I meant to post this story on the “contaminated” (it’s not a bug, it’s a feature) Moderna vaccine supposedly found in Japan. Japan Suspects Contaminant In Moderna Vaccines Is Metallic, ‘Reacts To Magnets’ | ZeroHedge. The mainstream media quickly buried the story by omitting the “reaction to magnets”, or even that it looked like metallic material and just called it “contaminants”. Whatever. We all know it’s graphene oxide and it is likely only in certain lots or even certain vials. The entire thing has been an abominable experiment on humanity. They need to figure out the dosages to not outright kill people. And they have killed a LOT.
Yet the pressure to keep jabbing hasn’t abated. I had expected more corporate mandates but that probably won’t happen until after Labor Day. They approved the Pfizer and figured “X” amount of undecided people would rush out and get jabs. Maybe they expect a higher number and are just waiting. Yet, I do expect more corporate mandates either being announced this weekend, or after Labor Day. Summer vacations are coming to an end and I expect the hammer to come down next week.
Surreal video out of Afghanistan. This video obviously is enraging many and offending many and yet it would not surprise me if our CIA supplied the Afghani pilot! There are dark forces moving in this world and we must all get right with Jesus, because there is nothing happening in this world that leads me to believe that we will not be entering the last 7 years soon with Jesus defeating Satan, the Antichrist, and False Prophet and establishing his Kingdom in late September 2028.
Could I be a few years early? Of course, we might be 10 years early! It could be all this is still part of the buildup phase. I do however think once the stock market final high comes in – due any month now we hope! – and this massive bubble finally pops, the world’s most serious financial collapse will spark major unrest that leads to wars and rumours of wars, famine and death, as is foretold in the Book of Revelation.
The Tribulation period will see 1/4 of the earth’s population dying, at least that is how many interpret the passage about the 4th horse of Death and Hell. It seems believable because Jesus warned it would be the greatest Tribulation of mankind ever seen or ever will be seen so it seems 25% of the total population dying within 3 1/2 years seems to qualify. And this is prior to God’s wrath! Can wars and famines cause this much death? If we divide 7.6 billion, that means 1.9 billion dead in the first 3 1/2 years with another 3 1/2 years of God’s wrath to finish it out.
Would nuclear weapons be involved? Unsure, but if so, that would help explain a lot of mass death. However mass nuclear fallout would seem to go against the “normality of life” that Jesus alluded to in Matthew 24 on the very day of the rapture. Mass nuclear fallout – in the first 3 1/2 years when the Saints (the believers of Jesus, the saved) are still on the earth – would likely make it very difficult to accomplish all the things that need to go on thereafter. Communications would be knocked out how would we all see that the Antichrist declares himself or the 2 witnesses? My guess is I don’t think we’ll have mass nuclear warfare until late in the Wrath of God period. Babylon is destroyed late in the 7 year period, over 3 years after the Rapture has occurred. What else would be responsible for that much death in the Tribulation period prior to the wrath of God period? Since I am a non-believer in Germ theory of contagion, I do not think it will be a “virus” as many have suspected. Here is again what Death and Hell 4th horse verse says in Revelation 6:
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
Mass death via the clot shot would fit under the above category of “and with death”. A generic, “you’re going to die” statement.
So I don’t think we will have “WWIII” as depicted with launching complete nuclear arsenals as we have always feared resulting in mass nuclear fallout. It could be limited nuclear strikes though, I certainly wouldn’t be surprised. We will have WWIII though in some form or fashion. However, I would think mass launching of nuclear weapons is reserved for Babylon (USA) right before the Battle of Armageddon. But again, a nuke going off here and there in the first half of Daniel’s 70th week may likely happen, I just don’t think it’ll be a complete nuclear exchange between many nations or even 2.
So what could cause mass death of 1.9 billion people if not by nuclear weapons? Is it any coincidence we are still injecting an experimental and highly suspect “vaccine” to the tune of 5.25 billion doses to now (supposedly) 39.3% of the entire world’s population and we have no idea if it will kill many after 2-3 years or not. No one knows!
Am I predicting this? Not necessarily, but we just don’t know! Many, many, very respectable scientists ARE predicting mass death due to the jab in the coming few years, just hang out on Bitchute for a day and you can find countless of interviews. I have linked to many over the months but I am past that stage because we just don’t know yet. However, I suspect it may have a part to play.
If you know anything about bible prophecy, things that are prophesized usually almost always have a dual fulfillment purpose, in fact they all do. The first prophesized event happens and the other is “foreshadowed”. Something that happens in the near future of when the prophecy was spoken, and then happens again at the end of days. Foreshadowing is a cornerstone theme of bible prophecy. So I ask this question:
Is the “vaccine” a real-life foreshadowing of the mark of the beast? I most definitely think so! Are the horrible “vaccine” deaths happening now a foreshadow of mass “vaccine” deaths of those “vaccinated” a few years from now? Well, it sure wouldn’t surprise me. Now I have not been one of those that have insisted that everyone that gets a shot will surely die from it within a few years. We just don’t know how many placebo’s have been given out. Nor what dosages of whatever the hell is in them. I also have always believed the human body has a robust way of cleaning out toxic substances such as what is in these vaccines. Yet we just don’t know how the body will hold up 2-3 years from now.
What I DO suspect, is that if we keep injecting this stuff, it WILL kill way more people than if everybody just stops getting jabbed right now. And the chief antichrist religion of the Israels – Judaism -have demanded their citizens do just that this month of September. Their vaccine passports will run out unless they get jab #3. So yes, billions more shots to come – worldwide – at this rate!
Let’s just list the similarities of the vaccine and compare it to the mark of the beast as mentioned in Revelation 13:
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
The mark requires both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to take the mark. The vaccine is demanded of the same.
The vaccine is injected into your arm. The mark is also injected in the body. Most people think it is a tattoo or something. No! it is a microchip that can hold your information placed under your skin. Read the King James! It is IN THE HAND, or IN THE FOREHEAD (in case you don’t have a right hand). We already do this with pets and people have had it done to themselves. I suspect all of the leaders that run this evil world already had it done to themselves!
No man may buy or sell unless they take the mark. Although we have not reached that point with the vaccine, if you are a reader of this blog, do I really need to link to the horror stories going on all over the world? Obviously again, the vaccine is a foreshadow of the real thing to come later. Yet we can see that the prevention of buying and selling has indeed already happened if you didn’t take the vaccine and thus do not have a passport.
There are many theories on what the name of the beast and number of his name means, but since you are demanded to worship the beast, it could be a temporary “mark of the beast passport” system. In other words, it’ll take a while to inject a microchip “mark” into all the people of the world who bends the knee to the Antichrist. So the “name” or the “number” could be a temporary/permanent tattoo in lieu of the mark for those shops and venues that do not have an electronic system setup or those who just haven’t been able to get the mark yet due to supply or logistical problems. This also is what happened in the early vaccination program. Shots were limited yet people virtue-signaled fealty that they couldn’t wait for their shot to “return to normal”. In any case, your damned to hell if you do any of the three, the mark, the name or the number.
Thus on the vaccine side of the analogy the paper card “vaccine passport” is a temporary thing for many. For instance the paper cards work for proof of vaccination. But we all know they want to eliminate this option and move to a foolproof digital system. These are already in existence such as Israel, Europe, New York, etc. All run by the Jewish cabal of course!
Is it any wonder that Israel is the LEADER in the covid vaccination effort in almost every case? They have very high vaccination rates, forced vaccinations or loss of job and freedom, mandatory boosters. It seems to me that this situation is also a FORESHADOW of who is ushering the Antichrist. And is it a coincidence that Pfizer’s CEO is a Satanic-worshipping reprobate, Jesus-hating Jew that has made special compacts with the Israeli government? Are you all getting yet what is going on?
The number of the beast is the number of a man. This passage let’s us know the Antichrist is a man. Who that man may be we will not know but those with wisdom will figure it once the Antichrist is on the worldwide scene. It seems to me it is NO COINCIDENCE that the vaccine is a foreshadow of the eventual mark of the beast. Luciferian Satanists, I believe, have a requirement to tell us outright at some point what they plan on doing to us. They always do as I have shown many times. Yet this time their evil plans are right under everyone’s noses.
And incidentally, the vaccine did not let anything in this world “return to normal” did it? AND IT NEVER WILL, IT WAS ALL A BIG FAT LIE and Lucifer and the evil world leaders are laughing. Most everyone was tricked, hey that’s what the devil does folks! The entire plandemic has been planned for decades. They have been trying to get a plandemic since the 1970’s swine flu fiasco but the technology was just not in place. Psychological conditions were just not in place yet. And they hadn’t yet captured all the governments of the world, university’s, science institutions, mass media, and EVERY institution IN EVERY nation and ALL corporations of the world. Well, that part is complete. And thus the plandemic was launched.
My final comparison is also a potential foreshadow and we might be able to use it to SAVE some people to the cause of Christ. The foreshadow is this: Anyone who demands religious fealty to the vaccine now is likely currently NOT saved to Jesus and will likely succumb to the mark of the beast and be fooled by the Antichrist and thus be damned eternally. Those that took the vaccine as a “good citizen” are mostly just ignorant and certainly many are already saved. The unsaved can be saved. Spread this link far and wide if you think it has any merits. Maybe someone just reading these words will step back and wonder what the hell is going on in this world. I can tell you this, the vaccines are evil, unholy, filthy, and not righteous in any way, shape, or form! Trust in Jesus! Not some dirty injection of who knows what!
God is showing us all this if we are wise. For here is how salvation to Jesus works. Watch that 10 minute video if you are not sure you are saved. This is a real-life savi, it doesn’t take long.
And know this, once saved you CANNOT LOSE your salvation for Jesus promised this. So this fact alone tells me there will be no saved that can take the mark of the beast. Which is why I URGE you to save yourself by calling on the name of Jesus Christ and once saved, you will be spiritually prevented from taking the evil mark. You don’t have to even give up committing sins it is not a requirement, although once we get closer you might change your mind. ALL IT TAKES IS FAITH IN JESUS! WE ARE ALL SINNERS, WE DESERVE HELL, YET JESUS DIED FOR OUR SINS, WAS RAISED AGAIN FROM THE DEAD AFTER 3 DAYS! Bamn! That is our ticket out of here when the time comes! Easy!
Many will run and hide, but I am not. I’ll blog until I can blog no more.
If this is a wedge “overthrow” spike, the spike sure is robustly formed and should reverse. Today was a negative breadth and negative advancers day on the NYSE. Running out of steam?

We could tolerate a modest higher high on the DJIA which is lagging. That would complete its own ending diagonal triangle and it has a more classic form than the Wilshire. Underthrow or even truncation as it is now on the DJIA may be deadly for the market.