Here is a neat trick I want to show you that is in C.J. Lovik’s video that helped him unlock Daniel’s 70th week prophecy.
Jesus died on the cross Wednesday April 28, 28 A.D. and ascended to heaven Sunday, May 2, 28 AD. This is another topic to be explored but Gabriel Ansley and C.J. Lovik both came to the same conclusion on their own and I agree. Technically he was resurrected on May 1st Saturday night after 6 pm after spending perfectly 72 hours in the grave from Wednesday 6 pm to Saturday 6 pm (Hebrew days are from evening to morning as described in Genesis). I too believe this is the correct timeline of Christ.
Here is a neat thing:
Take 1948 (year that Israel was a nation again) and multiply it by God’s 360 prophetic days in a year (instead of 365.25).
1948 x 360 prophetic days = 701,280 prophetic days.
With a start date of either Saturday May 1st (or May 2 if you include the last day in the count), 28 A.D. add 701,280 days and you will end with 14 May, 1948 the very day Israel became a nation again!
Note the picture below. I used this calculator below with the start date of 2 May and included end date in calculation. Or you can use Saturday, 1 May and not include the end date in calculation.
Just a neat parlor trick? Of course not! God is revealing much to all at the end of times!

I think I have found out my purpose in this life at this late stage of mankind’s 7000 year timeline. God has awakened me to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ but also to warn and teach what we are truly facing with the coming end of times tribulation and great wrath of God time period. I am just one of his woken chosen of many who are trying to get the word out that the end as we know is drawing near.
God encourages me to pray, seek and publish timelines and describe events of the Tribulation/Wrath of God 7 year period based on biblical scripture of the only uncorrupted bible in English existence, The King James Bible. We are very near to where things will be set in motion in the final 7 years prior to Christ’s 1000 year Kingdom being established. So the time is short, and God steers me to something new to learn every day. How I get all this information organized and interesting and useful is a bit overwhelming but I trust God makes my fingers type swiftly and truly as much as I am able.
This is entirely based on biblical scripture and interpretations thereof. I am of the belief that God’s word of the bible is perfect and has been preserved as such. The King James Bible was translated directly from the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament by a massive team of scholars who labored to get it correct. As English speakers, it is the only English bible source we should be using.
I am of the belief of the trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are one and the same and have always existed. I am of the belief in bible prophecy as viewed in a most logical manner and that God wants us and demands us to understand. God wants me to blog about timelines of events that are coming! God is not cryptic. Yet those who are not saved will not understand the bible. If you are saved and have an open heart and pray, you will come to see things as simply and as logically as they were written as I have.
One must piece together the entire bible and you will realize there is a perfect consistency throughout. The bible gives us pieces of information on the end times throughout almost every book and often describes the same events with the most important book the last, The Revelation of Christ. Yet each passage sited in other books of the bible perfectly adds information or reinforces and collected as a whole, will tell a quite clear story of the things that are to happen at the end of times as we know it. And it certainly gives us timelines that must be pieced together from different parts of the bible to give us the entire end timeline.
There is much confusion out there concerning Daniel’s 70th week, The Rapture, God’s Wrath and the “coming of Christ”. Most people don’t know what Daniel’s 70th week is so it may be new to some readers. However we have all heard of the second coming of Christ, the Rapture, the Great Tribulation period, Christ’s 1000 year kingdom on earth, the Antichrist, etc. Of these things, most Christians and non-Christians are sorely confused about and if they have not been taught correctly, or most likely not taught at all, they will be in danger of succumbing to false prophets in the coming years and being led down the wrong path for the path is indeed narrow. The main purpose of my coming essay writings will be to clarify and explain all these main points for they are most important in this day and age. I will help guide those to the narrow path as best as I am able and as God guides me to do so.
Why me? Well I have a (blog) voice so it is intended be used. I am not a very good “soul winner” when it comes to speaking to someone in person, at least not yet. My strengths may be in the sowing of seeds in the field, and for now this blog is the best way I can do it. I may not convince anyone who is not a believer, but if I can plant a seed that can be watered later on or steer to resources that help understand, then it is in the service of God and is worthy. Maybe your typical Wall Street stock chart watcher is typically not saved. So I am serving that segment of the population perhaps. I will still be doing my wave charts!
Am I a lifelong biblical scholar? Absolutely not! In fact I really just started reading it. But I have watched Pastor Steven Anderson’s 22 hour Revelation sermon series (1 for each chapter) and I highly recommend it. I also viewed his 12 hour sermon series on the Book Of Daniel. I am currently finishing a series on Thessalonians. These are harder to find but he has done a sermon on every chapter of every book in the bible if you search hard enough (just replace “1” in the address bar and hit return and you can find many, many sermons on different books). His Book of Revelation series is almost required viewing if one is to really get into the meat of things. It is the most logical approach to bible prophecy I have ever witnessed and of course he pulls no punches when it comes to preaching. It is a refreshing blast of wind!
He spends LOTS of time on why there are false teachings and how and why they came into being. Pastor Anderson can quote the bible from his head more than any Pastor I have seen. And he quickly ties every theme together by proving it with biblical scripture. He cuts through the bullshit and tells it like it is. If one is feint-hearted and offended, then bible prophecy and the teachings of Jesus may be completely out of reach. So I will warn right here and now: The bible teaches us that the wrath of God is real and it is coming and it cannot be sugarcoated. You may be proud to fly the “pride” rainbow flag and insist others worship that flag, but God is not accepting of that behavior. Again, if you are offended and turn away I can not help you. You will be in grave danger of your soul during the coming wrath period if you are not saved prior to the Rapture.
Again, the purpose of my coming blog essay series (I will still do waves!) will be to explain everything about the coming end times based on scripture and how it is clear to me. Much of it is a logical approach as most of you know I have written about logical approaches many times over the years. The bible is a logical masterpiece! It was not meant to be cryptic and hard to read, you just may not be saved and/or not praying that the word of God is coming to you if you are having a hard time. Or you may be completely stuck on long-held false beliefs for a very long time.
That is my very advantage! Having never studied the bible or bible prophecy, I was a clean slate to God and he is seeing that my knowledge increases rapidly! He has quickly led me to sources on the internet that he knew I would greatly benefit from. It has not been a struggle and after only a month, I feel compelled to write about these things as I feel I have been appointed this task.
I’ll lay out some basics in this post and clarify some terms. Many have long-held beliefs and will immediately disagree with me on things. But I will clarify with scripture in detail in other posts. All I can say is I hope to spread many seeds that take root.
This is the most sought-after bible prophecy ever attempted to be understood. For in Daniel 9, the angel Gabriel tells Daniel exactly when the coming end time – what we now know as Christ’s 1000 year Kingdom on Earth – will be. Scholars sought for centuries the meaning and it is clear that every attempt failed. Why? Because it was sealed up and locked away until the end of times as also told in the Book of Daniel.
But now that we are near the end of times, I am under the firm belief that this prophecy was finally revealed last year to C.J. Lovik who brilliantly posted it in this video (I do not agree however with his view on per-tribulation rapture).
It is my firm belief the last 7 years prior to the establishing of Christ’s 1000 year kingdom on the earth (Daniel’s 70th week) will begin this September, 2021 and end with Christ’s Kingdom on earth in September, 2028. Many people call this time the Tribulation or Great Tribulation period but that is misleading and leads to extreme errors in thinking.
This is where all the confusion and false doctrine comes into play and this is where Christians are taught that they will be magically whisked away and will avoid any unpleasantness of the final years of earth as we know it. NO! The bible and Jesus himself teaches that Christians will always face persecution and tribulation. The end times will be no different. This is why no one teaches the Book of Revelation because we all think we don’t have to know what’s going on in that book as if it is just “extra credit”. It is not! It is the most important book, particularly now!
The Antichrist, Satan and the False Prophet are kicked out of Heaven for good and unleashed upon the earth at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week (September, 2021). The Antichrist will make a covenant with many – the unbelievers or Luciferian worshippers – and begin his consolidation of power starting this year. Satan is the Antichrist’s “father”. The False Prophet is the “spirit”. I am of the belief that the Antichrist and False Prophet are fallen angels (just like Satan). Both will take human form and, as formerly angelic beings, will be given power to perform miracles that fool many into believing the Antichrist is the real Messiah. The Antichrist will even die outright and come back to life. This will fool many that the Antichrist is the Messiah.
The Antichrist will continue to consolidate power over the entire earth for about the first half of the 7 years or about 3 1/2 years. He then gains total power over the earth and begins his rule. So the first 3 1/2 years is known as the “Tribulation” to Christians. Christians will be persecuted and many will be killed outright for showing of faith in Christ. We must endure as Christians have always endured and faced persecution throughout the ages. There will be war and famine and many deaths.
When the Antichrist takes total power at the middle of 7 years as explained above, really awful things will begin to happen for Christians. The False Prophet institutes a magical graven image of the Antichrist in the (now) rebuilt Temple of Jerusalem and demands people worship the image and the Antichrist himself. Just like God demands we accept Jesus, Satan is deceiving the world and copycatting every detail in the bible as best he can.
Satan demands we accept the Antichrist and will kill us that do not. And many will be deceive and your brother or sister or son or daughter will betray you over it and turn you in. If you take the mark of the beast and denounce the real Jesus Christ you will be eternally damned by God. If you refuse the mark you will be beheaded, as a minimum (there will likely be such things as the “drawing and quartering” performed as was done in the middle ages – very terrifying). This period of time after the Antichrist takes power and prior to the second coming of Christ in the clouds is what Jesus called the “Great Tribulation” and will last about 2 1/2 months or so. After that terrible time is when Jesus cuts the time short and comes roaring down in the clouds to “Rapture” the believers (saved) in what’s commonly known as the “Second Coming of Christ” to take place in possibly May/June/July 2025.
The signs of the second coming of Christ will be the sun and moon darkened (or made to blood) and the stars fall from heaven and a great earthquake felt over the entire planet with a loud angel Trumpet call from heaven. This should take place spring/summer 2025. ALL ON EARTH will know that he, Jesus Christ, God’s son, will have come down out of heaven upon the clouds. This is the “Day of the Lord” and “The Second Coming of Christ”, “The Rapture” and the coming “Wrath of God” all rolled into one day.
After his stunning entrance, his angels (the falling stars from heaven) will go to all lengths of the earth to collect the saved believers in Jesus and gather them up to meet him in the clouds. This is the Rapture of both the living and dead. The dead will rise first and meet up with their souls coming down from heaven. And then the living will meet up, all with Christ in the clouds. All with be transformed into a new body and soul and taken to heaven to await for a time when Christ establishes his 1000 year reign on earth (2028).
After the Rapture has been accomplished, the Wrath of God time period will take place starting the very same day upon the unbelievers of the earth who are left behind. This is the true fury on those that are left on the earth. The 7 trumpets and 7 vials are poured out over the remaining 3+ year period of unbelievers from 2025 to the end in September, 2028.
The Rapture IS the second coming of Christ and it is NOT to be confused of the time described later in Revelation when Jesus comes down on a white horse to make war with Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet known as the Battle of Armageddon (September 2028). On that day after their defeat Jesus will establish his 1000 year rule on earth and all the saved of the world both those who were dead and living that have new bodies at the Rapture 3 years prior will come down from heaven and rule with him on earth as immortals because they will not die a second death.
I hope this all helps and is just a beginning. I will go into much more detail in other essays but the main point I want to stress is that Christians who think they will be avoiding the “tribulation” period (Antichrist’s consolidation of power) and then for a short time the “great tribulation” period (when the Antichrist slaughters Christians wholesale after he gains complete earth control) will be sorely confused because they were never taught properly! They WILL however avoid the Wrath of God period in which God pours out his judgement and destruction upon the unbelievers without respite.
We must endure tribulation and even great tribulation as Jesus himself described in Matthew 24 (and Luke and Mark). Our time will be cut short via the Rapture event. And those who were left behind on earth will have to endure God’s great wrath for at least 3 years. Many will die of course.
This is why it is important that I plant a seed of redemption into everyone I can! Jesus only comes as a thief in the night to those who were not expecting! For the saved, if you study your bible prophecy and learn the Book of Revelation, you will be ready and know what to expect and what to look for!
Start now!!! Watch the Revelation sermon series linked here!! It is actually highly entertaining and informative and its from 2013 so you will not be bogged down with modern politics or current events.
God Bless you all!

If you split Revelation 2 halves, it can be understood when viewing from that perspective. Each half covers certain same events but from different views with different details.