The next biblical event is the War in Heaven described in Revelation. I talk about this in my recent post here about the Four Horses of the Apocalypse.
People think that the modern nation of Israel is proof that God has “brought his chosen people back and fulfilled prophecy”. That is a lie. Those that do not have the Son, have not the Father. The “Star of David” is not of David it is of Remphant, of Moloch. It is modern Jesus-rejecting Jews, through the #1 Antichrist religion of Judaism, who are preparing the way for the Antichrist! At some point the number #2 Antichrist religion of Islam will join forces with the Jews. This will happen when the Antichrist is able to speak great things and seemingly solve the coming world anarchy and war and pestilences. Both will work to rebuild the Temple and it will not be a place of God just as it is not now. For as I said, those religions don’t have the Father if not the Son. The bible is very clear on that. Jesus told us countless times and twice in Revelation, that those who call themselves Jews are not Jews but of the Synagogue of Satan. We, the saved, are the Jews!
Modern Israel was sprung forth through the work of Satan through the controlling Jewish banksters who bought off the politicians. It was born of an act of the evil United Nations. The fact that Satan is using Christianity to fulfill his plans is no accident. For he is the great deceiver and many of today’s Pastors are only taught through a narrow lens that the Jews of modern Israel are God’s special people. That false doctrine warps their entire view on many biblical teachings most importantly the Revelation of Christ and the unfolding of end times events.
I will point to 2 sermons by Pastor Anderson that absolutely destroys the genealogy myth and exposes all the lies that the Jews tell.
The Jews and their lies. Part 1 of 2. Pastor Steven Anderson and Roger Jimenez – YouTube
The Jews and their lies. Part 2 of 2. Pastor Steven Anderson – YouTube
The second sermon destroys the genealogy myth and he does math and the bible to prove it.
This matching film explores things in great detail. MARCHING TO ZION (Full Film) – YouTube
Pastor Anderson makes a great point that we should not hate those others of a false religion. I do not hate Jews! But if we love them we must save them to Christ not tell them they are special ! But it is hard as we all know because most modern Jews are very offended by Jesus Christ. Islam is just as hard because the penalty of apostasy is death. But we must try!
The vast majority of today’s Jews are just average people trying to live a good life. You can compare this to your average Christians or average Muslim. Many do not “practice” the religion or even attend services. Or if they do, they don’t make it a big deal. Yet Satan is using Judaism and Christian’s sympathy (which is a modern teaching) for it to prepare the world to accept the real Antichrist. At some point the religion of Islam will join up and help rebuild the Temple. The ultimate goal of Satan and the Antichrist is of course to unite the entire world in a one world religion, one world government, and demand all on earth worship him or be put to death. His goal is to ensnare us all if he can.
It is modern Judaism that is paving the way, preparing for the coming of the Antichrist. Unfortunately and unwittingly many average Jews and Christians don’t have a clue about what really is going to happen in the end times because Satan made sure they were not taught. Satan made sure most modern Christians are taught the Jews of modern Israel are God’s special people. It is all a lie of course. Most Pastor’s preach that Revelation is for the (modern) Jews and that we are Raptured out of here before anything bad happens. That too is false doctrine.
Satan made sure he infiltrated all those bible universities that train Pastors to make sure they preach the double deadly lies of 1) The modern Jews of the nation of Israel are special and God brought them back to Israel 2) We are raptured out of here before the Antichrist comes. This is just stupid to be honest and doesn’t even make any common sense. If anything it is the perfect trap set by Satan himself!
Who is the Antichrist fooling if millions of Believers are whisked out of here before anything bad happens to anybody? Why would Jesus-hating Jews be under God’s blessing and thus modern Israel is a blessing? It is both false lies spawned of Satan! This is how he has prepared the coming spiritual battlefield! He is the master of Lies! Satan has been using the unwitting Pastors of churches and Rabbis of Judaism to prepare his coming spiritual war (and eventual flesh-killing war) against the believers in Christ! Is this not obvious? And as a result the entire flock of Christians, and average Jews who can be saved, are wholly unprepared to face the coming 3 1/2 years (or whenever it comes) of tribulation of the Saints. Because Satan made sure to spread those 2 false lies far and wide!
I highly recommend you watch the After the Tribulation – Full Movie – Bible Prophecy Film – YouTube
And if you haven’t checked out Pastor Anderson’s 22 hour sermon series on Revelation, it is also available all over You Tube.
Or Babylon USA Official Film Documentary Pastor Steven Anderson Paul Wittenberger – YouTube
The Muslims are waiting for the next great prophet. They too have been prepped to believe that the Antichrist will be that person. The Hindus and Buddhists are also prepared through their false religions to be ready to accept the Antichrist as someone special. Satan has been preparing the battlefield for many centuries and it is all starting to come to a head. Does not anyone see that the current global “vaccination” campaign is a major real-life foreshadowing of the mark of the beast? Satan is preparing all the nations of the earth into injecting into the right hand (or the forehead if you don’t have a right hand) some form of microchip at a future date.
Sound far fetched? No because God has told us in the bible that he will cast a great delusion on the unsaved so they can believe the lies. Heck, they already believe all the lies!
And I have to tell you, I wonder about Catholics as they are led by a lefty Jesuit pope who not only approves of the clot shot, but urges members take it for the good of humanity. The fact of the matter is that many Catholics are not saved. They may think they are, but they aren’t. Catholic means “universal” by the way. How many Catholics will take the mark of the beast as a result? Lots! They have been prepped by Satan.
So the conditions for the end times events are perfectly being aligned, all prepped by the master of lies the Devil. The world’s major false religions of Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and any other “isms” and even a large tract of Christianity that call themselves Christians but are not actually saved and will be ready to accept the Antichrist. For the saved CANNOT take the mark of the beast! Don’t worry it will not be possible! But it will be possible you will be beheaded or even drawn and quartered or burnt at the stake. So we must be ready spiritually! This generation of Christians deserves it! We have many saved Christians unwittily doing Satan’s bidding in the spreading of lies that have helped pave the way for the Antichrist they will have to face! Personally I think these Pastors will all get sought out – hey they are Pastors so the devil knows where they live – and be killed for the cause of Christ and not make it to the very rapture that they all insisted would happen first. But I do not wish that! It is just something to ponder on!
So who are the leaders who are doing the secret behind the scenes prep work for the Antichrist? I highly recommend you visit Brian Shilhavy’s many blogs including Created for Health. He has many excellent articles on these subjects and more. The only nitpick I have is that he is not using a King James Bible but one of the many corrupted versions that Satan of course was responsible for that. You won’t find the name of Lucifer in any of the corrupted versions but it is in the King James! So you can see how Satan has been working throughout for decades to infiltrate and setup lies. And to make sure the world is spiritually weakened and full of wickedness.
And if you have 5 hours, please watch this Insider’s Freemason testimony also on his website.
In conclusion, if the War in Heaven happens this next month in September – I am looking at 20th – 22nd specifically or October – we should be watching for more possible signs. One such sign is total financial system collapse and panic which of course was the primary purpose of this blog when I created it over a decade ago. The financial system of fractional reserve lending is of course a worldwide lie also ingrained into people. And it is about to have the rug pulled out from under it.
When the Antichrist comes down to earth and makes covenant with the secret cabal who are steering world events mark the beginning of the collapse? Will that be the day the curtain is drawn for the final act of Daniel’s 70th week?
Better late than never.
Are we in overthrow territory of the wedge?

However the DJIA is missing a new high to complete its own ending diagonal wedge.