I have updated the start of Daniel’s 70th week and added 30 days to the start due to better understanding of timelines in the bible. The new start window is 20 – 22 September 2021. This exactly mirrors the expected return of Jesus 7 years later to defeat the Antichrist at the Battle of Armageddon 20 – 22 September 2028. This 3 day period is the Jewish holiday for the year 2028 of Rosh Hashana also called “Feast of Trumpets”. So it’s a “best guess” window.
I am taking the approach that the stock market will somehow hold up until September, maybe even make its final high in that time period of 20 – 22 September, 2021. This of course implies that the great stock market crash will occur shortly thereafter, probably even the same week to get things started. And this also implies that electrical power worldwide will not be shutoff in the latest CIA/NSA/MI5/Mossad take down of various industries and/or power systems in an effort to do evil upon the populaces. Again it is God’s plan, I don’t get angry, every event that happens confirms.
Yes it is very presumptuous to set a date for Jesus, and I can see the emails of “blasphemy!” or whatever. But I am holding firm that Jesus’ return will be in 2028 within a 3 month window from 22 July – 20 October 2028 based on C.J. Lovik’s brilliant unlocking of the mystery of Daniel’s lost 70th week. So the September window of the “Feast of Trumpets” seems too obvious. Yet, God wants us to know, he is preparing many! So we’ll go with it!
Regardless of exact dates, we are running out of time to begin the 7 year tribulation/God’s wrath period prior to the return of Jesus in 2028. And the way the stock market is working out it may very well peak on the return of the Antichrist.
So yes, that’s my thinking. Crazy? Well it got me back into God and that is a good thing. And if it gets others to prepare for God that also is a good thing!
I’ll tell you what is crazy – people have blind faith in a vial of so-called “vaccine” that has proven to be toxic beyond a shadow of a doubt without question yet they will question the existence of God and NOT trust in him! Who is crazy again?
And the evil that is growing at an exponential rate and accelerating in this world is beyond hope other than the saving of individuals one at a time to Christ. Every day I wake up and a new dystopian horror is playing out such as the threats to go door-to-door for vaccine shots. Cannot anyone realize this is training the populace for the coming persecution during the Tribulation years? The encouragement by government officials to “snitch” on family, friends and neighbors who are deemed a “threat” whatever that means? The blind faith of taking of an injection that is a fraud and toxic and it’s purpose is again to train the worldwide populace to line up, take a “mark” or be killed?
No, most people can no longer distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, logical from illogical. If they cannot perceive what is going on when the going is still good, what will happen when the shit hits the fan? Do you think they’ll decide to get saved then? NO! For their hearts grow harder the more they reject Jesus Christ, the more they accept evil and participate in it. Many will reach a point of no return as God himself will assist and make sure the final hardening is like that of stone.
I myself was saved decades ago, but I was a lazy Christian walking on the very wide path who, for whatever reason has been shaken from my bed to seek and gain knowledge and share and spread the word. For even if I am completely wrong on a 2028 return of Christ (and my heart and faith tells me I am not), there is a lot of good if people can take it to heart that they may be running out of time to make the free-will choice of salvation. So just do it, it ain’t gonna hurt!
And if you have doubts about where you stand, seek and ask again and have faith. You have to grow your heart not harden it! It is very difficult to grow out of a sick mental mind warping, very hard to grow out of a heart that has almost crossed the permanent line of total rejection of Jesus for if the end times grow near, the window is closing fast! Once the Antichrist comes he will cast a deceiveth spell net so large over the already asleep populace that has been drugged beyond reason, you may not be able to arouse yourself at all!
Again, with a possible 20 – 22 September 2021 stock market topping period in mind, We may be right on track count-wise. Or we may be missing some key subwave clues. So far the last many days/weeks has not clarified the squiggle counts in any meaningful way. At some point there will be better clarity. It just hasn’t happened yet.
However we can still say there are enough waves in place already, however that 24th Fibonacci sequence number of 46,368 is still a ripe target.
The recent subwave pink counts (i) thru (iv) of [iii] is not satisfying, at least at the moment.

Crapple new high today again finally. This is a good sign.

Composite still stretching it’s wave (5) legs and that is good also. The subwave count does not seem complete and the RSI is still peaking which often indicates it is still in its wave 3 or [iii] of 3.

The Wilshire squiggles aren’t probably going to prove correct. But the larger picture of that Fib marker is solidly intact.

We have entered quite an extended period of time that the computer algorithms AI are using delta/gamma to continuously drive prices. They are literally out of control and cannot be turned off. It is the fate of the stock market that its self-destruction will be entirely the fault of computers run amok. Like “HAL” in the movie 2001, they have taken a life of its own and refuse to be shut down. Or like Skynet indeed.