makes us 100% captured into the man-made system of medical and spiritual death.
So no, our souls are not set in stone, we have free will after all, thus we can find the true path…but it is indeed narrow and it begins with our bodies. Thus rejecting “Germ Theory” as outlined by Pasteur – that mysterious microbes (and later viruses) forces make us sick by chance and still religiously followed to this day – is indeed a very narrow path that very few have taken. Rejecting “Virus theory of contagion” is perhaps the narrowest path one can ever make!
All I offer that you, dear reader, is to question everything as I have. For I am a contrarian by nature, and to me that seems the best way to live life because going against the grain surely leads to the narrow path. Rejecting germ theory is probably one of the narrowest paths one could ever take in this day and age. Yet if you do that, everything else in life and soul is truly liberating.
Weekly. Again, confirmation that the RSI is weakening and thus signaling a major change in direction.

Best guess squiggle count. In a sense I hope the “up” waves keep coming because when the final top does come, I don’t think anyone will have time to revel in the predictions including me. But yet again, I think I am prepared spiritually and mentally for a total financial collapse beyond anything ever contemplated.
Heck, even a 4 day national collapse of the power grid would render things very unstable from what we are used to.