I came up with a logical thought process concerning the origin of Covid and the subsequent “vaccine” and how they relate. You will see at the end on why I come to the conclusion(s) that I have written about over the last many weeks indeed far longer than that.
Fact: The Chinese Communist Party (military) controls what goes on in Chinese virology labs and are covert military research labs in addition to anything else. All lab activity is controlled by the CCP and any creations derived are exclusively reserved for and benefits the Party. Everything the lab does runs through and must be approved by the Party.
Fact: The Chinese military operates bioweapons programs and since the Wuhan lab is the only level 4 lab in China, it is the epicenter for the Chinese bioweapons programs.
Fact: The US government funded research at the Wuhan laboratory. This research was for the manipulating of “viruses” to be more infectious for humans.
Fact: Bioweapons research involves manipulating “viruses” to make them (humanly) contagious and pathogenic. Hence “biological” (bio) + “weapon” (pathogen).
Therefore, if the supposedly “novel” Covid-19 (SARS-COV-2) virus “escaped” (deployed) from the Wuhan Virology lab, then using logic the following is also true:
Since Covid-19 is supposedly a “novel” virus, this indicates it was manipulated on purpose in the lab. If this is true, the following is also likely true:
Thus, the manipulated virus, by complicit approval of the CCP directing all activity of the lab, one can only conclude that Covid-19 is a bioweapon and is a product of the Chinese bioweapons programs.
The spike protein of the Covid-19 Bioweapon is the manipulated agent. The spike protein thus is the “weaponized” portion of the virus, i.e. – the pathogenic part that causes harm by either making the infection easier or by doing direct damage, or both.
Fact: The “vaccine” genome coding was provided by Chinese military (Wuhan virologists) from the Wuhan lab to the United States and others. All the “vaccines” are constructed based off the provided bioweapon “spike” protein. In fact, all the “vaccines” boast being able to inject the coding into humans to produce the spike protein.
Therefore the spike protein in the “vaccine” is also pathogenic. Thus, the vaccine is a bioweapon. The covid-19 and “vaccine” is one and the same: The same bioweapon.
Therefore, since the US funded such research, one can assume, the US government is complicit in the development and perhaps deployment of the bioweapon.
And thus, since the US government subsidized the development and deployment of the supposed “vaccine” – which again can only be described as a bioweapon – and insists and expects 100% of the world population to be injected with the “vaccines” one can easily come to the final question to be answered:
Thus, the logical conclusion of the question “Was the Covid-19 released from the Wuhan lab?” If yes, here is the conclusion:
The governments of the world have declared war on their own populations. The very least outcome will capture us into a “marked” database vaccine passport system(s) and control our movements and behaviors through checkpoints and lockdowns. At the very worst kill us outright. As a side benefit render us unable to reproduce. The “spike” pathogen in either form, Covid-19 or the “vaccine” is meant to maim, kill and render us less fertile as a population. The vaccine passport system guarantees we stay “captured” into the system for future required “vaccines” and other purposes of control as our overlords may see fit. At the very least they have now trained us to be “obedient”.
So there you have it. One cannot logically hold the thought that the “novel Covid-19 virus escaped the Wuhan lab” and not support most if not all of the conclusions above. They all logically support one another and are so entwined it is no wonder the media and governments suppressed this “Wuhan lab leak” information as long as they did or at least until the “vaccine” was deployed and given out in massive quantities (it has).
If it is a novel virus (they insist it is), and it was released from a Wuhan level 4 lab (I was saying this in April 2020), you can bet its a bioweapon for nothing went on in that lab not under the nose or direction of the CCP. And since the spike protein is causing the damage (it is), you can bet the vaccines can cause damage also (they do). We got the protein virus coding for the vaccines from the very willing CCP. There is no way to twist your mind otherwise. We had the “supposed” Covid (SARS-COV-2) genome sequence very fast to make these “vaccines” by early January last year (if not actually sooner).
One has to wonder why anyone would willingly take a “vaccine” that was given freely by the CCP who many times announced they would use biological warfare on us. Yet we did and most are now spiritually and mentally compromised to the point of “Stockholm Syndrome”. I might as well be blogging this article to a Zombie America and/or world. I will have very few readers who, even if were capable of an ounce of logic, will do nothing or say nothing against the “vaccine” and will line up for jab #3 this coming December…and so on and so on.
The shot is the bioweapon as is Covid-19. They are one and the same.
Now how did the bioweapon get deployed? Well, I wrote this from a “non-contagion” angle, so I won’t speculate – oh heck, I will speculate – they were partially deployed via jabs. People of Wuhan were given forced vaccinations prior to the outbreak. I can’t find where I seen this because it is not searchable on the controlled internet. The people got sick as a result or at least enough of them to cause a CCP- induced panic. One can’t believe the “patient zero” stories anymore than we can believe the AIDS patient zero fiction (I remember reading that story) that was sold to us 35 years ago. It was bullshit then, it likely is now.
Then the CCP staged ridiculous “theater” for the world to maximize the panic. One could see people “dropping dead” on the street (yet breaking their falls with arms on the way down). One recalls the panicked lines at hospitals, the people in full body protective suits doing what people in protective suits do. One remembers the six “fog” trucks in formation spraying what? throughout the city. Pictures of the heavily guarded bridges to Wuhan.
And for weeks the world looked curiously on, not a worry in the world until only when we were ready to panic – Intermediate wave (E) of Primary wave [4] in February 2020. And then the evildoers who could not let a crisis go to waste, started to scheme and take full advantage of the situation – Democrats and the stolen national election, aided and abetted by “Republicans” – via massively fraudulent mail in ballots, and kept counting from Tuesday until Saturday in boarded up windows with no oversight in the key swing states (Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, etc.). In Pennsylvania, Trump had an unsurmountable 700,000 vote lead in that state on Tuesday election night and it took the crooked Democrats counting fraudulent ballots (illegally – they violated the state constitution) until Saturday to win. Another massive cognitive dissonance event for the nation. Yet I digress, it is Trump who pushed the bioweapon vaccines in the first place. So it matters not in the end. You will find no rescue via politics.
So yes, for a few weeks from January to late February 2020 we did nothing except look curiously on China and ask ourselves what the hell was going on over there. But as expanding triangle wave (D) peaked and rolled over, wave (E) kicked in to collapse, and full-fledged panic set in. And thus the World of Covid has focused our minds like a laser ever since. All Covid, all the time. Every fraudulent test counted. Every death “with Covid” stacked up neatly on the statistics page. And now “vaccine goals” trumpeted day after day.
Yet what happened back in China after the world had finally bought the theatre hook, line and sinker and locked down their populations and started counting cases and deaths after quickly creating a fraudulent PCR test? China quietly declared “victory” over the virus (because there really was no virus as the rest of the world had been trained to think of) and went back to normal. Magically, the virus which had spread over the entire planet earth managed to be successfully stamped out in Wuhan province China leaving the rest of China unaffected. How can that be so? And the Chinese are laughing at the rest of the world.
And where are the long lines at the hospitals except for a few places such as Northern Italy, NYC, and Seattle? And why are these 3 locations directly connected as major travel destinations of Wuhan? Did the virus spread to those cities or was the weapon deployed via vaccines and other methods we don’t know about? For if one is willing to go through the trouble of developing and deploying a bioweapon, then this is not a stretch of the imagination.
Why didn’t we deploy fog trucks? Where are our people dropping dead on the street in their work suits from Covid? Again, it was all theatre. A massive Psy-Op to get us to destroy our economies, declare our populations to be prisoners and then to make the pathogenic “vaccines” and deploy them on the world. And so we did. And we ignore the harm and death that was done and that the vaccines are doing. And we insist everyone get jabbed regardless including our toddlers. And we have NO IDEA of the long term ramifications of these vaccines. So yes, my conclusion is my government (Democrats specifically, with useful idiot Republicans helping merrily) are trying to kill us. You will find no solace in ANY politician.
And if your a white, male who leaned Trump, Democrats have already declared open war on you anyway. Through the BLM thug violence, the GITMO detention of the January 6th trespassers, the constant twitter shouting of the SJW’ers, and our “super-woke” corporations have also declared you are a non-entity.
Yes, my government has declared war on us, on me, at least many, many of us, and they so badly wish us to fight back so they can throw us in jail and lock away the key. The January 6th trespassers locked in jail is of course the warning. Hey Nancy, we know what your doing, it won’t work. We are being gaslit on epic proportions and it is in pure evil revenge because the nation elected (2020 included) Trump. The current regime in charge knows very well they have no legitimate power and that’s why they carry on so much and scream so much and divide us constantly. And the (Democrat) totalitarians insist we bend the knee by getting jabbed – all of us no exceptions – as a sign of our fealty and to ensure we are captured, compromised, and spiritually polluted with aborted baby cells.
We are incrementally and purposely dehumanized day after day until the day comes when, like NAZI Germany, it will be easier to dispose of us. “We had it coming”. They want their revenge. The 2020 fraud was massive and they need the 2022 coming fraud to be locked in place. Poor Joe Manchin, they will get to him sooner or later to drop the filibuster and then the “Voting Act” will ensure their continued grip on power – maybe. I had predicted to a friend in December that the filibuster would be gone by the end of May. I’m surprised he lasted this long. Actually, if I had my old blog back I publicly predicted the filibuster would be dropped and the voting law would be enacted. I don’t much care anymore.
So there you go. If you are a “pro-jabber” don’t get mad at me. Instead take pity as I will surely die of Covid-19 or some bullshit variant because I am unjabbed and intend to keep it that way. What? You mean you don’t really think I’m in Covid danger? No, you are mad at me because I refuse to bend the knee. But mostly you’re just dumb from what I can tell. Or indifferent, lazy, complacent, complicit, and more. Have a good time getting jab #2 or #3 depending on your shot cocktail preference this winter and let me know how it works out!
Ok now for THE COUNTS
Depending on overnight, I can see a big final exhaustive effort for prices to head and reach the upper wedgeline. I reconfigured the squiggles since today did not quite path the way we wanted and the count is probably not complete as a result although there are enough waves in place to consider it so.