America Babylon 2021 Documentary: FREE FULL MOVIE – YouTube
Yes, the United States is the new Babylon that is discussed in chapters 17 & 18 in Revelation. The scary part is that it is mentioned several times that Babylon will be destroyed in ONE HOUR not by the Antichrist, but by 10 “kings” the Antichrist has promised to put in power. The Antichrist uses the 10 authorities to mass launch nuclear weapons in a surprise attack on the United States. Who are these 10 kings? Are they 10 military or political leaders with nuclear access codes and the Antichrist promises they will be promoted to rule sections of the earth if they launch nukes against the United States? He is a liar after all.
The nuclear attack on the United States (whore) is likely toward the end of the wrath of God period (2025 – 2028) and just prior to the Battle of Armageddon (Fall 2028?). The Antichrist obviously has a reason to nuclear strike the United States first prior to gathering the armies of the earth at Armageddon to do final battle. Perhaps forces of good (the 144,000? and newly converted?) had retaken Jerusalem temporarily and the Antichrist gathers a massive army outside the city with a plan to reconquer the city. Regardless, Jesus comes in and saves the day. We don’t know why the Antichrist chose the spot of Armageddon to do battle, we can only speculate. Maybe it was done just to fulfill prophecy.
Armageddon is where Jesus comes like a thief and destroys the forces of Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. He then establishes his 1000 year reign on earth and he will rule it with an iron rod. Satan is locked away for those 1000 years in the bottomless pit of Hell (center of the earth). The Antichrist and False Prophet – who I believe may be fallen angels taken the form of humans in order to imitate Christ – are tossed straight into the Lake of Fire which is the final resting place for all the damned.
Incidentally, this is one reason why I theorize the Antichrist and False Prophet are fallen angels, as is Satan himself. They do not face “judgement” like every other human that has ever lived must go through as specifically written about in the Revelation. God skipped the judgement before the throne and tossed them straight into the Lake of Fire. Even Hitler will be judged before the throne but it will be a quick case I’m sure.
So the destruction of Babylon the Whore (the United States), Armageddon, and the coming of Christ to defeat them all and establish his 1000 year reign likely happens very fast one after the other at the end, all within the year 2028 is my guess. And the United States will be desolate the entire 1000 year kingdom of Christ. Just like the real city of Babylon is empty and desolate to this very day as was promised in the bible.
And can all this happen in a span of 7 years? Well think about history. Imagine it is August, 1939. The world is relatively at peace except the Japanese are rampaging through China. By 1945, the world was devastated and 100 million dead and millions starving and millions more in mass migration. So yes, a lot can happen fast once social mood shifts toward an extreme negative. This coming shift has probably never been seen before. My target for the DJIA for Grand Supercycle [IV] is less than the 1929 peak which was 389 Dow I believe. So yes, a social mood shift of this magnitude with a world containing 7 billion people will be a horror show.
Only the United States was left untouched in WWII. And isn’t that ironic?
So yes, I am studying every day and praying. I no longer get astonished at all the evil that is going on. The 100 people shot in Chicago on Independence Day weekend is but one example and there will be no effort to bring any to justice. But God will bring them to justice! The lies told every day by the media, the government, and all those in power all over the world. I simply remind myself that this is all proof that we are heading to the final days as we know them. Things are rapidly advancing.
I expect to be forced to “vaccinate” before summer is out to keep my job. I of course will not ever take the jab. Everyone that has taken the jab has been identified and is in a database whether they think so or not. Likewise everyone that has not taken the jab is also identified through process of elimination. In the coming Tribulation, many people will be easy to round up. And our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, will snitch out their sons and daughters to be taken away. This too is prophesized in the bible.
It takes effort to prepare mentally for what could be coming. It dominates my thinking and I don’t have anyone really to talk about it which is why I like to blog about it to get things off my chest. I get many emails and that is very welcomed.
Should we all go hide in the mountains? Would it matter? It is probably too late to go “off-grid” prepper-style for me at least, I still have obligations to fulfill. But others who are able to do so, it’s not a bad idea at all while there is still time.
They are training the masses. They are desensitizing people to accept evil for evil’s sake. They are training the populace to take a shot without question. They gaslight and brainwash us with constant lies to divide us and be angry to kill one another. BLM, Antifa are just modern day Brownshirt goon squads given mandate to provoke the righteous or those normal people who don’t like evil things. It is all obvious and I don’t get mad anymore. I take solace that God will deliver vengeance on all those that thoroughly rejected Jesus and worship Lucifer and deserve no mercy.
I have already rejected the false theory of Germ (virus) theory of contagion so I have no fear of any silly dead cell invisible debris magically floating into my nostrils and making me ill. Its all bullshit and thank God because now I know to never go to a hospital if I can help it. And knowing how not to treat illnesses is a precious wisdom that came just in time. And knowing what not to fear (fake viruses) is what set me on this path to begin with!
So everyday I look for hope but I know there is not much to be found except in the small things like maybe helping your neighbor or feeding your happy dog or preaching the Gospel in hope that something flickers. We are living in all the dystopian movies and novels ever produced and it will get much, much worse. We can see that in how they absolutely refuse to let go of the Covid story. Of course they won’t let go because it is all in the script! We are acting in an end times movie and from that sense it’s very strange. But we do win in the end if we maintain our faith.
Some more decent wave markers are forming. Perhaps the beginning of Minute [iv] of 5 of (5).

The daily give us the best look I think. Peak RSI, unless it occurred at the actual final peak, could indicate a wave three peak which is usually the case.
Again, there are certainly enough waves in place as is...

Its always good when you can make out the little wave bumps on the weekly. if this is indeed an extended wave (5) of [5] of V, it’ll be one heckava collapse from this lofty perch. Remember, wave five extensions represent overreach and usually results in exhaustion. The size of this extended wave (5) is gargantuan.

They couldn’t muster the VIX back over the key 20 mark.