Let’s talk about what’s going on with the airlines specifically the 4 dead British Airways pilots who all died within one week after getting their Covaids jabs. Story here. I found a credible podcast today but I can’t find it, that said the British Airways pilots (and I think others in the worldwide union based in the U.S.?) were offered bonuses to get the Covaids shots prior to June 1st and that the bonus would be scaled down and eventually phased out. Most pilots in BA are vaccinated apparently to the tune of 80- 85%. We know new Delta employees require vaccinations. So we know the airlines were pushing the pilots and crew members to get vaccinated. Most likely many did because this was one industry where it was expected to be made “mandatory”. Therefore many took the shots and took the bonus cash.
So from a North American/European standpoint, how many pilots (and flight attendants for that matter) are vaccinated? We can guess that the number is fairly high, I would speculate well above 60%. We also know that commercial pilots must go through regular physicals. What are they finding? I think there are more than just the 4 dead BA pilots. I think, as everything else, there is a coverup on the true toll of what is going on behind the scenes. Remember, the BA pilot deaths would not have been announced if it weren’t for the audio file leak about the 3 pilot deaths. Then the Roto-Reuter “fact kill” machine went to work to try and squelch the “rumor”. Lo and behold, they actually verified 4 deaths, I give them credit. Twitter verified with pictures. (Of course they denied the deaths were “linked” – whatever that means)
The higher an aircraft flies, the less atmospheric pressure is on the outside and thus it is harder for an aircraft to maintain “sea level” pressure (about 14.7 PSI). A cabin pressurization system typically maintains a cabin pressure altitude of approximately 8,000 feet at the maximum designed cruising altitude of an aircraft. Many aircraft fly higher than 30,000 feet particularly on long overseas flights. 34,000 – 38,000 feet is a normal cruising altitude even domestic flights. Therefore you can expect to have a cabin pressure of equal to being on an 8,000 foot mountain. This is why certain people with heart conditions or other conditions must be made aware of any potential dangers. And as a side note, my brother likely got heart congestion (fluid around the heart) and died due to 2 long flights on a trip to Hawaii and back. He made it back home but was dead within a week or so. He was in poor health but the flights did him in. So flying at altitude can be a problem for many,…

…particularly if your vaccinated. I Duck-Duck-go’ed the question of health risks and I like this one I found because it was from 2017 and is the most sensible. Note how they do not mention you can catch a virus! Now if you find an updated “health risks of flying” they will talk endlessly of catching viruses and such. It’s now the new “common knowledge” kind of like the brand new term “asymptomatic” that is also a new word added to the common knowledge lexicon this past year. Both are complete BS of course. If virus theory of contagion was real, we’d have long ago proved that flying is a hazard for viruses. It’s simply not true. So if you didn’t click that last link here is the first risk:
You may be at risk for developing Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT). The article talks about your legs and this much is very true. You’re more cramped than ever on an airplane with no leg room because the airlines have, for the sake of an extra dollar, made the seating smaller and people are fatter than ever which makes it worse. But for the same reasons of developing DVT, we now can add the potential bad effects of having blood clotting in general for blood clots is the #1 reason that people are getting seriously injured and dying via these vaccines. Thus having been “vaccinated”, people may be more prone to clots not just in the legs, but in the brain, lungs and heart as we have been seeing worldwide and those clots were at “sea level”, not on an airplane.
Bonus critical thinking question: What do you think would happen for the “typical” post-Covaids injected person, in typical fair-to-poor health and develops an excruciating migraine, and then goes and jumps on a plane for a 5 hour flight cross-country? Do you think that’s a wise thing to do?
Your blood pressure could rise. This also is true, particularly if you have a fear of flying. After all, it’s like climbing up an 8,000 foot mountain as far as less atmospheric pressure is concerned. This is one reason many people simply are unable to fly particularly older people. And half the population seems to be on blood-pressure medication which exacerbates the situation. But now we can add the “vaccinated” – many who may now be “susceptible to clotting” – without them realizing it of course. And higher blood pressure may act as a catalyst for DVT events or just regular old embolisms in the brain, heart or lungs.
Regardless, altitude, cramped seating quarters, lower oxygen, dehydration and more likely higher blood pressure may have pushed many people who were perfectly fit to fly prior to getting the jab are now pushed over to the “at risk” category without realizing it including your 2 commercial airline pilots expected to get a crew of 250 home safely. It is a concerning problem and you can bet it has been discussed by both pilots and the airlines no matter what those “fact killer” websites may claim.
I’ll be keeping an eye on these kinds of stories. We all have been reading about how airlines are now so busy that they have cancelled many flights. What is the cause? You can bet no matter what the “media” tells you, the opposite is almost assuredly happening. When they claim there are no “talks” going on, you can be sure there is. When they claim the cancelled flights are due to poor management of pilots and employees, you can be sure that is also false. My guess would be the opposite; in the rush to get all airline flight employees – flight attendants and pilots “jabbed” – they have shot themselves not in the arm, but in the foot.
Remember that is their jobs. Flying up to 12 hours a day, off day, on day, on day, off day and they get pushed to the work limit like never before. You have to be in top shape to do this even the flight attendants. Remember, airlines MUST have a minimum crew of flight attendants on board for a flight to happen. They are, in a scheduling sense, just as important as the pilots. How many of them have been injured by the shot? How many have died? How many are now in such poor health they can’t fly or because they flew many times since their jabs, the nano-goo inside is accelerating its damage due to the constant change in altitude they can no longer handle?
THIS STORY IS LIKELY PROPOGANDA. Remember, the media pushes a story, it is likely a complete lie. The story says many can’t fly until August due to scheduling and re-training issues. I call BS on that! What is likely happening in truth is that pilots and flight attendants are now so injured from the jabs, and the work pool is thus so depleted as a result, they had to cancel the flights. And they suggest “August” return because they have no clue on when they’ll be better or when they will get more personnel. (“Hey just tell them August that’ll give us time.”) So they push this Captain Dennis Tajer – The APA Union Head (yeah union head! sure, we should trust him right?) out there to peddle a diversion story and I suspect a CRISIS behind the scenes is certainly going on. Hey maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t fly anyway, at least not anymore.
Vaccinating people who fly and are responsible for the safety of hundreds was either part of the evil plan to destroy the world (it was), or it was severely short-sited. I vote for option 1, although who cares at this point, things will get worse from here on out. So do keep a close eye on the airline industry because it is like a canary in a coal mine on what’s going on behind the censorship screen of Big Media and Big Tech of all things negative concerning the Covaids shots. You can get a clue how “normal” people in positions of great responsibility may be thinking behind closed doors. And the airline industry is one such area to watch.
Remember, I may be a nutjob who thinks we are being killed on purpose to enact the NWO goal of depopulation, chaos, and control, but your typical mid-level United Airlines manager responsible for safety and scheduling and such is probably not part of the evil NWO agenda (although they are being forced into actions from their boot-licking VP’s against their judgement).
Bonus question #2: What are the odds of 4 BA pilots dying? In other words we are led to believe there were only 4 pilots dying in the world and they all happened to be from one airline within 1 week? Doesn’t pass the common sense test. You can BET your butt there are many other pilots who have likely died or seriously injured where they cannot fly but these stories haven’t leaked out yet as far as I know.
World opinion on the “jabs” is starting to turn toward the “good guys”. The evil plan of jabbing a billion plus some change has worked, but getting to the 2 billion mark will be harder. They have simply injured and killed too many people to hide it much longer. There are too many alternative sites that are capturing all the people migrating off of You Tube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. I only look at MSM articles just to see what lies they are putting out and to get a clue on what’s really happening by postulating the opposite.
Although they will kill a lot of under-age children because their evil parents are thoughtless, the “jab” campaign is grinding to a halt.
Bonus question #3: What if the FDA flat out denies or even halts these jabs due to the beyond obvious safety issues? They are so backed into a corner at the moment and so “ALL IN” that I have popcorn every night watching this mess going on. For if they do deny (or even delay) jab approval you can be sure the NWO globalists will execute the backup plan immediately: Total worldwide financial system collapse. It is BEYOND due a severe correction and with all the insane leverage, once it bursts, this thing is coming unglued.
Pass the popcorn!
Very fractured market. Wilshire and Composite makes new highs. SPX almost, NYSE and DJIA lagging farther behind. What does it mean? Beats me, but we are getting closer.
There are 2 acceptable ways to label the Wilshire from the March 2020 low at this time but they both imply the same thing.

SPX still has wave [iv] – [i] overlap problems. Could be an ending diagonal if a new high comes.

Best count for the Composite. I don’t get too caught up in the COMP’s count anymore so than the Russell 2000 or any other non-main index. Yes wave (5) is very small compared to (1) and (3) at this moment. Perhaps we go much higher as a result? I don’t hang my counts on it is all I am saying.

Dollar hanging tough.