Just to update the pilot situation from last night. I had missed the story where 5 Indian commercial pilots died within a span of a week in mid May. This story here is from one of the wives who pointed out her husband was not vaccinated. Another linked story to the previous sheds more light that they got screwed out of insurance. As I said, no one can believe anything in these stories anymore.
And as I do not subscribe to contagious virus theory at all, these pilots died from something else. Was it vaccine shedding on a cramped aircraft that shares cabin air for hours on end and the constant stresses on pilots contributed to them coming down with illness or did they take the vaccines that week and they died as a result? And Indians are notoriously a diabetic nation with low vitamin D. Additionally, many Indians are (rightfully) fearful of all the 5G towers that are spreading all over India.
Here is an interview that provides more info on the British Airways pilots dying. This thread ups the totals to include a Delta airline pilot had died and that a pilot who had to be removed from an aircraft in Canada after falling unconscious. I can’t find other details on the last two, because they have been buried as usual. Either way, there have been a lot of airline pilot deaths worldwide since the vaccine campaign got underway. Additionally, more and more 5G towers, 5G relays, and Starlink satellites in low earth orbit get deployed by the tens of thousands every month. No doubt both are causing harm, certainly the “vaccines” are causing a lot of harm and they cover that up each and every time.
Anyone who doubts that electrical radiation does not affect health needs to read The Invisible Rainbow, a very timely book that was published in March 2020. This planet is so awash with radio and microwave waves it is no wonder we are not all dead. New deployments of products and new frequencies have gone exponential in the last few years and the new deployment of millimeter wavelengths has been proven to interrupt oxygen uptake into cells.
No one ever questions if blanketing our planet in microwave radiation is “healthy” or not. Of course it is not healthy! But then again that was their evil plan anyway, they just don’t care. You think the ones who pushed 5G do not know the health effects? I suspect it is a feature not a bug. And the 5G rollout has really only just begun. If you read the book I linked, you’ll realize that there exists a portion (10 – 20%) of the population that are electrically sensitive. He explains in detail and takes us through the history of electricity and its effects on the body starting in the mid 18th century when people started experimenting with Leyden jars. And he dramatically links that each massive infrastructure rollout of each new generation of electrical radiating devices is strongly linked to a pandemic that follows.
We are under one such massive rollout of new frequencies that have never been mass deployed. It certainly explains the “dry cough” of a true Covid patient when one would expect phlegm in each and every case as with a normal flu and or cold. Oxygen starved lungs, yet no phlegm “clogging” the airways does not fit any known “normal” illness. Incidentally the CDC says only 5% have actually had only COVID 19 listed on the death certificate, the other 95% had other comorbidities listed. You can look it up, I just checked again the other day, that statement is still there.
I never denied people have gotten sick and died, what I deny is that it is caused by what they call SARS-COV-2. I have argued a lot of them were drugged and neglected in the old age home death wave 2020 when relatives were LOCKED OUT from ever seeing what was going on. Yes, I call it murder or certainly extreme neglect at the least. And since the jab rollout, THAT TOO is causing death and destruction they are blaming on the wily virus.
But one thing I could never grapple with is a seemingly a few of the cases are actually perplexing. Is this the 5% that were so electrically sensitive that their oxygen uptake was severely interrupted and started a cascade reaction toward death? I don’t know but I do know nobody is looking (and they won’t). The “plandemic” is a scam as I have written about and they are using it to jab everyone they can with a true bioweapon and gain control over all of society to implement their NWO 2030. Don’t believe me, go down the rabbit hole of the World Economic Forum’s own website. I challenge anyone to start navigating that website and see if you can come out on the other side, as you can probably click for 24 hours straight and you won’t reach the bottom (of Hell).
Here is a WEF navigation “wheel”. Tell me, what does it look like? (Hint: the “coronavirus” – and also the “all-seeing eye”.) These people are demented, and they really want you dead.

I am certainly not worried about any dead (yes they all admit that viruses are not actually alive didn’t you know?) bits of wily genetic material they call “virus” magically come and infect and kill me. It’s absolute bullshit. But what I will fear is that I am susceptible to new frequencies of radiation and the complete bombardment that I cannot escape that is occurring will succumb me to electrical sensitivity sickness. I don’t happen to think I am overly vulnerable but I know someone close to me who I think is and has been suffering for the past 6 months with unexplained dizziness and no doctor has been able to help and they get no relief ever.
So yes, I rather suspect the new massive rollout of low orbit satellites by the thousands and new radiation products by the hundreds of thousands (and millions) to include new harmful frequencies represented in 5G are going to hurt a lot of people who will not be able to be helped. And the Klaus Schwabs of this world know it is harmful and that again, is a feature, not a bug. The other 95% getting normal “lung ailments” that occur every year are rolled into the stats and have us all in constant fear. Did you know the next variant will surely kill us they say? LOL, it was all so predictable. And you know they are pushing for shot #3 with psychological warfare. The current “vaccines” have been declared to “work” but that narrative will change as summer moves into fall.
We live in a sick world, please get right with the Lord Jesus Christ Our Savior, I figure we have about 10 – 12 years or less for His Glorious return. For if a thousand years is but a day to the Lord, then 2 days since the Resurrection equates to His return in 2030 – 2033. The NWO Satanist sect places Christ’s death in 33 A.D. and it is no wonder that the number 33 is so darned important to them as they hate Jesus with a passion. The NWO elites are certainly not atheists!
If one develops the number one Covid 19 symptom of a dry cough and also has oxygen starved lungs with no phlegm (electrical radiation sickness?), would placing them in a Faraday cage help cure them? Additionally are the “Covid long haulers” actually suffering from electrical microwave radiation sickness they cannot escape and thus suffer immensely? Again no one is looking or asking…
Again, there is something unexplained going on with at least some of the “Covid” patients the media likes to highlight for the plandemic purposes…but a virus is bullshit. I am leaning toward electrical radiation sickness and we are likely to see more of it. And of course they will blame it on a wily, not-alive, piece of genetic sub-microscopic – what we call “dust” – that magically found its way into you and all of a sudden had the “brains” to bypass all your God-given immunity, smartly burrow into your cells always knowing were it needs to go and what to do, start a self-replicating process without end designed to wreck your day and threaten to kill you. It doesn’t even pass the common sense test!
Best guess squiggles, I’m giving it the benefit of the count here. However, there are enough waves in place as is.

CPCE. Wow another sub .40 print. The computers are out of control. But we just had the 10 day moving average crossover the 30 day. Will that be the “trigger’?

NYSE. Internals at the bottom of chart. Fairly muted.