As you may have suspected, I really don’t bother with anything political anymore. Or link to political or cultural “outrages” like everyone else does whether Right or Left. For when you have come to the conclusion as I have since the past month or so, all that stuff simply doesn’t matter anymore. I will however link to the evils that are ever increasing such as the vaccine deaths (upped to 9000 today) and the fact they are jabbing the entire world with graphene oxide for what purposes one can only logically perceive as evil.
The evil non-believers are pushing every toxic thing they can on the populace. From the shoving of critical race theory down our throats, to the BLM and Antifa goon squads, vaccination threats of going door to door, to the constant gaslighting and lying in our faces from governmental officials and media of all sorts, Facebook, Google, You Tube, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft. It’s all designed to provoke and create reaction which sooner or later will occur once the stock market collapses and moods really sour. For now there is still restraint. It will not end, it will only get worse.
Those that place their salvation in “vaccine” compliance, or politician’s promises will be sorely disappointed in the end. There is no salvation left on this entire planet other than working to save the unsaved as best as possible. I am not very good at it and I have seen how jaded men’s hearts have become. Those that continue to have hope in winning political issues through ANY politician – Trump included – are wasting precious energy and time. It is a lost cause. Your time is better prepared getting ready for the Tribulation of which we will all have to endure.
And so I don’t get upset anymore at all the evil. Sure it makes me sad, all the lies and death and destruction and mayhem and debauchery that is never ending particularly in the United States. Every satanic leftist evil has been unleashed with fury and I really only think its going to get much, much worse. But of course it will if the 7 year tribulation kicks off officially before the year is out! Likely before the month of October is out.
I know I am facing persecution for declaring I am a Follower of Christ but I take comfort of the reward at the end. So I am quietly preparing myself physically, mentally and spiritually. And yes, I am stocking provisions for the coming famine. Right now its a lot of canned tuna, canned chicken, spam and bags of rice. I have to get around reading some prepper sites but I just don’t have time. Most of this stuff is good through 2023 but in an Apocalypse I am sure it can be stretched. And yes I have firearm protection. And my modest swimming pool holds 10,000 gallons so it is a source of water for now if I can keep it filtered through the summer, and I cover in the winter. I am ordering a water distillation machine. I have a generator. I am stockpiling fuel, at least 50 gallons. Medicinal products, etc. So its a start anyway.
In Revelation, Chapter 12, it talks about how there is a war in heaven and Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven and thrown unto the earth.
This casting out of Satan is the “four horses of the apocalypse” as read about in Chapter 6. We have all heard about them. They came down to earth to begin the tribulation period and begin the consolidation of power of the Antichrist. Again, I believe the Antichrist and False Prophet are fallen angels that will take the form of men – just like Jesus took the form of a man. Satan we know is the chief fallen angel, sometimes called the devil or Lucifer. And he is a copycat which is how he will deceive.
But did you know that Satan has been residing between heaven and earth all this time? That he can pester God and complain and slander the people on the earth and give blasphemous testimony? Once he is cast out of heaven, this will start an increase of evil all over the world probably tenfold for starters. The current evil is just a “precurser” to the greater evil that is to come no later than the end of this October 2021. Check back in a few months and see if this is true. See if you can feel a significant rise in evil later this year.
Of course if you are not saved, you will think I am batshit crazy and you will likely cheer on the evil because as evil thinks, evil does. If you are the one screaming for mandatory “vaccinations” and forcing people against their choice, denying them services, you are probably not saved. In fact, I think you would fit right in to the side that does the rounding up and operates the guillotines. I don’t ever get arguments from anybody that I am not correct in that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and people are pissed off underneath.
You can only gaslight for so long. But again, it is the plan to do just that. And in the end it is all part of God’s larger plan. God will shortly throw all the players onto the game board and he will see where we all decide which side to play for. This is the “pick your team” phase. Yet, all will be tested.
There is a lot of unpaid justice to mete out. People who have been senselessly murdered and beaten to death will get their justice. The perverts who abduct the children and abuse them to no end will get tried and judged. Lets just say that evil will be allowed to reign supreme for 3 1/2 years and then a bit more and then they will have to face the wrath of God for 3+ years. Jesus will rescue the believers in him prior to the trumpets and vials of wrath pouring out onto the earth.
Revelation 9:6 “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. “
So yes, the Saints will be down like 45 – 0 at halftime, but then we bring in Jesus off the bench and he scores touchdown after touchdown spiking the ball in the endzone after each one. And the good guys win in a landslide like about 100 – 45. Book it.
Quite the snapback. This is what I was talking about a few posts back in that this is all behaving like an extended wave (5). Quick zigzag dips and then burst higher. There hasn’t been a lot of variation in the corrective waves since wave (5) started.
Since we now have yet another bump to add to the count, things may be starting to clarify; THE BEST WAY TO VIEW THINGS IS THAT THE MARKET IS LIKELY SEEKING THE TOP OF WAVE [iii] of 5 of (5) ON THE WILSHIRE 5000. The other indexes should match somewhat accordingly.

Note the robust internals on the NYSE which suggest it found new legs again to run on for a bit. Its been like a yo-yo. Very dangerous market though.