Although today was an up opening I’d say the market appears to be in prime condition to completely rollover, nay, even outright crash as suggested 2 updates ago as a possible diamond hands (lol!) short entry had presented itself. Yesterday was speculated that the upper wedge line may be a possible strike attempt, but after the small pop open it was rather a weak day with a weak ending.
But yet again the Wilshire 5000, arguably the total stock market, made yet another all-time intraday high. The count and final Minor wave 5 structure looks good. Its a little choppy which may indicate that the market has lost its “clean” impulse ability.

Now all we need is to top on “good news” such as the FDA approving the abominable gene mangulation treatment jabs. Yes I made up that word “mangulation”, it’s a cross between “manslaughter” and “strangulation”.
Well, good news for the already demented, as the FDA approved the first Alzheimer’s treatment despite the Doctor’s Advisory board voting against approval pretty much 11 – 0, with story here. 2 board members resigned. I would speculate there is way much more to this story than appears on the surface and I think it’s related to the coming Advisory Board vote on the COVAIDS jabs. One would suspect the resignations may be a way for the doctor’s to get the hell out prior to the votes on Pfizer and Moderna full approval. They must have seen the data on the shots. After all, people like me have seen the data and its downright criminal.
Now we have no way to speculate on how the coming Advisory Board votes on the COVAIDS jabs, but if they are majority voted against and the FDA approves, you can bet their will be quite the stink. And if they outright disapprove and the FDA “delays” full approval, you have your market crash “news reason” (reason not required though!) right there staring you in the face. It doesn’t take much imagination to come up with differing scenarios on how the FDA decisions will go down. One can be surprised though. Perhaps there is a shred of humanity left in at least one institution.
Imagine if the FDA grew a set and disapproved the mRNA jabs. Oh boy, what a calamity for a lot of people that would be! But I of course don’t expect that. Yet one wonders what is going on behind closed doors, as nothing seems to be leaking out and they must be scared to death to do so. Yet the more jabs they give, the more people are being injured as predicted back in January that the issue cannot be “hidden”, it was harder and harder as time went on. The demand for jabs has come to a screeching halt. We have created a lot of potential zombies, but pissed off zombies can be quite a sight I imagine. We can only hope people wake up to the reality staring them in the face if we continue down this road to vaccine passports and more jabs. Yet, I have hope. Either way though, GOD is in command, never forget that!
But one thing is certain, we are in BALLS DEEP on the entire issue as it was total commitment – all chips in the pot – and a lot of collusion and criminality to get where we are today. The media ignores completely the now 1000 lawyers and 10,000 doctors that have sued and demand Nuremburg II trials over the massive fraud everything Covid-related particularly the pushing – no outright demanding – of a deadly experimental treatment to be administered even to 12 year old’s and soon 3 year old toddlers. You didn’t know about that lawsuit did you? Link here.
Yeah, keep emailing me how I have “went off the deep end” folks. I am in good company I suppose first and foremost with my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. I suppose I have a small part to play (we all do!) and I will not shirk my duty even if it means loss of everything I have. It’s easy enough to just “shut up and squiggle the waves Dan”, but that would be boring if that’s all there was yes?
And concerning the big post yesterday on the obvious that “Covid-19” is the equivalent to the “vaccines” and they can both be considered one and the same for our purposes: a Chinese bioweapon. I had overlooked Mike Adams “Situation Update” from the night before but he had come to the same obvious conclusion: We got the genome coding to produce the “vaccines” from the Chinese CCP who has many times sworn in the past to commit biological warfare against us! And people never made the connection, they simply trusted the government and Big Medicine as they have always done.
Mike Adams thoroughly believes in contagious virus theory which is ok. 99 % of the world does. Most if not all readers to this blog do too and that is ok. Which makes the “lab leak” story potentially more powerful if people would wake up and make the connection; SARS-COV-2 = CCP (American funded) bioweapon. Vaccines (formulated with genome coding from the CCP) = same bioweapon. But I have little faith in that connection as nobody is really paying any attention. Which means as was stated the other night, nothing will likely come from the “lab leak” theory but it sure gets people back focused on the “contagious SARS-COV-2 virus” itself instead of asking is SARS-COV-2 actually a real thing? (as I have done).
Regardless, the march to the vaccine approval process goes ever onward.

The squiggles looks good too.

Yesterday’s CPCE – I don’t get today’s data until much later. Again, the computers are trying to floor it like a Tesla with a dead battery. Goosing the gamma, but fairly unresponsive.

Did the market actually wedge since March 2020 except the extreme gamma distorted it and elongated it? The thing is a messy count no matter how you slice it, at least the front end. The last A-B-C has been fulfilled though with C now higher than A.

The NASDAQ Composite. The internal volume ratios are starting to surge again and that is a clue something is going on again. It’s straining. This is the computers again trying to use the leverage of calls to create gamma to force price moves. These are historical extreme readings and they have persisted.

Note where the record monthly volume occurred in Jan/Feb this year. Remember, the Wilshire is the total equity market in the United States pretty much. So everyone is already “all in” and the gamma squeeze game isn’t having the same effect, at least not yet. Sure there are a few stragglers, just like there a a few lazy unvaccinated stragglers yet to drag their Dorito-eating butt down to the local pharmacy to get their COVAIDS jab.

It’s been since the election time November 2020 since the significant breadth thrust event. Sputtering out is what we would expect kind of what happened in February 2020.

The DJIA count is actually a key here also. For it is some 600+ points from a new intraday high vs the SPX/Wilshire. So we are at a crossroads. The Dow is in perfect position to plunge in price though.